The Green Divas
The Green Divas offer low-stress ways to live a deeper shade of green - quality digital content via blog, podcast, and video.
The Green Divas
9M ago
AND manifest what you need in 2024!
Yikes! Another year marked by holiday hoopla and the turning of the calendar (and many checks written with the wrong date).
Please listen to this GD Spirit Pub pubcast that is focused on grace, gratitude and GD Meg and WG Julie’s annual creative fun rituals that help raise the vibe and momentum of awesomeness for the new year… (then read the rest of this relevant post)
My loathing of New Year’s resolutions is probably in direct proportion to my consistent lack of success with them in the past—the distant past.
I haven’t avowed any new year proclamations or t more
The Green Divas
9M ago
“What does one person give to another? He gives of himself, of the most precious he has, he gives of his life…”
— Erich Fromm
Yup. Another year to reflect on how we try to be good green divas during the holidays. Not always so easy, but we keep learning and hopefully getting better.
Listen to this year’s holiday show. Some great tips for minimizing waste and being more mindful of the environment and the impact we have with our various holiday traditions (or holiday commercialism gone mad).
The Christmas Tree Dilemma:
Real or Fake?
One might think that buying a fake Christmas more
The Green Divas
1y ago
There are many meaningful quotes by MLK rolling and scrolling through all my social media channels. But I stopped scrolling when I saw the lead to this poem written by a very dear and extremely talented friend Kerri McCaffrey, whose poetry always zaps me like an arrow straight into my third eye with a magical bend down into my heart. How does she do that!?!
This is a poem from her book, In the Valley of Glow Trees, which I HIGHLY recommend. If you love nature and wildlife and a sparkling description of the heart, you’ll want this book handy . . .
The vase was cobalt
and the flower, y more
The Green Divas
1y ago
AND manifest what you need in 2023!
Yikes! Another year marked by holiday hoopla and the turning of the calendar (and many checks written with the wrong date).
Please listen to this GD Spirit Pub pubcast that is focused on grace, gratitude and GD Meg and WG Julie’s annual creative fun rituals that help raise the vibe and momentum of awesomeness for the new year… (then read the rest of this relevant post)
My loathing of New Year’s resolutions is probably in direct proportion to my consistent lack of success with them in the past—the distant past.
I haven’t avowed any new year proclamations or t more
The Green Divas
1y ago
I don’t believe in astrology; I’m a Sagittarius and we’re skeptical.
~ Arthur C. Clarke
December 29 – January 18, 2023
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any crazier… but, as Douglas Adams wrote in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, “Don’t Panic!” No, it is not all bad. In fact, there are definitely specific benefits to these retrograde times if we are willing to slow down and be more mindful. (see my post about having a positive Mercury Retrograde experience)
Being a digital media producer during a mercury retrograde is a special kind of challenge. There have been a few times, I have more
The Green Divas
1y ago
We’ve been talking about chocolate in some form or other since the beginning of The Green Divas! I mean, c’mon it’s such a Green Diva thing, right?
But a few years back, we started to learn about the dark side of chocolate. Aside from the potential rainforest devastation from growing cacao and the abuse of workers who help harvest and product it (as if that isn’t bad enough), some chocolate is testing positive for lead and cadmium. Neither of which should be in ANY food, but especially our precious chocolate. ugh.
Recently, Consumer Reports posted about this toxic, dark side of chocolate.
It’s more
The Green Divas
1y ago
“What does one person give to another? He gives of himself, of the most precious he has, he gives of his life…”
— Erich Fromm
Yup. Another year to reflect on how we try to be good green divas during the holidays. Not always so easy, but we keep learning and hopefully getting better.
Listen to this year’s holiday show. Some great tips for minimizing waste and being more mindful of the environment and the impact we have with our various holiday traditions (or holiday commercialism gone mad).
The Christmas Tree Dilemma:
Real or Fake?
One might think that buying a fake Christmas more
The Green Divas
1y ago
Microplastics are plastic fragments, fibers or film—less than 5 millimeters long—that have been shed from degrading macroplastics, like bottles and bags. They’re in our drinking water, our food, our rain, our clothing… even newborns and the most remote lake in Tibet. These pesky little plastic particles are impossible to avoid and have invaded every human and animal body on this planet.
The problem doesn’t end there. Nearly all plastics are made from fossil fuels and this industry resulted in emissions amounting to 1.7 billion metric tonnes of CO2 in 2015, according to a new study in Nature Cl more
The Green Divas
1y ago
With the holidays fast approaching, we had to ask ourselves the burning question: Is it more or less eco-friendly to order online?
This is truly important whenever we shop whether for gifts or plain old life. Coming up with the answer is not an easy task and fortunately, there are some super smart people out there studying the impact of online shopping and how it compares to running around hither and yon to find whatever you’re looking for at brick and mortar stores.
Listen to The Green Divas podcast episode on this very topic. Otherwise, read on to learn some surprising facts about online sho more
The Green Divas
1y ago
About 1.4 million tons of food is wasted globally each year.
That’s ONE THIRD of all food produced in the entire world. With hundreds of millions of people suffering from crisis level or worse food insecurity in 2021, the waste of water and other resources to grow, harvest, transport and package food, plus food waste‘s impact on climate change… we need to do better.
We recently talked real turkey about food waste and gratitude (in honor of Thanksgiving). You’ll hear some crazy stats and helpful tips on how you can reduce food waste (and save money!) in your own home. Just in time for the upcom more