Kids in a New Groove – Providing free, private, at-home music mentorship to youth in foster care
Kids in a New Groove Provides Texas youth in foster care with a committed one-one mentoring relationship through weekly private music instruction, giving students the ability to build concrete strategies for life-long success.
Kids in a New Groove – Providing free, private, at-home music mentorship to youth in foster care
4y ago
Here at Kids In a New Groove we believe everything starts with our community, and we are here to be of service however we can. It’s through our music mentorship program we are able to provide stable relationships to our students made up of compassion, empathy, trust, and love.
In order to protect our students we understand that it’s our responsibility to speak out against racism – not just for the near future, but for as long as it takes to be eliminated. That’s why we are focusing on ways we can improve internally, promote racial equality, and work together to build a better fut ..read more
Kids in a New Groove – Providing free, private, at-home music mentorship to youth in foster care
4y ago
Austin: Win Free Spirit Airlines Trip By Supporting Good Cause Launching service to 9 destinations on Feb. 14, newest airliner teams up with ‘Kids In A New Groove’ to help kids in foster care via music.
By Tony Cantu, Patch Staff | Jan 23, 2019 12:30 am ET | Updated Jan 23, 2019 12:39 am ET
AUSTIN, TEXAS — In its efforts toward amassing a $10,000 donation, Kids In A New Groove is challenging Austin-area residents to enter to win Spirit Airlines’ online music trip giveaway contest.
For each entry, Spirit will give $1 to Kids In a New Groove up to $10,000, official ..read more
Kids in a New Groove – Providing free, private, at-home music mentorship to youth in foster care
4y ago
By: K-LOVE Closer Look – Felipe Aguilar/Marya Morgan
It’s been said that music is the world’s universal language, a powerful way to communicate emotions that can be too painful to speak. For some foster children tossed by parental abuse or neglect, learning to play a musical instrument is welcome relief.
Kids In A New Groove is dedicated to providing free weekly music lessons for foster children in central Texas. “Music is something that everyone can relate to and it’s such a powerful creative outlet for these kids,” says KING executive director Laura Wood. “They’re able to put the pain and th ..read more
Kids in a New Groove – Providing free, private, at-home music mentorship to youth in foster care
4y ago
by Will Tottle
Music has been with us for thousands of years as a form of entertainment, communication, celebration, and mourning. There are so many different emotions that music can help us to express, and it is a language that we share universally, as well as one that everyone can understand.
The style of music that we listen to most and enjoy may change every decade, but that sense of communication and feeling always remains. If you, or someone close to you, suffer from mental health conditions, you may find that they listen to music quite a lot, or even play it.
Music has a way of helping ..read more
Kids in a New Groove – Providing free, private, at-home music mentorship to youth in foster care
4y ago
As KING staff and volunteer Music Mentors began packing up drums and guitars and cleaning out their music classrooms at the Texas Baptist Children’s Home, all seemed to agree upon one thing: we can’t believe what we just saw. Just moments before, twenty-three children (several with no previous musical experience) had taken the stage in music groups formed only a few days before and performed songs they’d worked on all week to an appreciative crowd of foster parents and peers. The results of just a few days work were astonishing. These kids put on a show!
The kids of the first annual KIN ..read more
Kids in a New Groove – Providing free, private, at-home music mentorship to youth in foster care
4y ago
For youth in foster care, the path to graduation, like so many elements of their lives, is hard-fought and unpredictable. Considering the turmoil and distress faced daily by this vulnerable population–changing homes and schools, losing friends and meaningful connections–it isn’t surprising that nearly half of all youth in foster care never make the walk across the stage and receive their high school diploma. This eyebrow raising statistic doesn’t just affect the lives of this specific group of young people, it affects all of us. Nationally, those without a high school diploma are twice as like ..read more
Kids in a New Groove – Providing free, private, at-home music mentorship to youth in foster care
4y ago
For decades, the assumption among professionals who work with youth in foster care has been that finding a “forever home” for a child is a vital path towards successful life outcomes for youth living in the system. However, a new, comprehensive study has just been published by the Texas Institute for Child and Family Wellbeing that may well turn that long-held assumption on its head.
Though the Texas Youth Permanency Study will continue over the next five years, the findings thus far have revealed that having a permanent place to call home is much less impactful on the future success of a youn ..read more
Kids in a New Groove – Providing free, private, at-home music mentorship to youth in foster care
4y ago
During the month of May, organizations across the country join efforts to raise awareness about the difficulties faced every day by young people living within the foster care system. In this endeavor, KING created our Foster the Music campaign last year in which we partner with local businesses throughout Austin to spread awareness about this often overlooked population and raise funds that directly serve our mission to offer weekly, in-home music mentorship to youth in foster care throughout Central Texas.
We at KING so often find ourselves focusing on the positive changes our program makes i ..read more
Kids in a New Groove – Providing free, private, at-home music mentorship to youth in foster care
4y ago
Many years before Simone Biles won any of her four(!) Olympic gold medals for her amazing feats in gymnastics, she was a child of foster care, born to a drug addicted to mother and eventually adopted and raised by her grandparents. Last month, Biles wrote an inspiring article for CNN that not only details how she overcame the many difficult obstacles life placed before her to become a champion athlete and representative of her home country, but also advocates directly for the thousands of other young people who live within the foster care system in the United States. As Biles points out, the l ..read more
Kids in a New Groove – Providing free, private, at-home music mentorship to youth in foster care
4y ago
On November 15th, Kids In A New Groove held the 5th annual Music Matters Luncheon at the JW Marriott. The Music Matters Luncheon is an annual fundraiser dedicated to why music matters to our community and our organization. This year, we were excited to have Taylor Ellison of We Are Austin and Austin After Hours, once again, serve as emcee of the luncheon.
Guest speaker, Gigi Edwards Bryant--entrepreneur, dedicated community volunteer and fierce advocate for children--provided the audience with an inspiring personal account of growing up in the foster care system. Gigi is a firm believer that ..read more