AJ's Trash2Treasure BLOG
Welcome to our Trash 2 Treasure world! It is our hope to encourage and inspire others to reuse, rebuild, revamp and reinvent by sharing our ideas in this blog.
AJ's Trash2Treasure BLOG
5y ago
Those of who you are reading this on my Facebook page, already know about the medical issues that have plagued me for the past ten months. For those reading this on my blog, I’ll give you the ‘Reader’s Digest Condensed Version’ of what all has gone on since last April.
I live in a rented duplex. They have a landscape company that comes out weekly to mow the lawn. There are ‘dirt areas’ in most of the individual yards where the tenants are allowed to plant and maintain their own gardens. (You’ve seen MANY pictures of my garden!) Management emphasizes that the landscape company that mows th ..read more
AJ's Trash2Treasure BLOG
6y ago
Is there a wedding in your near future? Don’t forget to check out STARS ANTIQUE MALLS when you are looking for unique decor items. Vintage wares are very popular for using in weddings these days; and it’s a very economical way to go too! Unlike a lot of the decorative things you buy or make ‘just for your wedding’; the vintage items you purchase can continue to be used afterwards for decorating your home
Here’s a peek at some great vintage items in my two booths at Stars that you could use for wedding decor.
Hand crafted ‘HAPPILY EVER AFTER” banners made using vintage sheet music in ..read more
AJ's Trash2Treasure BLOG
6y ago
Well, I have some bad news and some good news. Bad for ME. GOOD for you. The bad news first. This is what the passenger side of my car now looks like:
It actually looks a lot WORSE in person. You can’t really see how DEEP the dent is in the photo. It’s deep enough that I can’t open that door anymore. I’m fine. My car, notsomuch! Thanks to another driver in a parking lot who ‘saw me but thought I was going to let him to go by’, even though he had a STOP sign and I had the right of way.
Currently dealing with insurance and just waiting to hear what they decide. Here’s the ‘back ..read more
AJ's Trash2Treasure BLOG
6y ago
The show opens tonight for preview, from 5-8pm with a $3.00 donation. The rest of the week, admission is FREE. Parking is always free. Now that the old exhibition hall has been demolished, the show is in the Cloverleaf Building, at the back of the fair complex. Tuesday – Friday hours are 10am-8pm. Saturday. 10am – 5pm.
I delivered MANY boxes and bins and old suitcases filled with inventory! Turning that, into this:
I brought mostly farmhouse rustic decor to the show this year. Including lots of crates and trays made from upcycled old weathered fencing:
Decorative shutter ..read more
AJ's Trash2Treasure BLOG
6y ago
We had an amazing break in our winter weather last week that made me SO ready for Spring! Our winter weather arrived late (February!) but hit HARD; as did my cabin fever. Putting out the Spring and Easter product in my booths at Stars has really got me in the mood for ‘play outside weather’.
Since I’ve got the beach decor in my big booth, I put the Spring/Easter product in my wall space. (Pardon that red bucket in the left corner. It’s an OLD building and occasionally the roof leaks.)
Some cute vintage chicks and bunnies. Ostrich sized faux eggs covered with vintage buttons. Milk ..read more