Little endian et Big endian dans Oracle avec exemple
Technology and Oracle solutions
11M ago
Un système big-endian stocke l'octet de poids fort d'un mot à la plus petite adresse mémoire et l'octet de poids faible à la plus grande. En revanche, un système petit-boutiste stocke l'octet de poids faible à la plus petite adresse. Prenons un exemple pour démontrer le concept de petit-boutiste et de gros-boutiste dans le contexte d'une base de données Oracle. Imaginez que nous ayons une table dans une base de données Oracle qui stocke une valeur entière de 4 octets. Appelons ce tableau "ExampleTable" et la colonne "Value". Petit endian: Dans l'ordre des octets petit-boutiste, l'octet de p more
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Little endian and big endian in oracle with example
Technology and Oracle solutions
1y ago
 A big-endian system stores the most significant byte of a word at the smallest memory address and the least significant byte at the largest. A little-endian system, in contrast, stores the least significant byte at the smallest address. Let's consider an example to demonstrate the concept of little endian and big endian in the context of an Oracle database. Imagine we have a table in an Oracle database that stores a 4-byte integer value. Let's call this table "ExampleTable" and the column "Value". Little Endian: In little-endian byte ordering, the least significant byte (LSB) is st more
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ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [HM_RUN]
Technology and Oracle solutions
1y ago
Alert log reports the below error in alert.log  Errors in file D:\ORACLE\APP\ORACLE\diag\rdbms\***\***\trace\*****_ora_18656.trc: ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [HM_RUN] [D:\ORACLE\APP\ORACLE\diag\rdbms\***\***\lck\AM_1618_3044626670.lck] It's during the RMAN backups are running. When the RMAN backup is run querying the below output shows RMAN is Waiting on "ADR file lock" wait event Select inst_id, sid, CLIENT_INFO ch, seq#, event, state, seconds_in_wait secs from gv$session where program like '%RMAN%' and wait_time = 0 and not action is null; RMAN is acquiring more
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Streams aq waiting for time management or cleanup tasks
Technology and Oracle solutions
1y ago
 In the Oracle Database, "Streams AQ" refers to the Advanced Queuing feature of Oracle Streams. It is a queuing mechanism that allows asynchronous communication between different components of a database or even between different databases. When you see the message "Streams AQ waiting for time management or cleanup tasks," it typically means that there are pending administrative tasks related to the management and cleanup of the Advanced Queuing system. These tasks are usually performed by the Oracle Streams background processes. To address this situation, you can follow these steps: I more
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Essential Crosscheck Commands for RMAN Backup Management
Technology and Oracle solutions
1y ago
Backup management is a critical aspect of maintaining data integrity and ensuring disaster recovery capabilities. In Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN), the crosscheck commands play a vital role in validating and managing backups. In this blog post, we will explore the essential crosscheck commands and their usage to maintain the reliability of your backup infrastructure. Crosscheck all backups: To verify the integrity and existence of all backups, you can use the following command: RMAN> CROSSCHECK BACKUP; List expired backups: To identify any expired backups detected during the crosscheck p more
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How to Check Archive Log Free Space in Oracle
Technology and Oracle solutions
1y ago
 In an Oracle database environment, archive logs are vital components that store a record of all transactions performed. Monitoring the free space in the archive log destination is crucial to ensure uninterrupted database operations and avoid any potential issues. This article will guide you through the process of checking the archive log free space in Oracle, along with practical examples. Step 1: Connect to the Database: To begin, establish a connection to your Oracle database using a SQL*Plus session or any other preferred Oracle database management tool. Ensure that you have the nece more
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Understanding and Resolving the ORA-02289 Error: Sequence Does Not Exist
Technology and Oracle solutions
1y ago
The ORA-02289 error is a common issue that occurs in Oracle databases when attempting to create a sequence or trigger with a REFERENCING clause that references a non-existent table or view.  This error can be frustrating, but understanding its causes and implementing the appropriate fixes will help you resolve it efficiently. In this article, we will delve into the ORA-02289 error, explore its possible causes, and provide practical solutions with examples. Understanding the ORA-02289 Error: The ORA-02289 error is raised when an attempt is made to create a sequence or trigger with a REFER more
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ORA-65114 : l'utilisation de l'espace dans le conteneur est trop élevée
Technology and Oracle solutions
1y ago
 ORA-65114 : l'utilisation de l'espace dans le conteneur est trop élevée Je créais un tablespace dans un PDB nouvellement créé et je faisais face à " ORA-65114: l'utilisation de l'espace dans le conteneur est trop élevée " ORA-65114 : l'utilisation de l'espace dans le conteneur est trop élevée Cela se produit donc lorsque vous avez créé PDB avec une option de stockage inférieure à ce dont vous avez besoin. Voici l'exemple, j'ai utilisé pour créer PDB: create pluggable database TEST admin user admin identified by "oracle" default tablespace USERS  datafile '/u02/oradata/TEST/pdb1_u more
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Understanding the Drawbacks of Oracle Database: Exploring its Limitations
Technology and Oracle solutions
1y ago
Oracle Database has long been hailed as a reliable and robust solution for data management. However, like any technology, it also carries certain disadvantages that organizations should be aware of when considering its implementation. In this article, we will delve into some of the drawbacks associated with using Oracle Database, shedding light on its limitations and potential challenges. High Cost One of the primary disadvantages of Oracle Database is its high cost. Oracle is known for its enterprise-grade offerings, and as such, the licensing and support fees associated with Oracle Database more
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Considerations and Disadvantages of Using Oracle Database
Technology and Oracle solutions
1y ago
Oracle Database, a renowned and widely adopted relational database management system (RDBMS), offers numerous benefits and features that cater to the data management needs of organizations. However, like any technology, Oracle Database also has its share of considerations and disadvantages. This article aims to shed light on some of the limitations and challenges associated with using Oracle Database. Cost One significant disadvantage of Oracle Database is its cost. Oracle products are known for their substantial licensing fees, maintenance costs, and ongoing support expenses. For small or bu more
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