Big Green Purse - Diane MacEachern
Big Green Purse Urges Women to Use Their Consumer Clout to Protect the Environment – and Themselves Diane MacEachern’s message is simple but revolutionary.
Big Green Purse - Diane MacEachern
2M ago
Do you want to stop climate change? Do you want the air you breathe and the water you drink to be cleaner – not dirtier? Do you want America to use more solar and wind energy and less coal, oil, and natural gas? Do you want to protect Nature and the animals, plants, and places you love? Do you want to make the world a better place for your children and grandchildren? I bet you answered “YES!!” to each of these questions. But even if you only said yes to one, your responsibility is the same:
You must vote to protect the environment this November.
And by and large, that means votin more
Big Green Purse - Diane MacEachern
5M ago
Earth Day 2024 arrives at a critical time for the future of our planet, our world, and our very lives. That’s because just six months and 13 days from now, on November 5, we face a choice that will determine whether we forge a clear path to protect the environment, or abandon any hope of solving the biggest environmental problems we face.
That choice is…whom to elect as Commander in Chief: the current president, Joe Biden, or the former president, Donald Trump?
On Earth Day 2024, Why is Our Presidential Choice So Important?
Here are the top three reasons:
1.The Courts: The president app more
Big Green Purse - Diane MacEachern
6M ago
Tax incentives and rebates can help you cover the cost of making changes to your home that will help you use less energy. In addition to already existing federal incentives, the Biden Infrastructure Bill is giving states millions of dollars more to help their residents save energy, go solar, and even buy an electric vehicle.
Every state decides for itself how it’s going to dole out its rebate funds. Every state also has some tax rebates and incentives already in place to help consumers become more energy efficient and help fight climate change.
Here’s how to find energy-saving tax incentives t more
Big Green Purse - Diane MacEachern
2y ago
The Inflation Reduction Act will help consumers pay to replace a gas stove with an electric one like this.
The big to-do about the new Inflation Reduction Act boils down to this:
Gas out, electricity in.
That’s because replacing both natural gas and gasoline with electricity generated by clean renewable energy will significantly and quickly reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. Residential home energy use is the third largest consumer of energy in the US, while gasoline-powered vehicles are the largest single source of greenhouse gas emissions overall. Most of us know that and want more
Big Green Purse - Diane MacEachern
2y ago
Here’s the crew from the Well Done Foundation that capped “our” well in Pennsylvania!
WE DID IT!! We capped a leaking methane well!
The Martha #1 Well in the Waterford Township of Erie County, Pennsylvania has been capped!
The preliminary analysis is that the climate change benefit of capping the well—which has probably been leaking since the 1990s—will be the carbon equivalent to taking almost 1,400 gasoline-burning cars off the road every year.
That in and of itself is fantastic. Methane is 84 times worse than carbon dioxide (CO2) when it comes to climate change. Capping a well stops the m more
Big Green Purse - Diane MacEachern
2y ago
Citizens protest Supreme Court anti-climate decision. Photo courtesy of Moms Clean Air Force.**
There are many benefits to capping leaking methane wells. One unexpected one is that it is a way to foil a reactionary Supreme Court that opposes common-sense ways to stop climate change.
The Supreme Court ruled last week to limit EPA’s ability to reduce carbon pollution from power plants. Scientific American* called the ruling “a serious blow to the EPA’s ability to fight climate change” and said it could have “dangerous repercussions” beyond the case in question (West Virginia et al. v more
Big Green Purse - Diane MacEachern
2y ago
Of all the ways I could have celebrated my birthday this year, why did I focus on the Well Done Foundation and it’s critical work to cap leaking methane wells? I have three reasons.
3 Reasons Why It’s Important to Cap Leaking Methane Wells
Methane is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2) for causing climate change. Capping a well stops the methane from that well as soon as the cap goes on!
Methane is leaking out of over 2 million abandoned or “orphan” wells in the U.S. These wells were originally drilled to capture natural gas or oil. They were abandoned by the companies more
Big Green Purse - Diane MacEachern
2y ago
Hi! I just turned 70 (believe it or not!). As the big day (May 29) was approaching, I asked myself three questions:
1)What’s the best way to celebrate turning 70 years old?
2)What’s the best way to stop climate change? (Because, well, you know me…)
3)And, is there any way any of us can offset our personal impact on climate change—called our carbon footprint—to actually make a difference?
I was thrilled when I figured out that the answer to those three questions is the same this year. And that is:
Cap leaking methane wells!
Why Is It Important to Cap Leaking Methane Wells?
Methane is a n more
Big Green Purse - Diane MacEachern
2y ago
What is a carbon “offset”?
And, what’s the secret to how you can buy carbon offsets that make a difference?
Here’s everything you need to know.
A carbon offset is a financial way to acknowledge and take responsibility for the climate change impact your lifestyle has.
While an offset doesn’t negate your personal carbon impact, it compensates for it by providing funds to support projects that either pull existing carbon out of the atmosphere or reduce new carbon emissions.
We need to do both if we have any hope of stopping climate change from completely destroying more
Big Green Purse - Diane MacEachern
2y ago
Do you have any idea what your “carbon footprint” is? If you’re like most people, the answer is “NO!” … at least not yet.
Read on to find out how to calculate your carbon footprint and what you can do to make it smaller (which everyone needs to do).
Your carbon footprint is how much carbon dioxide (CO2) and other “greenhouse gases” you generate in the course of your daily activities.
You produce greenhouse gas emissions when you do anything that burns oil, coal or natural gas.
For example, driving a gasoline-powered car or truck emits greenhouse gases. Burning o more