The Musical Autist Blog
Our mission is to provide equal rights to the fine arts and to create platforms for self advocacy, by giving credentialed music therapists the tools and resources they need to facilitate Sensory Friendly Concerts in their own local communities.
The Musical Autist Blog
2M ago
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
The post Hello world! appeared first on The Musical Autist ..read more
The Musical Autist Blog
4M ago
Saturday, November 9th, 6-7 PM!! Our next Jam Session is coming to Annapolis on November 9th from 6 to 7 PM at the CRAB building, located at 7040 Bembe Beach Road. Jam sessions are open to disabled individuals, their families, and the community. What to Expect Jam Sessions are FREE events that last approximately one […]
The post Empowerment Jam Session for the Disabled appeared first on The Musical Autist ..read more
The Musical Autist Blog
2y ago
Troupe is having it’s first live performance since 2019! OG Troupe, Troupe Jr, and Troupe Massive will be performing a host of songs that will make you want to jam! Join us at the Quiet Waters Park Holly Pavilion on July 26th at 3:30 pm for music, fun, and food. For more information or questions, feel free to reach out to us in the comments or via email at themusicalautist@gmail.com. We can’t wait to see you there!
ID: A bright purple image with white text that says “Troupe Concert + Cookout”. 26 July, 2022. Quiet Waters Park, Holy Pavilion”. In the right corner, is a recording micropho ..read more
The Musical Autist Blog
3y ago
Support Troupe’s 2022 Scholarship Fund for Neurodivergent Musicians!
Musical Autist Troupe is an inclusive group of individuals with and without disabilities, high school/college students, and mentor musicians. During weekly rehearsals at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, time is spent together doing song shares, rehearsing songs for community performances, and talking about neurodiversity, autistic advocacy, and empowerment. How awesome is that?!
Click here to connect to our Facebook fundraiser. By using this platform for online giving, we are not charged any fees for accepting donations ..read more
The Musical Autist Blog
3y ago
Support Troupe’s 2021 Scholarship Fund for Neurodivergent Musicians!
Musical Autist Troupe is an inclusive group of individuals with and without disabilities, high school/college students, and mentor musicians. During weekly rehearsals at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, time is spent together doing song shares, rehearsing songs for community performances, and talking about neurodiversity, autistic advocacy, and empowerment. How awesome is that?!
https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fthemusicalautist%2Fposts%2F4762022433818667&show_text=true&am ..read more
The Musical Autist Blog
4y ago
Pic ID: Acrylic painting in all pastel colors, of a woman sleeping by a tree, with a crescent moon above and a stream of colors and music notes coming down from the moon, then wrapping around a tree which then wraps around the woman sleeping.
When I was 9 years old I decided that I wanted to start drawing faces. I had a regular number 2 pencil and some printer paper. I would look up faces in books and try my best to draw an accurate picture of what I saw. I came from a family of artists, my Grandma was a painter and my Grandpa drew faces. I always saw their art around the house or at my Aunt a ..read more
The Musical Autist Blog
4y ago
Hello again! Thank you so much to everyone who tuned into, shared, and supported our Songs with a Purpose Autism Acceptance Streamraiser, which took place on April 2nd, 3rd, and 4th! We are happy to report that across all three nights, we raised a grand total of $710, which means that we were able to donate $355 to both The Musical Autist and the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN). That is an amazing feat, and we couldn’t have done it without any of you, so once again and forever, THANK YOU!
If you were unable to attend, but would still like to watch the streamraiser in all its glory, we wi ..read more
The Musical Autist Blog
4y ago
Description: Dressing room at Carnegie Hall with a Piano and a mirror with a Concert Dress
In the news when you see a story about a Concert Pianist it usually starts off by talking about how the pianist started lessons at the age of 5, had a grand piano by the age of 8 and was performing Concertos at the age of 10. The pianist came from a life where they were able to be afforded those opportunities and had high grades in school as well as multiple college scholarship opportunities. These stories are inspirational, but they can also lead people to believe that you have to be born into a certain ..read more
The Musical Autist Blog
4y ago
I didn’t need people to become my best friend, but I wanted to feel a part of things.
Jennifer Msumba
30th annual Florida Film Festival sign at the Enzian theater in Orlando, Florida
Let’s face it, we can’t spend our whole lives hiding. I mean, technically maybe we could, but it wouldn’t be much of a life. And if you aspire to be a professional artist- whether that be a musician, filmmaker, writer, designer etc, eventually you are going to have to get out there and meet people.
Standing in front of the Enzian theater while actor John Amos is being interviewed
This week I had both ups and down ..read more
The Musical Autist Blog
4y ago
Original event logo, designed in a prism shape of red, orange and blue hues, reading “In The Light, A Celebration of Acceptance”
In May 2017, The Musical Autist collaborated with Anne Arundel County Public School’s Performing Visual Arts program to put on a huge fundraising concert event at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts. This event was called, In The Light, based on Jordan Smith’s original song, Stand in the Light, which was performed as the concert’s finale. This piece was custom arranged for full orchestra and choir. We had over 200 performers on stage, side by side, with and without d ..read more