The European Society of Radiology (ESR) Blog
The European Society of Radiology is an apolitical, non-profit organisation that is dedicated to promoting and coordinating the scientific, philanthropic, intellectual and professional activities of radiology in all European countries.
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) Blog
3y ago
Dear all.
Time passes, and I must move on. After several years with the blog “José Vilar and Friends”, more than two million visits and near five hundred thousand visitors, I am finishing my job. It has been a great experience, trying to teach some basic clues, but also learning a lot from you, and from my friends: radiologists from different spots in the world. Fifty-five cases containing some tips to remember, especially (but not exclusively) dealing with plain radiography of the chest. Yes, the chest radiograph, after more than one hundred years, is still alive, but probably mistreated. Fu ..read more
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) Blog
3y ago
Dear friends, after a short trip to the abdomen, we return to the chest.
Here is a case to prove your ability to detect and diagnose.
This is an 82-year-old man with an important weight loss.
There are several relevant radiological findings in both projections. Can you list them ..read more
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) Blog
3y ago
Hello everybody.
This time I have had a minor medical problem, and have asked one of my former colleagues, a young radiologist from Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset, in Valencia to help me. Dr José Vizuete is a splendid radiologist, and one of his areas of domain is the abdomen. (He was co-author of our case 3, a case of ganglioneuroblastoma).
So, we will leave the thorax this time and visit our neighbour the abdomen.
This is a 33-year-old man with abdominal pain. Here is an abdominal CT and an MRI.
All Dr Vizuete and I would like is to have a differential diagnosis, but, of course ..read more
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) Blog
3y ago
Dear Friends,
After our last case that was successfully analyzed by everybody…
Today I bring a case from Dr Santiago Isarría (Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset, Valencia).
A patient referred from the cardiology clinic refers mild chronic shortness of breath.
As always, look carefully and let me know what you see and what you think.
( Disregard metallic image in left lower hemithorax)
  ..read more
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) Blog
3y ago
Hello everybody.
I am back after a long and profitable vacation, hiking in the Spanish mountains and swimming in the nearby sea. Wonderful.
I hope that all of you are well and in better conditions than last year. COVID 19 is still around and we have to stay alert.
To warm up, I will just show you a very brief case that was sent to me by Dr Ana Villanueva ( see case 49).
This is a newborn with vomiting.
Look carefully. What is the diagnosis ..read more
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) Blog
3y ago
Dear friends,
sorry about the wait, but I do hope you enjoy it!
This case was shown to me by Dr Santiago Isarría from Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset. Valencia. Spain. The case was a bit shocking to me, and I asked Dr Isarría if he could let me show it in the blog because it contains several interesting features. Dr Silvia Medrano, a smart radiology resident, provided me with the images and the pertinent information.
The patient is a 72-year-old lady with a history of multiple myeloma being followed. Now she complains of right dorsal chest pain.
Do you see something? (It’s subtle ..read more
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) Blog
4y ago
Dear Friends,
This case was sent to me by Dr. Ana Villanueva, a young Spanish radiologist actually training at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Toronto).
Ana is a good representation of the new generation of radiologists. Her father, Dr. Alberto Villanueva has contributed to this blog (Case 31) and probably is partly responsible for Ana´s interest in thoracic Radiology.
This is a case from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Canada
Dr Mohamed Saber and Assoc Prof Frank Gaillard et al.
Case 49:
16 year-old female
Reason for the study: history: cough, shortness of breath, right sid ..read more
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) Blog
4y ago
Hello friends, this time, my good friend and former Resident, Dr Lucía Flors sends me a case that fits perfectly with our line of interesting and teaching cases.
Dr Flors is presently at UCLA in Los Angeles as Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology with special dedication to thoracic imaging. She has already participated in this blog with interesting cases.
A picture some years ago when Dr Flors, to my right side, was finishing her residency at Hospital Universitario Dr Peset. To my left Drs Elena Lonjedo and José Martinez, excellent interventional radiologists actually in Valencia.
The ..read more
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) Blog
4y ago
Hello everybody.
Here is a new case from my collection to test your ability to see and your knowledge-
Preoperatory radiographs. No significant symptoms.
As in previous cases three questions:
Where is the abnormality?
What could it be?
What would you do ..read more
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) Blog
4y ago
Dear Friends,
This is a case that was provided to me some time ago by Dr Javier Lucaya, a superb pediatric radiologist from Barcelona.
A two year old with acute severe cough.
What do you think and what would you do ..read more