Kino Yoga Blog
Kino MacGregor is an international yoga teacher, author of four books, producer of six Ashtanga Yoga DVDs, writer, vlogger, world traveler, co-founder of Miami Life Center, co-fouder of Yoga Challenge and OmStars and co-creator of Yoga Pro Wheel.
Kino Yoga Blog
9M ago
As we delve deeper into this yogic path, we appreciate the practice not just for physical prowess, but for emotional and spiritual resilience too. Whether we’re striving to show up daily despite life’s demands or digging deep to overcome generational trauma, commitment is key to our growth.
But what about once we’re on the mat? How easily do our thoughts wander with our curious senses? By exploring the foundational principles of Ashtanga yoga, such as Tristana—the integration of breath, movement, and focus—we learn to navigate our practice with greater awareness and intention, no matter how pa ..read more
Kino Yoga Blog
10M ago
Without a doubt, yoga is an invitation for introspection and growth. It holds a mirror to who we truly are and generously serves as our unwavering support throughout the trials of life. But as we move through this journey, how often do we consider our contribution to the yoga community?
Much like the unwavering support of our own practices guiding us through arduous human experiences, community parallels as the backbone of yoga’s presence in society. It’s truly in the embrace of a supportive community that the true essence of yoga blossoms.
And in this moment, who do we consider responsi ..read more
Kino Yoga Blog
11M ago
From summer camp serendipity to university days solace, yoga can meet us in the most unsuspecting times. It plants tiny seeds of inspiration into our awareness so that our yogic journeys can fully bloom when the time is right.
And it’s in these moments – where many of us find yoga’s healing qualities as a soothing balm to insomnia or back pain – that we meet the real essence of yoga. The deeper dimensions offer opportunities for self-compassion, introspection, and connection with the breath, with oneness.
It’s the devotion to this essence of yoga that nurtures teachers with not just the connec ..read more
Kino Yoga Blog
1y ago
Limitlessness and opportunity – the inertia of pacy modern life can serve as fuel for realising our purpose in this lifetime. But much like this two-month immersion in Mysore that serves as a grounding balance to our proactive compulsions, finding the right teacher will surely keep us all on the right track. At the very least, it will help us avoid complete burnout.
Yet while living in a world of endless possibilities, this can also be a tricky endeavour in itself. When there are many gurus in arms reach – whether digitally or a plane ride away – it inevitably raises the questions: How do you ..read more
Kino Yoga Blog
1y ago
If we expect somehow to only show up for our practice when things are feeling good and do a good job from the external standards, then we’ll lack the kind of spiritual fortitude that’s really required.
And, in this modern age, it’s all too easy to lose our grip of patience when immediacy permiates our every chance to make a decision. We may be fortunate to live in a world of advancements that better our lives but, if our desire for convenience takes precedence, we risk weakening our spiritual edurance. We risk hardening our hearts when faced with difficulty.
We must also ask: if our default un ..read more
Kino Yoga Blog
1y ago
As we journey on the spiritual path, we seek answers for our ever questioning minds. What is the meaning of life? What is my purpose? Can I really be bothered to do primary series today?
Healthy questioning offers us meaningful personal growth but it is indeed part of the practice to remain the observer of thoughts. Once we step into the rabbit hole questioning ourselves, our yogi paths, and even our teachers, it is during those moments we must decide whether we are truly cultivating fertile ground for faith.
From dropping the notion of romanticism to the benefits of a dynamic practice – let’s ..read more
Kino Yoga Blog
1y ago
In New Age teachings, there’s the idea that we can be our own gurus. But since life is not as simple as one step forward after another, yoga traditions teach us that we do in fact need someone further along the path to guide us along the way. But which guidance is right for us?
You may find that a true yoga teacher is someone who can sit with the vast knowledge of instructions and create a safe space for the spiritual journey. Whereas a guru is someone who removes the darkness from one’s path and has a heavy fullness of spiritual vibration that brings wholeness and wisdom. They hold spac ..read more
Kino Yoga Blog
2y ago
Yogic philosophy shows us that we’re born with imprints that affect the way we think and behave throughout our entire life–that is, of course, until we break free.
Because why wouldn’t we want to free ourselves from suffering? The negative shades of our personality so often hinder our path to peace so the chance to let go should be embraced with open arms. Right?
Perhaps not. In this episode, we learn that while it’s true that we want to change, so often we’re afraid to let go. Because letting go means leaving a part of us behind.
So how do we find enlightenment then? Are we even in cont ..read more
Kino Yoga Blog
2y ago
Holding space for those in pursuit of spiritual or psychological growth is not a path free from compassion fatigue yet we must look at how absorbing the pressure of the ‘pedestal’ is one of the catalysts for burnout.
But what if our teachers aren’t really the ones leading the way? After all, personal epiphanies could not occur without the self, nor could they be delivered without spirit.
No matter what position you hold in society, you are always a student. Whether that humility is embraced with open arms or the universe offers a perfect storm for your awakening to the fact, life is not a game ..read more
Kino Yoga Blog
2y ago
If you were blindfolded and asked to describe what’s in front of you, you might say ‘thin and ropey’. At least, that’s what you’d say if an elephant’s tail was in front of you. This description of your experience is true, but it’s not the whole elephant.
When it comes to understanding this life, the same thing applies: not one person can comprehend the whole.
We’re each searching for meaning through different lenses. For many, the lens is yoga and with commitment, profound insights are uncovered. Yet, as yoga brings us closer to our truth, we mustn’t get lost in competition nor sho ..read more