Sustainability Math
A Resource for Educators on Sustainability Math
Sustainability Math
1M ago
At the moment, I don’t plan on posting here anymore. The content I used to post here and more can be found at https://briefedbydata.substack.com/ Over the next year, my plan is to shut this site down and move relevant material to Briefed by Data. Please subscribe to the newsletter there (you can do it for ..read more
Sustainability Math
1M ago
Nope. Wind and solar energy have increased, but so have coal, natural gas, and oil. In fact, if we look at the trends for fossil fuel use, it isn’t clear that wind and solar have any impact. I provide graphs for all five energy sources—the one here is for oil—in my World Energy Consumption post ..read more
Sustainability Math
4M ago
This first appeared on my QTRS Sept 19, 2024 post at Briefed by Data. If you like data and graphs and are really curious, you should subscribe (for free) to Briefed by Data. Here is your monthly global temperature anomaly update. A bit of a surprise that Aug 2024 was a record for August. Just ..read more
Sustainability Math
6M ago
Note: This first appeared on my Briefed by Data site. Here is my monthly update of temperature anomalies. As you’ll see, June 2024 did set a record, but when you look at the all-months graph, the last black bar is no higher than some past neutral ENSO months. Here is what NOAA has to say ..read more
Sustainability Math
8M ago
With El Niño still hanging around April set a record, but it is in the pattern we would expect. A record, but not surprising. With El Niño still hanging around April set a record, but it is in the pattern we would expect. A record, but not surprising. Here is what NOAA has to say for April 2024 (data can be found there): You can find the all-month graph and other news over at the Briefed…
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Sustainability Math
10M ago
According to NOAA You’ll find the same type of graph, but for all months, on my Briefed by Data site post Quick Takes. You’ll find the data at the NOAA link above.
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Sustainability Math
11M ago
Here is the February anomaly showing that 2024 was barely a record anomaly for February, which is not surprising given it is expected to be an El Niño month. Overall, it was still one of the top anomaly months. You’ll find this graph, the full anomaly graph of all months, and more at the Briefed by Data post Quick Takes and Random Stuff on March 21, 2024.
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Sustainability Math
1y ago
January did set a new record for temperature, but only by a small amount. The El Niño event seems to be slowing. You’ll find the all-month graph of temperature anomalies and more in the February 21 Quick Takes and Random Stuff post on Briefed by Data. …
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Sustainability Math
1y ago
On my Briefed by Data site, I’ve started doing a monthly post called Classroom Connections. The idea is to list a number of articles where the math could possibly be used in the classroom. The level ranges from engaging graphs and basic math to modeling and data science. For example (related to the graph here), Find more examples at Classroom connections for February 3, 2024.
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Sustainability Math
1y ago
From Past disturbances and local conditions influence the recovery rates of coral reefs (1/10/2024) More on this and other stuff in this past week’s Quick Takes at Briefed by Data.
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