Upbeat Cat News–Max the Cat Graduates with Doctoral Degree
Catscapades | Cat stories and cat mysteries
by Patricia
1M ago
Love this story of Max, the cat, earning a Doctoral Degree at Vermont State U at Castleton after 4 years hanging around the campus. According to the story, he was friend to every student, helped to keep their anxiety level down, consoled and maybe even counseled them during rough times and just made the campus a more pleasant place to be. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/cat-roams-university-campus-4-173249442.html (copy and paste the link). I think you’ll enjoy the story ..read more
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Big Day in the Klepto and Calico Cat Mystery Factory
Catscapades | Cat stories and cat mysteries
by Patricia
1M ago
We’ve just published our 90th book in the factory–Number 70 in the Klepto Cat series. This one’s fun because the cover features a photo I took of the cat-model for these stories. This is Smokey aka Rags. chasing a bee in my mother’s garden. In this story Craig and Iris’s new home is finally a reality and they plan a housewarming, but someone or some thing is attempting to quash their dreams. Their peace and safety are at risk also at risk so they summon the sheriff’s department and solicit the assistance of a psychic to help unravel the growing mystery. When all else fails, they bring in Rags ..read more
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Keeping Up With Cat Holidays
Catscapades | Cat stories and cat mysteries
by Patricia
2M ago
Today is one of my favorite cat holidays. In fact I like it so much that I indulge in it every day of the year. It’s International Hug Your Cat Day. Can you imagine all of the kitty-cat hugs going on this week and probably every day of the year if you’re as huggie with your cat as I am. But imagine the thousands of cats that won’t get a hug or even a brief petting or a second look today or any day of any week—the homeless and lost cats. And folks they’re everywhere—in every country, state, community, and neighborhood. And there are thousands of people working tirelessly to make life better for ..read more
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Catscapades Feedback
Catscapades | Cat stories and cat mysteries
by Patricia
2M ago
I’d like to thank those of you who commented on my post where I revealed my possible plan to end or cut back on my blog posting. I appreciate knowing that some of you read my posts and that you benefit from and enjoy them. With that in mind, I’ll consider continuing in some manner. As writers often do, I’ll go with my impulses and share what’s on my mind and in my heart maybe sporadically or not. It appears that many of you are interested in Olivia and in my two mystery series, and I will keep that in mind as I plan occasional or frequent blog posts. At any rate, you’ll receive notices of post ..read more
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Changes to the Catscapades Blog
Catscapades | Cat stories and cat mysteries
by Patricia
2M ago
You may have noticed my absence this week. Yeah, I’m getting kind of burned out on producing this 15 year old blog. For most of those years I posted 5 days a week, then I cut down to 3 days a week. While I’ve enjoyed bringing the blog to you, I’m also to the point that all I want to do is write–the books. I’m considering keeping the blog alive–only posting just when I have an announcement: a new book, or something that interests me that I think might interest you. Your feedback about this decision is welcome ..read more
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Feline Fun Friday – New Calico Cat Mystery
Catscapades | Cat stories and cat mysteries
by Patricia
2M ago
Olivia reveals a well-kept secret hidden among the books. Olivia and Parker are summoned to a mountain village with Jag and Archie to expose a mystery that’s plaguing a small bookstore. Nonnie and her pup, Louie, go along for the ride, and what a ride it is. They save an abused dog, rescue a woman and two feral cats after their car careens off a mountain road, and they discover that Nonnie has a history with Jag’s uncle, who has a cabin in the area. Meanwhile Olivia’s curiosity and instincts are at work unfolding the complicated and elusive bookstore mystery which takes some most unexpected tw ..read more
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Paws Up for Wednesday—Olivia Turns Four Today
Catscapades | Cat stories and cat mysteries
by Patricia
3M ago
Four years ago (in 2020, during a world-wide pandemic) Olivia was born under a house in the Los Angeles area. When she was about six or seven weeks old she was trapped with other kittens—possibly her siblings—and transported to ResQcats in Santa Barbara to be cared for and hopefully adopted. Jeffyne, who runs ResQcats knew we had just lost Lily and that we wanted to make a home for another needy cat, so she sent us a picture of Olivia. How could we resist that head tilt? There was no visiting kittens that year to see if there were any warm-fuzzy feeling between you and a cat or kitten. We had ..read more
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Feline Fun Friday – Hairball Awareness
Catscapades | Cat stories and cat mysteries
by Patricia
3M ago
Today is National Hairball Awareness Day—bringing awareness to those of us who either freak out when we see our cat struggle to produce one of those ugly wads of fur on occasion or who believe these are natural occurrences for a cat. What? I thought they were natural and noraml. Every cat I’ve ever had regurgitated a furball on a fairly regular basis. That isn’t normal? According to some of the articles I read this week, apparently not.  The fur the cat licks up and swallows should land in the litter box. That would be the natural way for the cat. If she’s accumulating too much fur in her ..read more
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Paws Up for Wednesday – Helicopter Cat Mom
Catscapades | Cat stories and cat mysteries
by Patricia
3M ago
Are you a helicopter cat mom or dad? Are you constantly watching and searching for and checking over and fussing over your cat(s). If so—good for you!!! There are a lot of difficulties and serious problems that you can thwart by your diligent attention to your cat. It’s the same with a dog, a horse, even a gold fish, I would imagine. It’s important to keep a close eye and hand on the animal at all times so you’re aware when a problem occurs in time to make a difference. You will want to know as early as possible if your cat is losing weight, gaining too much weight, constantly licking a spot o ..read more
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Meowy Monday – Surprise Coming Soon
Catscapades | Cat stories and cat mysteries
by Patricia
3M ago
I’m extra excited about an upcoming book in the Klepto Cat Mystery series. Not only is it, in my opinion, a riveting story, the cover will feature one of my favorite photographs. The picture to the left is gorgeous–but this isn’t it. Smokey was my mother’s beloved cat. He now lives happily with my niece and her family. As many of you know, Smokey is the model for Rags in the Klepto Cat Mystery stories and on the book covers. Secretly I’ve been waiting for the right story and the right title and the right moment to use the photograph I mentioned because it is so spectacular. Well, my cover desi ..read more
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