Echo Bodine
Echo Bodine first discovered she was born with psychic abilities and the gift of healing at the age of 17. In 1981, Echo began teaching classes on psychic development and spiritual healing. Find information on Psychic/Medium
Echo Bodine
2d ago
Join me tonight on Enough is Enough with several cool guests. I’ve invited the people who are vendors at the Aurapalooza’s. Many of you do not live in the Twin Cities and don’t get to meet the cool people during our monthly open houses. Tonight several of them are going to be joining me to ..read more
Echo Bodine
1w ago
New Thursday Night Book Class – Starts Tomorrow (Jan. 30th at 7pm CT) We’ll be diving into Ten Teachings for One World: Wisdom from Mother Mary by Gina Lake. This book offers deep, calming wisdom on navigating fear, division, and uncertainty, helping us see beyond the chaos of today’s world to a place of greater ..read more
Echo Bodine
1w ago
Here are the links to watch Enough is Enough tonight at 8:00 pm cst. My guests are Numerologist Wes Hamilton and Astrologer Heather Roan Robbins. My brother Michael is hosting for me tonight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GvOyRx2jRE https://www.linkedin.com/events/enoughisenough-56-2025predictio7290143441215254528/theater/ https://www.facebook.com/share/1UNDdz5fHq/ Here are the vendors for this Saturday’s Mini-Aurapalooza. Feel free to pre-book. Holistic Arts Christie Umboh, Christie holisticarts@yahoo.com Paige Booth   ..read more
Echo Bodine
1w ago
Hello Everyone, I’m still under the weather so my brother Michael will be Guest Hosting the show tomorrow night. TITLE: Enough IS Enough #56: 2025 Predictions with Heather Roan Robbins and Wes Hamilton DESCRIPTION: Join us for an enlightening show featuring acclaimed astrologer Heather Roan Robbins and numerologist Wes Hamilton as they share their ..read more
Echo Bodine
2w ago
A New 12 Week Class begins Wednesday, January 29th on Zoom. 7:00 – 8:30 PM CST How To Live Intuitively taught by Echo Bodine Have you heard this quote before: “God wanted to hide the secret of divinity somewhere humans would not easily find it. He thought about putting it on the highest mountain, but ..read more
Echo Bodine
3w ago
Hello, There is a man on this planet who is full f love, wisdom and compassion. He’s a brilliant teacher and any time he has a new workshop or retreat coming up, I will always let you know. He has a very important class starting next week on Chakra’s. Here is the info and where ..read more
Echo Bodine
3w ago
Here is the list of vendors for Saturday’s Aurapalooza: Holistic Arts Christie Umboh, Christie holisticarts@yahoo.com New Healing Room Sara Anondson – Rose Healing Sara Anondson <saraanondson@me.com> Sunshine Room, Lana Brooks, Pendulum Making Workshops Blue Room Linda Charnley Massage lkcshiatsu@gmail.com # 612-747-5169 Rev. Pam Marko Angel Card Readings and Chair Healings pamela@gentlehealinghands.com Kathleen Vinehout Spirit Guide Channeler ..read more
Echo Bodine
3w ago
We’ve got something special for you this coming Saturday at the Aurapalooza from 10-5. Link to register: https://hcdivinecreations.com/products/pendulum-basics-workshop ✨Learn the power of pendulums in just 60 minutes!✨ This hands-on, in-person workshop is designed for beginners or advanced users looking for a refresh. It’s a safe, judgment-free space to explore your intuitive potential. Whether you’re new ..read more
Echo Bodine
3w ago
Join me tonight on Enough is Enough with my brother and sister, Michael and Nikki Bodine. We are going to talk about what psychic abilities are and how you can recognize them in yourself. 8:00pm central time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuMeOmsnQns https://www.linkedin.com/events/enoughisenough-55-1-14-257285072060052090880/theater/ https://www.facebook.com/share/1E4ZLHBiy2/ Echo ..read more
Echo Bodine
3w ago
Hello, I am going to teach a 12 week class on Living Intuitively that begins Wednesday, January 22nd. 7:00-8:30pm cst on Zoom. $30 per week. Let me just say 2025 is not for sissies and I strongly recommend you take the class and change the way you do things in your life for more satisfaction ..read more