Really Awful Movies
Really Awful Movies is a tribute to our favorite genre horror, but also to forgotten treasures new and old. We feature reviews of low-budget cinema, martial arts films, and sci-fi gems that get no love or have been relegated to the far reaches of YouTube or Netflix.
Really Awful Movies
1M ago
The clock is ticking. A scientist is in a race against time to prevent a parasite from being loosed upon the world, to paraphrase Yeats. Parasite, not to be confused with the eponymous (and far superior) jet-black South Korean comedy – comes to us instead from Charles Band Land. Parasite (1982) has the plot of ..read more
Really Awful Movies
1M ago
With the damage inflicted on the franchise by the likes of Blumhouse, David Gordon Green, etc, one can’t help but wonder if John Carpenter’s anthology-centric vision for the Halloween series would’ve been a preferred outcome. This reviewer (like others), claims Halloween, Halloween II and III as the best series entries, after which the quality decline ..read more
Really Awful Movies
2M ago
A delicious period piece, The Black Phone gives us atmosphere aplenty before veering into a somewhat unsatisfying middle act and later reclaiming its place among the better Blumhouse offerings with a compelling conclusion. Siblings Finney and Gwen are navigating a dangerous home life – thanks to an abusive, alcoholic dad – and stranger danger too ..read more
Really Awful Movies
2M ago
In a dystopian future, criminals risk their lives to entertain the masses on TV. Isn’t that the present day NFL? National Felon League jokes aside, The Running Man occupies that well-trodden dangerous game territory, occupied by the likes of Rollerball, Squid Game, Battle Royale, The Condemned…and further down the food chain, cheap and cheerful Canadian ..read more
Really Awful Movies
2M ago
The Lament Configuration. Ouija boards. The Necronomicon. Disconnected landlines. Saying “Candyman” five times in front of a mirror. Conduits to other dimensions allow for lots of storytelling freedom. And Le Calendrier, aka, The Advent Calendar is no exception. But this Belgian/French co-production stands out as being unbelievably unique, if nothing else. And another worthy addition ..read more
Really Awful Movies
3M ago
The London Underground is the true star of the show in Creep, as sewage works introduce us to the dank milieu before we see a woman en route to a party getting stuck overnight at Charing Cross. Creep – not to be confused with the stellar POV horror which came out a decade later ..read more
Really Awful Movies
3M ago
A social justice screed cosplaying as a horror film, the Candyman remake is a colossal disappointment. Instead of talking like normal people talk, characters are mouthpieces for ideology: police bad, white people bad, gentrification bad. And that’s not subtext or metaphor, by the way. That’s all anyone talks about in this preachy mess of a ..read more
Really Awful Movies
3M ago
A slew of movies have explored the subterranean horrors of subways – think Maniac, Midnight Meat Train, or the unusually quiet Berlin S-Bahn from Demons, all of which featured isolated travelers accosted by a creep. And speaking of which, the British horror Creep – not to be confused with the stellar found footage horror Creep ..read more
Really Awful Movies
3M ago
The Damage tagline is “bring the pain,” so it could be that there’s some filmic kinship with Roadhouse through its Zen koan, “pain don’t hurt.” But Damage is kind of a reverse Roadhouse (the remake, that is): instead of a cage fighter being pulled into bouncing, the arrow points in the opposite direction. Stone Cold ..read more
Really Awful Movies
4M ago
A bunch of people sequestered away and given experimental drugs? Is that an extended metaphor for COVID lockdowns? The Irish horror, Double Blind introduces us to the recondite Blackwood Pharmaceuticals through Claire, a surly 30-something test subject in it for a quick buck. And as the title/premise would suggest, Double Blind is a drug trial ..read more