Foster Care Closet of Nebraska
Foster CARE Closet shows God's love to His children through the giving of clothes and other items to children who are in the foster care system. Mission is to improve Nebraska's foster care system by serving Nebraska's foster youth with quality clothing and other basic care items with dignity, respect and cheerful giving.
Foster Care Closet of Nebraska
4y ago
By Jason Nabb
We were sitting down to dinner when we got a call from Christian Heritage that they would like to put our name in for a placement. Two girls, 3 and 3 months. Forty-five minutes later, these little ones were in our living room. I’ve never experienced anything like that before or since. The girls were removed from their home, taken to the Foster Care Closet and then came to our home. At the time, I hadn’t given it much thought. There was a whirlwind of papers, case workers, court dates, etc. Not to mention, personally, my family had one ..read more
Foster Care Closet of Nebraska
4y ago
Why Children Come Into Foster Care
There’s a myth out there that many kids are in foster care because of something they did. It’s surprising, but that belief is stronger than you might realize. Especially when it comes to teenagers, many assume there was behavior issues with the child. Although there may be some isolated instances where that is the case, it’s the exception, not the rule.
In reality, homes where there is drug use, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, domestic violence, severe neglect, intolerable living conditions and unaddressed medical concer ..read more
Foster Care Closet of Nebraska
4y ago
$1 Donation = $4 for the Foster Care Closet
On average, Leigh Esau, Executive Director of the Foster Care Closet, can turn a donated dollar into four bucks! It’s not magic, it’s just Leigh driving a hard bargain with some very generous and supportive local and national brands.
It is clear that there are many people that contribute to the Foster Care Closet’s operation. Volunteers, Board Members, Staff, generous donors and, of course, the foster families and Nebraska State Deptartment of Health Case Workers. However, some of our partners silently contribute in major ways each and every da ..read more
Foster Care Closet of Nebraska
4y ago
It’s the middle of the night. Sleeping. You awake to someone leading you out of your bed. Stranger. Scared, your eyes dart around the room looking for familiar faces. There’s one. Mom. But she’s talking frantically with a lady. Mom hands Stranger a big black bag with something in it.
You get on your coat, mom is still talking to that lady. Mom turns and kneels, “Everything is going to be okay, honey. You’ll go with this lady and you’re going to stay with some nice people for awhile while mommy and daddy get some help. (Wait, wh ..read more