The real cost of unproven treatments » Migraine
by Tammy Rome
2y ago
There are a growing number of questionable, unproven treatments. Desperate for relief, many of us will seriously consider one or more unproven treatments. At best, we will get lucky and find some relief. At worst, they may create harm or delay us from getting proven treatments. The post The real cost of unproven treatments appeared first on Tammy Rome, LPC more
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Learning about migraine improves self-esteem » Migraine
by Tammy Rome
2y ago
Now that I know migraine is a neurological disorder, the weird symptoms make sense. There are biological reasons for all of it. This knowledge is a good thing. By recognizing the symptoms I no longer question my sanity or blame myself for non-existent character flaws that are really just symptoms of the disease. My self-esteem & confidence improved when I got educated about migraine. The post Learning about migraine improves self-esteem appeared first on Tammy Rome, LPC more
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Not all migraines are the same » Migraine
by Tammy Rome
2y ago
There is no one-size-fits-all Migraine. Sometimes a patient will have symptoms that are so unique to appear as though it is not migraine at all. Perhaps you have migraine or know someone who does. To borrow a phrase from autism advocacy...If you've met one migraineur, you've met one migraineur. That's how different we are. Even if you didn't count our personalities, talents, weaknesses, family history, social environment, and all the things that make everyone unique we're still an ecclectic group. The post Not all migraines are the same appeared first on Tammy Rome, LPC more
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Your brain is not the enemy » Migraine
by Tammy Rome
2y ago
Migraineurs have an acrimonious relationship with our own brains. We see our brains as the cause of our troubles, an enemy to be defeated (or destroyed). After all, we are told that it is within our brains that all the trouble starts. Neurotransmitters, coritcal spreading depression, overactive pain receptors, hypersensitivity to all happens in the brain. The post Your brain is not the enemy appeared first on Tammy Rome, LPC more
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Migraine is not invisible » Migraine
by Tammy Rome
2y ago
A lot of people call Migraine an "invisible illness." I disagree. It is most certainly not invisible. The problem is that there is not enough awareness about the condition. If more people understood what it is to live with Migraine, then many would recognize the signs. It is not "just a headache", and inconvenience, or nuisance. It is a serious neurological disorder with no know cause and no cure. There are symptoms all the time, not just during an acute attack. The post Migraine is not invisible appeared first on Tammy Rome, LPC more
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4 steps to preparing for your next migraine » Migraine
by Tammy Rome
2y ago
Just as the workday was ending heavy thunderstorms rolled into town yesterday evening. Soon tornado sirens sounded the warning to take shelter. Without any drama, anxiety, or stress, I picked up a few things and moved to the basement where I called my husband and kids to check in. About the most dramatic event was discovering water leaks in a few places near the baseboards. Moments after my husband arrived home, a second siren signaled the "all clear." The post 4 steps to preparing for your next migraine appeared first on Tammy Rome, LPC more
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Migraine’s early warning system » Migraine
by Tammy Rome
2y ago
"BEEP...BEEP...BEEP! This is not a drill. Migraine will commence within 24 hours. You are urged to take shelter and make preparations immediately." Wouldn't it be nice if you could get a warning like this to let you know when your next migraine attack was about to start? Well, you probably already get a warning and just didn't know how to recognize it. The post Migraine’s early warning system appeared first on Tammy Rome, LPC more
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Observation bias – Getting in the way of our own success » Migraine
by Tammy Rome
2y ago
In this video of Susan Boyle's audition, no one expected such a beautiful voice to come out of her mouth. They were guilty of observation bias. They believed that what they saw on the surface was all there was to Susan. The post Observation bias – Getting in the way of our own success appeared first on Tammy Rome, LPC more
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Teva Submits Fremanezumab for FDA Approval » Migraine
by Tammy Rome
2y ago
October 17, 2017, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., announced the submission of a Biologics License Application (BLA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for fremanezumab, an anti-calcitonin gene-related peptide (anti-CGRP) monoclonal antibody for the preventive treatment of migraine. The post Teva Submits Fremanezumab for FDA Approval appeared first on Tammy Rome, LPC more
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Taking Your Migraine to the Emergency Room » Migraine
by Tammy Rome
2y ago
Great tips from the American Migraine Foundation! When you are in the throes of a migraine attack, harnessing the energy to leave the house requires a gargantuan effort. So, you can bet that if a migraine patient presents at a local emergency room, it’s because they need help—although due to the ongoing stigma associated with […] The post Taking Your Migraine to the Emergency Room appeared first on Tammy Rome, LPC more
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