Yearly Horoscope 2025
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by Oranum
1M ago
2025 may have a slow and grumpy start, but the summer’s lucky reversals will turn it into a joyride. Here are the major astrological highlights of the year: MAJOR TRENDS  Jupiter in Gemini continues its battle with Saturn in Pisces in January, and Mars retrograde in Leo resumes its fight with Pluto in Aquarius. This cosmic tug-of-war affects everyone differently, but in general, power struggles, internal conflicts, and indecision can make it difficult to move forward with projects or pursue new opportunities. Then, on January 6th, Mars moves back into Cancer, encouraging the re-evaluation more
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Celebrate International Occult Day with Oranum!
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by Oranum
2M ago
November 18th is no ordinary day—it’s International Occult Day, a celebration of the supernatural, the mystical, and the unexplained! Whether you’re a seasoned seeker of the esoteric or simply curious about the unknown, this is your chance to dive into the mysteries of the universe with Oranum. What Is Occult Day? Occult Day is a time to explore the hidden realms of spirituality, magic, and the supernatural. While its origins are shrouded in mystery, it’s thought to be tied to ancient traditions like All Saints’ Day, Samhain, Día de los Muertos, and even Diwali. It’s a day to connect with more
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 Mois de Septembre 2024 Horoscope Mensuel 
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by Oranum
5M ago
Tandis que Pluton revient par rétrogradation en Capricorne, Mars fait son entrée le 4 en Cancer, ce qui constitue une opposition planétaire explosive. Sur le plan personnel, cela renvoie à une confrontation qui, le plus souvent, est face à vous-même. C’est une période de remise en question. Sur le plan mondial, la dynamique astrale et source de conflit, de révolution, d’attaque terroriste ou de guerre.  Bélier        Taureau            Gémeaux Cancer             Lion more
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Saturn: The Wise Architect of Our Lives
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by Oranum
8M ago
In the celestial dance of the planets, Saturn acts as the wise architect, laying the groundwork for our experiences and shaping us into the best versions of ourselves. His role may seem harsh at times, but beneath the apparent limitations, a profound teacher patiently guides us toward mastery. Saturn rules the fundamental aspects of our lives: the rules and boundaries that provide stability, the sense of responsibility that fuels our drive, and the awareness of our limitations that keep us grounded. Although it can sometimes seem to stifle our dreams, with the right approach, Saturn will help more
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 Mois de Juin 2024 Horoscope Mensuel 
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by Oranum
8M ago
Mars arrive le 9 en Taureau aux côtés d’Uranus jusqu’au 19 juillet. Cette configuration planétaire déploie une énergie intense, voire une volonté d’innovation. Chacun peut être épris d’un besoin de liberté et de changement. Le côté impulsif de cet aspect planétaire est le théâtre de rébellion contre certaines normes ou règles établies. Sont principalement concerné, les natifs de Terre et d’Eau qui, habituellement passif, ce voit soudainement enclin à faire leur petite révolution personnelle. Pour les natifs d’Air et de Feu, les bouleversements annoncés sont vécus plus difficilement, mais oh co more
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How Jupiter in Gemini Makes You a Knowledge Sponge
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by Oranum
9M ago
How Jupiter in Gemini Makes You a Knowledge Sponge The post How Jupiter in Gemini Makes You a Knowledge Sponge appeared first on Oranum Blog more
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Oranum to Attend Mind Body Spirit Festival in London, UK 
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by Oranum
9M ago
Oranum to Attend Mind Body Spirit Festival in London, UK  The post Oranum to Attend Mind Body Spirit Festival in London, UK  appeared first on Oranum Blog more
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What’s the Deal With Earth Day, Anyway?
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by Oranum Psychic LoveDrNikki
9M ago
Earth Day was celebrated for the first time in Spring 1970.  Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day in order to get environmental issues onto the national political agenda.  Up to that point there were not a lot of environmental laws protecting the water, air or natural resources of the planet.   The post What’s the Deal With Earth Day, Anyway? appeared first on Oranum Blog more
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Oranum to Illuminate the Magic International Event in Barcelona, Spain 
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by Oranum
9M ago
Join us from May 3rd to 5th, 2024, as Oranum takes center stage at the MAGiC International fair in the vibrant city of Barcelona, Spain. As a Gold Sponsor of the event, Oranum eagerly anticipates meeting attendees face-to-face to share the enchanting world of spiritual insight and guidance.  The 41st edition of MAGiC International: Barcelona promises to be an extraordinary affair, where the realms of esotericism, magic, alternative therapies, personal and spiritual well-being, and mystery converge in a cosmic embrace. Picture a weekend filled with wonder and discovery, where every moment more
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 Mois de Mai 2024 Horoscope Mensuel 
Oranum Blog | Psychic Blog | Free Love Horoscope & Dream Dictionary
by Oranum
10M ago
Après la rencontre entre Jupiter et Uranus qui s’est produite le 21 avril, et donc les effets se font encore sentir, c’est l’arrivée de Jupiter, le 25, dans le signe des Gémeaux qui tient la vedette astrologique. Jupiter y séjournera jusqu’au 8 juin 2025. Pour les signes de feu, c’est une augmentation de l’énergie et de l’enthousiasme qui se fait concrètement ressentir. La créativité est stimulée tout comme la confiance en soi. Les signes de terre connaissent une belle croissance financière, ou un certain succès dans les investissements. La sécurité matérielle est ardemment recherchée. Les sig more
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