Happy Belated Down Syndrome Awareness Month
Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced
6M ago
 Today, we have a guest post from a teacher who developed an incredibly close bond with Josie during elementary school.  It was written in honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, but October has come and gone and here we are, still playing catch up.  However, the sentiment remains.  Without further ado, allow me to present the lovely Ms. Kellie:  It’s easy to write about someone who means so much to me. Here’s my story this October—and I remain ever grateful that your daughter graced my life when she did. ? Here you go: There’s always that one student. She challen ..read more
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Accepting Help
Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced
6M ago
  It has been one year since this poor blog was updated.  As the kids get older, life gets busier with extracurricular activities and such.  Leanne has many medical appointments, but she never complains.  With the help of a wonderful caregiver named Cindy, Leanne is also able to participate in many fun activities including Special Olympics bowling and cheerleading, participating on a special needs dance team, and volunteer work.  Having the support of a paid caregiver means that everyone receives high-quality attention as well as maximum opportunity to participate in ..read more
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Down Syndrome Awareness Month - The Elementary Years
Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced
1y ago
 Josie graduated from elementary school last spring and I've been meaning to write a blog post in tribute to the team of educators who enriched Josie's life immeasurably during these formative years.   I'll never forget the first day of preschool.  I walked Josie into the building, left her with strangers, returned to my car in the parking lot, and bawled.  When you have a child who is especially vulnerable - medically fragile, cognitively delayed, with limited communication skills - it's terrifying to entrust her to others.  Had I known that day that Josie would ..read more
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Caregiver Self-Care and Support
Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced
2y ago
 I used to tell my mom that she should have had ten kids.  She was so maternal and she absolutely lived to take care of others.  I did not inherit this gene.  And now that I'm Leanne's caretaker, I realize that God knew what He was doing when He gave Leanne to my mom: she's the equivalent of ten kids!  Ha!  I'm teasing...a little.  But in all honesty, Leanne's presence in our home has opened my eyes to a whole new perspective: Caregiver.   The caregiver role can manifest from many different scenarios: parenthood, caring for an aging/elderly parent ..read more
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Down Syndrome and Preparing for Puberty
Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced
3y ago
I have a Type A personality.  I like information; the more, the better.  I like to be prepared.  Sometimes I overprepare.  I can be a little neurotic.  It's part of my charm.   Our oldest child just turned eleven.  Guess what's around the corner: puberty.  I would be lying if I said that this notion doesn't give me anxiety.  What's a neurotic, Type A mother to do?  Well, I must take the bull by the horns and tackle this head on.   And as I always have, I'm happy to share my experiences as both a sibling and a parent of individu ..read more
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Social Media : Good or Evil?
Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced
3y ago
The other night, I stayed up until 1am writing a post on this topic and I decided against posting it because it just came pouring out, stream of consciousness style, and it got a little too tangy...and verbose.  But I promised myself that I would address the issue of social media on a longer format which leads us to Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced.  Welcome back!    I watched the Netflix documentary, "The Social Dilemma" (three times).  It warns about the dark side of social media and the detrimental impacts social media can have on our kids and on our soci ..read more
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Top Down Syndrome Blogs Award
Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced
3y ago
 We have been honored as one of Twinkl's "Top Down Syndrome Blogs" for 2021 and we are elated!  Twinkl is an educational resource website and you know that we're big on educational resources around here.  In fact, I already had a Twinkl membership and I have used Twinkl's worksheets to teach various concepts to my children.  That made this recognition even more meaningful for us.   Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced doesn't get updated as frequently as we'd like, but we are still so proud of the eleven years of stories, experience, lessons, and resources t ..read more
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World Down Syndrome Day 2021
Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced
3y ago
 March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day.  Down syndrome is characterized by three copies of the 21st chromosome.  3/21 - get it?   I was welcomed into the world by a big sister with Down syndrome.  I credit her as the single most influential person in my life.  She had such a positive influence on me, that ten (almost 11!) years ago, my husband and I decided to start our family by adopting a baby with Down syndrome.  We now all live together under one roof and it is a blessing to see these two interact daily.  They enrich our lives with their authe ..read more
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Merry Christmas 2020
Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced
3y ago
 Was it the best year ever?  Certainly not.  But there's still a lot of love to celebrate.   Merry Christmas ..read more
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2020 Christmas Card Reveal
Confessions of the Chromosomally Enhanced
3y ago
 As 2020 winds to a close (thank HEAVENS!), and we reflect back on the unprecedented times that we experienced, it's absolutely overwhelming.  It's the kind of thing we'll undoubtedly tell our grandkids about as they gaze at us, eyes wide with curiosity and bewilderment.   I remember the initial terror - my neighbor bringing me an item, wrapped in a Clorox wipe, and setting it down 10 feet away from me because neither party was sure that the other wasn't contaminated with a lethal virus.  Fearful parents warning small children not to get close to their friends because ..read more
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