The Elite Nanny Company Blog
The Elite Nanny Company is a small selective agency specialising in the introduction of nannies to parents, working in conjunction with the Maternity Nurse Company to provide the best care for your child, from newborn to teenager.
The Elite Nanny Company Blog
3w ago
When emergencies strike, from a toddler choking to a burst water main in the street, your nanny needs to be able to act swiftly and confidently. Here’s how to prepare comprehensive emergency protocols to protect your children when you can’t be there. Essential Documentation Medical Authorisations Prepare an emergency medical form that authorises your nanny ..read more
The Elite Nanny Company Blog
2M ago
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can impact children as well as adults, causing changes in mood, energy levels, and overall well-being when the seasons shift, most often in autumn and winter. Recognising and addressing these signs early can make a significant difference. Identifying the Symptoms of SAD in Children SAD can appear in subtle ways but ..read more
The Elite Nanny Company Blog
3M ago
As the cold months set in, ensuring children stay warm becomes a top priority for parents. Children are particularly vulnerable to temperature changes, making the right clothing essential in providing warmth, helping children enjoy outdoor activities without discomfort. Why Choose Thermal Clothing? Thermal clothing works by trapping body heat and holding it close to the ..read more
The Elite Nanny Company Blog
5M ago
Ask any nanny what the one word is that strikes dread into any family, and we guarantee you’ll always get the same answer – nits! And as school term starts again, the horror of head-lice looms large. Head lice myths Head lice, aka nits, are only found on human head hair. Not any other hair ..read more
The Elite Nanny Company Blog
5M ago
First things first – this is nothing new. Last year the SATs results were delayed by the King’s coronation. In 2008 it was a marking problem that delayed SATs. In fact, delayed SATs are the new normal! What are SATs? Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) are compulsory in every UK state school in year 6 and ..read more
The Elite Nanny Company Blog
7M ago
Festivals are one of the highlights of summer, especially in the UK, where we get so little opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in good weather. But taking children to a festival can feel challenging, so we’ve compiled top tips from some of our nanny candidates who’ve mastered the art of festival-going with kids
Pick your festival with care
The best festival for you is a a blend of cost, size, line-up, travel, facilities … each festival, and each family, are different, and picking the festival that will meet your families needs is a very personal choice. Do your research, get opinions from those ..read more
The Elite Nanny Company Blog
9M ago
It’s May, and the bane of many a parent and nanny has arrived – hay fever. The medical name is allergic rhinitis, suggesting an allergy that mainly affects the nose, but many people also have difficulties with their eyes, throat and even ears. 30% of children will experience hay fever and if your child has asthma, eczema or food allergies they are more likely to be hay fever prone too.
Hay fever symptoms
Most commonly:
bouts of sneezing
a runny and/or blocked nose
itchy nose
itching, swollen and or watering eyes.
Less commonly:
itchy ears, throat and/or roof of mouth.
As if that w ..read more
The Elite Nanny Company Blog
10M ago
Every parent wants to do the best for their children, which is probably why the weekend nanny is on the rise. The extra support offers a chance for busy working parents to enjoy their children at the weekends without the added stresses of juggling commitments and family organisation – especially with multiple children having various activities and social engagements!
Benefits of a weekend nanny
Extra support at busy times – weekends are when people get social invitations, and children do too! Sometimes it feels like you need to be in five places at once, and this is where a weekend nanny can ..read more
The Elite Nanny Company Blog
1y ago
Halloween is becoming a bigger celebration every year in the UK, partly because it comes at just that time of year when we all really need a reason to have fun. However, Halloween also present problems for some families, such as more fundamental Christians, Jehovah’s Witnesses and those for whom traditional celebrations of the Día de los Muertos have been culturally appropriated into sugar skull make-up etc.
But there are easy ways to have a Halloween that is both fun and sensitive to others.
How to make Halloween happy
Consider working with your nanny to help the children make Halloween mask ..read more
The Elite Nanny Company Blog
1y ago
At The Elite Nanny Company, we’re committed to finding you just the right nanny, that’s not always the perfect one because, let’s be honest, who’s perfect? So there may be times when you and your nanny aren’t in agreement and that’s when a tough conversation needs to happen.
What kind of thing are we talking about? Maybe you and your nanny have different views about risk, or you need to change her duties or hours, or perhaps something has come up concerning the children that you are nervous about discussing. It can feel like a confrontation and that’s the place to start developing your t ..read more