by weavewright
4y ago
One week ago, this is what I saw when I looked out my windows ~ That’s a portion of my front garden, after moderate snowfall all night Friday and much of Saturday. The birdfeeders (which, knowing that snow was coming, I had filled the day before) were exceptionally busy all day. It snowed much of the day, and into the night. Sunday morning it continued to snow, even as the temperature began slowly rising. In the end, I got about five inches; other parts of the Island accumulated a foot or so. The garden was stunning. By Tuesday morning, thanks to warmer temperatures and persistent rain, it ..read more
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Back in the Saddle Again
by weavewright
4y ago
My readers must be tired of me remarking that it’s been a long time since I appeared here. Me too. It’s been such a strange time on so many levels. COVID has changed life everywhere for everyone, including on this outlying rural island, where the virus has generally spread moderately but has resulted (thankfully) in only a handful of deaths. It’s hard to conjure up enthusiasm and what my father called ambition — the internal thrust to do work and be productive. Some artists I know have hunkered down and done masses of new work; others, like myself, have been stymied and stagnant. I have wished ..read more
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In a Time of Plague
by weavewright
5y ago
It’s a strange time; I doubt that anyone would disagree with that assessment.  The contrast between this drastically altered way of life with the burgeoning of Spring’s beauty all around is difficult to absorb.  Much less make sense out of.  I think it’s not something we can understand in any logical or rational fashion; we must simply move through the days in the best ways we can fashion for ourselves. I am fortunate.  I’m an artist.  I live and work alone, and have for some years.  This sequestration is not generally hard on me, or difficult to tolerate.  ..read more
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Showing Up
by weavewright
5y ago
I haven’t, as you may have noticed.  Not sure why, other than a lot of distraction and “noise” in the wider world. And in my own head. Today there is snow on the ground, only a little bit outside my window, but many inches both north and south of me on the Island.  I envy the many inches folks. It’s cold too, so staying indoors (except for going out to refill bird feeders) makes me happy.  I’m definitely less hardy than I used to be. 2019 was a good garden year, and moderately productive at the loom.  Here are a few glimpses ~ That last one is a rose, in case you’re puzzled, and the white ..read more
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