Ghost Hunts USA | Blog
Ghost Hunts USA is one of the biggest ghost hunting companies in the USA. We hire out well known haunted locations across America and allow guests to join us in Ghost Hunting. Enjoy reading about true stories of ghosts and evil souls that have been haunting for centuries in cities and across popular sites. Get the real experience in our blog section.
Ghost Hunts USA | Blog
3y ago
When James Wan’s The Conjuring released in 2013, it was met with a degree of fanfare and critical acclaim the likes of which a horror franchise hadn’t yet witnessed in the modern era. The widespread success of the first installment alone is thought to have single-handedly resurrected a number of other popular slasher and horror films for movie-goers to delight in. But despite such attempts, The Conjuring would always have one thing that other film franchises of the genre didn’t – a true story.
The film follows the Perron family’s move to Harrisburg, Rhode Island and the well-intentioned effor ..read more
Ghost Hunts USA | Blog
3y ago
Slowly by surely, for the first time in documented history, the onus of responsibility to either prove or disprove the existence of the supernatural is changing course in favor of those open-minded members of our world daring enough to say that there is existence beyond our mortal realm. And while this progress is certainly reason for celebration amongst those in the paranormal community, it is also cause for concern.
Like most facets of popular culture, once anything becomes too mainstream, sensationalized, and/or consistent in the public eye, there will be those who aim to capitalize on it ..read more
Ghost Hunts USA | Blog
3y ago
The American northeast, being as secluded and relatively uninhabited as it is, has left its paranormal community with quite the burden to bear.
Without many industrialists, they’ve witnessed the demise and decimation of countless historically haunted structures that otherwise may have had new life to them.
They’ve grown increasingly small in number as the modern era pulls the region’s residents to the bustling hubs of the east and west coasts. And, perhaps the most damning and consequential reality, the sheer distance between what few worthwhile locations exist within the region is enough to ..read more
Ghost Hunts USA | Blog
3y ago
The land on which the remnants of the Cresson Sanitarium now lay abandoned was once the property of Andrew Carnegie, one of the greatest entrepreneurs and philanthropists to ever come out of the United States.
Carnegie had planned on using this parcel of land to build a wondrous mansion for his aging mother. However, as she died sooner than he’d expected, he was left with a vacant piece of land, and it wouldn’t be until 1911 when Carnegie was approached by the state of Pennsylvania, who was then scouting a location for a tuberculosis sanitarium in the Allegheny Mountains, that he found a new ..read more
Ghost Hunts USA | Blog
4y ago
Floating off the coast of Wilmington, North Carolina is an old World War II battleship that has been a site for paranormal activity since the early days of its service. Sitting at just over 728 feet long, this monster of a war ship is now a popular museum for visitors from all over the world.
The USS North Carolina was one of the most feared and powerful ships on the water during the second World War. Ships that have no crew are known as “ghost ships”, but the USS North Carolina takes this to the extreme with reports of ghastly paranormal encounters and frightening occurrences. Let’s dive a li ..read more
Ghost Hunts USA | Blog
4y ago
Across the nation, many of us are on lockdown due to COVID-19.
But while most of us enjoy our Internet connections, comfortable homes, and maybe indulge in a little bit too much junk food, the residents on lockdown at Mid-Orange Correctional Facility did not have that luxury.
The inmates locked within its walls were as young as 13 years old in some cases, and they were some of the worst troublemakers in New York City.
The Secretive History of Mid-Orange Correctional Facility
The Mid-Orange Correctional Facility, a former medium-security prison, is located about 60 miles northwest of New York C ..read more
Ghost Hunts USA | Blog
4y ago
As October begins to wind down, the spookiest time of the year is slowly ramping up, culminating in a festive and terrifying Halloween night.
People are running around in creative costumes and the television seems to be playing a different scary movie on every channel.
With a night as scary as Halloween, it’s only natural to assume that there are many bone-chilling stories having to do with the holiday.
Here are 13 of the spookiest Halloween facts and stories that will make the hairs on the back of your neck rise this October 31st.
#1) Halloween’s Ancient Origins
Did you know that Halloween’s ..read more
Ghost Hunts USA | Blog
4y ago
If it’s not obvious to you by now, there’s something about penitentiaries that the team at Ghost Hunts USA is intrigued by. We can’t seem to stop visiting these places and experiencing all of their paranormal activity for ourselves. The West Virginia Penitentiary is no different, and it’s one that we do love being able to share with those that are equally as curious as us! It wouldn’t be a haunted location if there wasn’t a ton of history tied to it, which is exactly what initially sparked our interest in this space. That being said, take a seat and check out the intriguing history that makes ..read more
Ghost Hunts USA | Blog
4y ago
Sitting atop a bluff overlooking the Delaware River in New Jersey lies a ghoulish looking mansion. Peeling paint and wallpaper, damaged fireplaces, as well as creepy empty rooms are all that remain of this home and its rich history dating back to the Revolutionary War. Stepping foot onto the grounds causes the hairs on the back of your neck to rise and the feeling of being watched never quite goes away.
What makes the entire thing even more unsettling and spooky is the chain-link fence seemingly blocking the world from the spirits wandering within. This mansion has had unique occupants over th ..read more
Ghost Hunts USA | Blog
4y ago
There is something incredibly eerie about historical war sites. Standing at a location where thousands of soldiers fought and died can unsettle you to the bone. Knowing of reported ghost sightings in that area? That is just downright terrifying.
Welcome to Gettysburg, a vicious three day battle fought during the height of the American civil war that left a total of around 51,000 casualties. Most people are taught the details of this battle during history class, but the continuous ghost sightings are conveniently left out so as not to scare little kids. Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves ..read more