Biblical Reasoning
Biblical and Systematic Theology According to the Scriptures. Sit back and relax, tune in and enjoy.
Biblical Reasoning
3d ago
This episode is a conversation with Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P. of the Angelicum. We discuss biblical and theological interpretation in the 20th century (2:32), the relationship between literal and spiritual senses in interpreting Exodus (12:33), metaphysics and Scripture (34:56), Catholic-Protestant dialogue (47:44), and more. Buy Fr. Thomas Joseph’s commentary. This episode is sponsored by ..read more
Biblical Reasoning
3w ago
This episode is a conversation with Dr. Scott Williams of the University of North Carolina–Asheville. We discuss divine self-knowledge (3:30), Nicaea and the Trinity in the Sixth Ecumenical Council (36:02), Henry of Ghent’s contribution to trinitarian theology (58:30), and more. Read Scott’s book and visit his website. This episode is sponsored by Logos. Try the ..read more
Biblical Reasoning
1M ago
This episode is a conversation with Dr. Samuel Emadi of Hunsinger Lane Baptist Church. We discuss Joseph in the history of interpretation (4:44), Joseph in biblical theology and typology (9:59), advice for preaching (48:31), and more. Read Samuel’s books. This episode is sponsored by Logos. Try the newest version for free for two months(!): www.logos.com/cg ..read more
Biblical Reasoning
2M ago
This episode is a conversation with Dr. Rhyne Putman of Williams Baptist University. We discuss the importance of Jesus’s genealogies and his role as the “virgin-born king” (3:48), the virgin birth in the Christian tradition (11:54), the biblical and theological importance of the virgin birth (14:31), Protestants and Mary (22:42), the importance of the virgin ..read more
Biblical Reasoning
4M ago
This episode is a conversation with Dr. Ryan Fields of Faith Evangelical Free Church. We discuss becoming a free church pastor (2:14), a definition of catholicity (7:02), a definition of and argument for a free church (11:38), catholicity in the free church (24:43), the local and eschatological implications of catholicity (37:37), and more. Buy Ryan’s ..read more
Biblical Reasoning
6M ago
This episode is a conversation with Dr. Kevin Vanhoozer of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. We discuss his new book on hermeneutics (2:24), reflections on decades of studying hermeneutics (26:57), issues that still need to be tackled in the study of hermeneutics (35:36), and more. Buy Kevin’s books. Check out Brandon’s recent books: The Trinity in the ..read more
Biblical Reasoning
7M ago
This episode is a conversation with Winston Hottman originally posted at the Center for Baptist Renewal podcast. We discuss Athanasius’s Life of Antony and two works by Gregory of Nyssa: The Life of Moses and The Life of Macrina.
Check out Brandon’s recent books: The Trinity in the Book of Revelation (IVP Academic, 2022), The Biblical Trinity (Lexham, 2023), The Trinity in the Canon (B&H Academic, 2023), and Taught by God: Ancient Hermeneutics for the Modern Church (B&H Academic, 2024).
You can also preorder Beholding the Triune God by Brandon and Matthew Emerson.
Church Gram ..read more
Biblical Reasoning
9M ago
This episode is a conversation with Dr. Stephen Presley of the Center for Religion, Culture, and Democracy and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dr. Ched Spellman of Cedarville University. We discuss all things Irenaeus of Lyons, including his cultural and ecclesiological context (2:30), big picture themes in his writings (7:30), the rule of faith then and now (12:53), parallels between the second century and today’s society (46:44), and more. Buy Stephen’s books and Ched’s books.
Check out Brandon’s recent books: The Trinity in the Book of Revelation (IVP Academic, 2022 ..read more
Biblical Reasoning
9M ago
Today is the feast of St Matthias, the man providentially chosen to replace Judas Iscariot as the twelfth apostle (Acts 1:21-26). The early church recognized the symbolic significance of the number twelve. Twelve tribes prefigures twelve apostles. Jesus, as the True Israel, reconstituted the people of God, not around physical lineage but rather around right relationship to him. Matthias was chosen by lot over the other candidate (Joseph/Barsabbas/Justus–maybe Matthias was chosen for nominal simplicity!) and took his place in the ministry of the apostles as a witness to the resurrected Son of ..read more
Biblical Reasoning
1y ago
This episode is a conversation with Dr. Thomas Schreiner of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He returns to discuss the Book of Revelation, including why he wrote his new commentary (2:12), recapitulation and symbolism in the book (6:12), the book’s relationship to related extrabiblical material (15:36), authorship of the book (22:27), a fresh take on the millennium (29:31), and more. Buy Tom’s books.
Check out Brandon’s recent books: The Trinity in the Book of Revelation (IVP Academic, 2022), The Biblical Trinity (Lexham, 2023), and The Trinity in the Canon (B&H Academi ..read more