The Psychic Game
New York Psychic | Psychic Journeys
2w ago
Welcome To The Psychic Game!Fun for Ages 5 to 105.On a late October Sunday, only about twenty people were spread out on half a mile of pristine beach on the windward side of Oahu. My friend and I agreed: the Gold Prize for the most perfect, turquoise tropical sea goes to Hawai'i. We were splayed out under the shade of a palm—adorned, a la ZZ Top, with cheap sunglasses. It was a central casting moment. A cooler of sandwiches, sodas, fruit, and chips was positioned between us. Vast spaces o more
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Remarkable Nature
New York Psychic | Psychic Journeys
3M ago
Every once in a while we step into a scene so bizarre, so incongruous with normalcy, that it stops us in our tracks. We think, “Look at that!” Some people cultivate a garden or an art collection. I’m into cultivating Coincidences, Dreams and Deja Vu. I believe that I experience such encounters because I first ask the Universe for them and then, the ever important step of paying attention. You have to be on the lookout. Usually I’m looking for a sign that seemingly impossi more
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My Schedule In Your Time Zone
New York Psychic | Psychic Journeys
4M ago
​Monday—SundayFind your city or time zone below to see the times I work in your area. Depending on where you are in the world, you may have between one and six times to choose from. Offer a couple of times and dates and I’ll confirm one. I will update the offerings when clocks change. Thank you for reaching out to me!Derek Eastern TimeNew York, Washington D.C., Miami3:30pm5pm6:30pm8pmCentral TimeChicago, Houston, New Orleans2:30pm4pm5:30pm7pm8:30pmMountain TimeDenver, Salt more
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Three Card Spread Tells Psychic Story
New York Psychic | Psychic Journeys
4M ago
I often think, once I or my client discovers a clear message in my cards, 'Well, how else would the oracle more efficiently send the message?' It can't speak after all. Engaging with it is like playing the game charades.If you look at this particular spread of three photos, we first see what appears to be a teenaged girl flopped over a plush chair, ensconced in a book at a library or bookstore. This is just the kind of image that might come up when my client reveals they have it easy in t more
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A Psychic Fox
New York Psychic | Psychic Journeys
4M ago
This story of a detailed psychic prediction will make you smile. My client was from Florida, as many of my clients are for some reason. Well, I do know why actually. Floridians love New York. And New Yorkers love Florida. It's a symbiotic relationship. I don't think you could see a Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center in Florida any more than you could see the azure waters of Key West in Manhattan. So we naturally gravitate towards one another.I’m constantly amazed by how clearly symbols more
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Psychic Messages in Yellow
New York Psychic | Psychic Journeys
9M ago
Yellow is a bright, pretty, optimistic color. But also, as we’ll see in this month’s blog post, a color of warning and emergency. One could come up with a thousand psychic messages in its pigment. Today, enter into an actual reading in a behind-the-scenes view of what can happen when a color card appears in the center of your session. What’s happening in Derek’s mind? How does my client respond? I sat down for a meditation with my spirit guide, Jakar, who coaxed many of the color’s infinite meanings out of me as we recapped a recent reading. Jakar: We’ve always noticed that psychic symbols a more
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Psychic Messages In Color: White
New York Psychic | Psychic Journeys
10M ago
A collage I made illustrating meaning in the color white. I love to collage from magazines. The adverts contain potent images that convey messages relating to an event’s timing, place, theme and outcome. They’re hard to resist as an oracle medium. To my mind, symbols are intelligent, adept at clarifying meaning and laying out a story in crisp fashion. Your supermarket checkout aisle or bookstore periodical section is replete with images of current topics, like, Business, Children, Home, Vacation, Women, Celebrity, Pets, etc. All in glossy print! National Geographic, Architectural more
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A Psychic Message From a Driftwood
New York Psychic | Psychic Journeys
1y ago
The psyche communicates in symbols, metaphors and allegory. When I’m performing a reading and a topic comes up, I close my eyes and let an image come to mind. It’s usually incongruous with whatever subject is at hand. But I don't let that deter me from investigating why it appeared and am rewarded for doing so. Just because a symbolic image is peculiar or out of context doesn't mean it can't speak to the issue. If you accept an image from your psychic intuition, and walk around it asking questions, it will inevitably speak to the subject at hand. My client brought up a dispute within her fami more
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Uno: A Psychic Little Card Game
New York Psychic | Psychic Journeys
1y ago
I love playing a game with the Universe that I simply call, Coincidence. When I quietly call for one, it undoubtedly appears—as long as I’m on the alert. When it occurs, I get tingles. Experiencing an odd, unlikely repetition of events gives one a sense that they were purposefully coordinated. I enjoy pondering the meanings behind any symbols I see when these special fates visit me. I experienced a coincidence recently in Honolulu as I was waiting for my bike to be fixed. But it was seeded, unbeknownst to me, on 19th Street in Brooklyn on the last day of a recent stay in New York. I had all m more
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How Symbols Tell Time
New York Psychic | Psychic Journeys
1y ago
A common question my clients ask is, "Derek, when do you see this or that happening?" All symbols can tell time... ​ Mushrooms for example, say Autumn. A bell reminds me of the call to recess at school, or a church service. The ringing of Jingle Bells is a symbol for December. A hedgehog could signal February after Puxataunee Phil. A Sunflower, September. Fireworks? New Years Eve or Fourth of July. Do you have a recurring coincidence that taps on your conscience from time to time? What is the primary symbol in the experience? Is it a number, an object, a person? See what the symbols in yo more
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