KINDERTRAUMA is about the movies, books, and toys that scared you when you were a kid. It's also about kids in scary movies, both as heroes and villains. And everything else that's traumatic to a tyke!
5d ago
ScreenshotThe post Kindertrauma Funhouse first appeared on kindertrauma ..read more
5d ago
After seventeen plus years you’d think I would have relayed all of my childhood kindertraumas by now but it seems there’s always yet another gremlin hiding under the bed. Once upon a time, in the land of wood paneling and shag carpet the color of guacamole, the standard family had...
The post Traumafession:: Unk on The Hills Have Eyes ('77) first appeared on kindertrauma ..read more
1w ago
There’s much to admire about Leigh Whannell’s (perhaps too) tasteful take on THE WOLF MAN but while nobly attempting to bring something fresh to the lycanthrope table it gets a bit lost in the woods and sadly doesn’t quite scratch the werewolf itch. This movie boasts a thoughtful, script, sincere...
The post The Wolf Man (2025) & Presence first appeared on kindertrauma ..read more
2w ago
Here I am, after shrugging off a few of the most highly regarded films of the past year to sing the praises of a rickety, shoddily hobbled together would-be supernatural slasher from 1984 called ….SATAN’S BLADE. Writer/Director L. Scott Castillo Jr.’s stab at a FRIDAY THE 13th -style body count...
The post Satan's Blade ('84) first appeared on kindertrauma ..read more
3w ago
Flags fly at half mass today at Kindertrauma Castle as we have lost one of the true greats, the incredible David Lynch. The world is a lesser place for sure and it’s easily said that there will never ever be any one like him again. We’re all luckily to have...
The post In Memoriam:: David Lynch first appeared on kindertrauma ..read more
1M ago
I won't beat around the bush, Coralie Fargeat’s THE SUBSTANCE was by far my favorite film of 2024 and that’s that. This colorful, sometimes humorous film put me through an emotional ringer and the gooey special effects laden conclusion rocked me in ways I haven’t been rocked in literal decades....
The post Unk's Year of Horror: 2024 first appeared on kindertrauma ..read more
1M ago
ScreenshotThe post Merry Christmas 2024! first appeared on kindertrauma ..read more
1M ago
The post Mickster's Annual Christmas Funhouse first appeared on kindertrauma ..read more
1M ago
2011’s THE AWAKENING is a ghostly stunner that stars the ever reliable Rebecca Hall (also splended in 2020's NIGHT HOUSE) and was at least partially written by Stephen Volk the brains behind 1992’s essential made for TV mind-screw GHOST WATCH. The year is 1921 and hard nosed proto ghostbuster Florence...
The post Five More Underrated Ghost Movies (For X-mas) first appeared on kindertrauma ..read more