Intuitive Souls Blog
Blog by Jess, a heart-centered psychic medium and spiritual entrepreneur celebrating 16 amazing years working in this field. Helping intuitive souls develop their gifts to live a meaningful and prosperous life.
Intuitive Souls Blog
8M ago
So, you’ve embraced your spiritual journey and are ready to learn how to give your first psychic reading. Yay, you!
You’ve learned some beginner psychic development tips and connected with your intuitive gifts, and you are ready to rock and roll.
I know it may seem overwhelming, but with this step-by-step post, you’ll be ready to share your intuitive gifts with others.
How to Give Your First Psychic Reading 1. Find Someone Trusted to Practice with
First things first… it’s normal to feel nervous as you learn how to give your first psychic reading.
Trust me, I know a lot about this!
When I star ..read more
Intuitive Souls Blog
1y ago
Let’s talk about the best calming essential oils, because let’s face it — in the chaos of our modern world, finding moments of tranquility can be a challenge.
But have no fear! Essential oils are here to offer a natural solution to soothe and calm your mind.
In this article, we will explore the best calming essential oils. From the ultimate stress reliever, lavender oil, to the floral fragrance of Ylang Ylang oil, discover how adding these oils to your routine can help calm your mind.
Note: If you’re an essential oil beginner, this post covers everything you need to know to use them safely.
B ..read more
Intuitive Souls Blog
1y ago
I’m not gonna lie. Sometimes, developing your psychic abilities can be overwhelming.
In theory it’s not difficult at all. But in reality, it’s not always easy to embrace our natural intuitive gifts in the world we live in.
Right now, you might be on your journey and feel like giving up. Or you might wonder if you’ll ever be able to help people by giving psychic or mediumship readings with confidence.
I understand, because I felt the same way, too. Back in 2000, before I gave professional intuitive and mediumship readings, I sat in my first psychic development class and almost quit because I w ..read more
Intuitive Souls Blog
1y ago
Ever wonder if mediums are real?
Maybe you’ve seen Theresa Caputo on TV and wondered if mediumship is real or just a bunch of “woo-woo” smoke… Is someone feeding her information? Or is there a secret microphone hidden in her hair!
After all, how in the world can she and other mediums know so much about dead people?
Is spiritual mediumship a big scam? Or are mediums real? What’s true when it comes to spirit communication?
Are Mediums Real?
I admit it. A long time ago, I thought that psychics and mediums were a bunch of woo-woo scam artists.
It started when I was a kid. My mom would take me alo ..read more
Intuitive Souls Blog
2y ago
On this blog, we’ve talked a lot about the benefits of meditation. It can ground you, calm you, and connect you to your soul and life purpose.
It can also drastically improve your love life. No, I’m not kidding (and now you officially have NO reason not to try it!)
In fact, one of the best things about meditation is that it connects you with your Higher Self, which gets the good vibes rolling!
Today, I’ll teach you how to improve your relationship with meditation, step-by-step so you can get started right away.
How to Use Meditation to Improve Your Relationship
As I said, meditation connects ..read more
Intuitive Souls Blog
3y ago
Chaldean numerology is one of the oldest, most spiritual and accurate forms of numerology because it represents your inner and outer self.
But it’s not well known for being one of the “sexy” types of numerology.
It’s like how Mark Wahlberg is a household name, but nobody knows the name of his manager, you know?
Also, it’s one of the most complex numerology systems (you can dig into numbers for days!), but this post will teach you a simplified version in minutes.
Here’s how to use this ancient number system to decode your life!
Chaldean Numerology
If you want to go deep, I recommend th ..read more
Intuitive Souls Blog
3y ago
Biblical numerology. Numbers and symbolism are all around us.
We can find them on signs, in names, and in the books that we read; and especially in religious texts like the Bible.
Numbers are super important in biblical or Christian numerology… especially the numbers 3, 7, and 40.
To learn about another number, choose the day of the month you were born:
1st, 10th, 19th, 28th = 1 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th = 2 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th = 3
The Number 3
In biblical numerology, the number 3 is the most spiritual of all the numbers.
It’s literally a divine number.
Tha ..read more
Intuitive Souls Blog
3y ago
How numerology works. Grab a pencil and some paper, and get ready to have some fun!
How Numerology Works
Everything in the entire universe vibrates at a specific energetic frequency. You, me, plants, spirits, and Taylor Swift.
So, what does this have to do with numerology? Actually, everything!
Here’s the thing:
When you know the vibration of a number, you can uncover the qualities associated with that number.
That’s because numbers, dates, and names also hold a certain energy or vibration.
So, by using a numerology chart, we can assign a number value to each letter of a name.
And then ..read more
Intuitive Souls Blog
3y ago
Your numerology Expression number (or destiny number) is one of the most important in numerology — and life.
By doing a simple calculation, you can discover your best skills, which are like your super powers!
Some people even discover that they have a hidden talent!
Your Expression number can also reveal potential challenges, both emotional and spiritual.
What is an Expression Number?
Numerology believes that your parents could sense your energy before you were born; that they used their intuition to choose a name that matched your energy.
In other words, your name is not random. There is a d ..read more
Intuitive Souls Blog
3y ago
Empathic Abilities vs. Being a Highly Sensitive Person
Having Empathic abilities (a.k.a. being an empath or clairsentient) is different than being a highly sensitive person (HSP).
I know that many people use the words empath, empathic, and highly sensitive person interchangeably. But it’s important to know the difference so that you can learn to work with the gifts you have, and not be overwhelmed by them.
Let’s jump right in and compare the differences, starting with empathy.
One of the things that makes us human is the ability to feel empath for other human beings.
We’ve all felt ..read more