Feminvest — för ett mer jämställt Sverige
FundedByMe - Crowdfunding for intelligent growth
by Olivia Rönnlöv
4y ago
Feminvest — för ett mer jämställt Sverige Bli medlem i Sveriges största kvinnliga investerarnätverk! F örra veckan gick FundedByMe ut med att Feminvest ska omvandlas till ett fristående aktiebolag under FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden AB (publ)-koncernen. Michaela Berglund tog i mars över nätverket och har sedan dess slitit hårt för att omprofilera samt utöka dess intresseområde för att inte endast diskutera börsen och aktier. Utan även lägga ett större fokus på investeringar, entreprenörskap och privatekonomi för den enskilda individen. Med Feminvest vill Michaela skapa en plattform och ett fo ..read more
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Why do most start-ups fail?
FundedByMe - Crowdfunding for intelligent growth
by Mehr Patni
4y ago
Why do most start-ups fail? It all starts with an idea. Thinking you’re building the next big thing. You think of all the possible scenarios, cover all your bases and success is only just out of your reach. That’s what most entrepreneurs think, but why, then, do 60% of start-up’s fail? Perspective. Start-ups can bring life to some of the most innovative solutions to everyday problems, but sometimes, it’s a solution nobody asked for. A recent study by CB Insights showed that 42% of startup’s failed due to a lack of market demand, i.e. entrepreneurs who focused too much on their product and ..read more
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UAE Startups and the Banking Challenges They Face
FundedByMe - Crowdfunding for intelligent growth
by Mehr Patni
4y ago
UAE startups and the banking challenges they face UAE-based entrepreneurs and small business owners are no strangers to the banking challenges of the region. Despite multiple banks — both local and foreign — in the region offer a range of commercial banking services and the country’s infrastructure being inherently conducive to businesses, the actual banking experience for startups and small businesses has proven invariably arduous. With most banks, opening an account can be a huge hassle. According to a recent report published by the Dubai Chamber, it can take up to three months to open ..read more
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Surviving working remotely.
FundedByMe - Crowdfunding for intelligent growth
by Arno Smit
4y ago
One of the implications of Covid19/Coronavirus is to self isolate and work remotely, maybe even for the first time. As the head of product for FundedByMe I made the move to work remotely with my development team more than 4 years ago and what I am sharing today is a combination of things that worked and ones that didn’t that I have learned along the way. What doesn’t work?Working remotely is a big move and simply thinking it will work out is the wrong approach towards remote working. What works? 1. Communication The key to clear lines and you need to be on top of things, we are ..read more
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A note from our CEO
FundedByMe - Crowdfunding for intelligent growth
by Olivia Rönnlöv
4y ago
I hope this note finds you well. As the CEO of FundedByMe I want to thank you for the year that has passed. 2019 was a very intense year for us, which we started by becoming a listed company. Last week we officially shared our performance rates for the past year. For me, as an entrepreneur and CEO, it has been one of the toughest and most interesting years since Arno and myself founded this company, 9 years ago. But with that said, it has also been completely worth it. My love for crowdfunding, including the support from the people like you, continues to give me and the rest of our team energ ..read more
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Looking for incubators and accelerators in Sweden?
FundedByMe - Crowdfunding for intelligent growth
by Arno Smit
4y ago
No doubt that Sweden is a fantastic place to start a company and has spawned many notable brand names like Spotify, iZettle, Klarna and Truecaller to name a few. When starting a company you will face multiple obstacles, finding co-founders, finding product-market fit, finding investors & mentors and one of the best ways to broaden your network is to be around clever people that can help you grow by engaging in deep conversations around your startup and could potentially be facing the same problem. Accelerators and incubators are a fantastic way to validate your product, get ment ..read more
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End of the year (or should we say the end of a decade) with FundedByMe
FundedByMe - Crowdfunding for intelligent growth
by Olivia Rönnlöv
4y ago
As we head into 2020 we want to take this opportunity to look back at some of our accomplishments for 2019. We’ve had a very eventful year, where we’ve been both challenged and celebrated successes. But while many would claim that we’ve been faced with a few hurdles these past months we would like to urge to disagree and claim that 2019 has been pretty great. Below we’ve listed five of our top happenings during 2019 — starting with our listing on NGM Nordic MTF on March 8th. While the share price hasn’t performed as anyone had hoped, it still marks as a significant event for us. We’ve le ..read more
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Managing your mental health as an entrepreneur
FundedByMe - Crowdfunding for intelligent growth
by Mehr Patni
4y ago
Managing your mental health as an entrepreneur Building and managing your own business can be exhilarating and incredibly fulfilling, but it usually comes at a price; your time, energy and mental health. The pressure of wearing multiple hats, making big decisions on your own, and the lack of precedent or guidance on what exactly you need to do is incredibly daunting, and for most entrepreneurs this can result in debilitating mental health issues. A 2015 study conducted by Freeman et al. on over 200 entrepreneurs shows that 30% were more likely to report a lifetime history of depression. 26 ..read more
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Ways to Support Startups in the UAE
FundedByMe - Crowdfunding for intelligent growth
by Mehr Patni
4y ago
Ways to support startups in the UAE If you’ve ever listened to an entrepreneur talking about the story of how they got where they are, the most exciting parts of that story will invariably be the parts about securing funding for their business. This is especially true in 2019 where a distinct lack of venture capital and high interest rates on bank loans make for some seemingly insurmountable hurdles for potential entrepreneurs. This can be a serious problem, as securing the initial funding is always the most crucial part in the genesis of a startup. The most obvious solution is obvio ..read more
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Campaign Creation — A total revamp
FundedByMe - Crowdfunding for intelligent growth
by Arno Smit
4y ago
Campaign Creation — A total revamp The challenges we’ve faced When you go from a small founding team to a larger organisation you are faced with multiple issues. Scaling your product, people management, finding product-market fit and the constant challenge of striving to build a better product based on your users' needs, wants and expectations. When FundedByMe started, the startup scene was very new and there were but a handful of co-working spaces and the word crowdfunding was unknown. As the startup scene matured, so has the notion of crowdfunding and more and more established ..read more
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