Brown Girl Reading
Brown Girl Reading blog is for people who are interested in books and the English language. This blog also provides resources on African-American writers, literature, book reviews and much more.
Brown Girl Reading
5M ago
September has already started off with a book bang with Lazaretto by Diane McKinney-Whetstone. This is not a new novel. It was published back in 2016. I don’t know what it is with backlist books but they always seem to hit the sweet spot. These days there are so many books coming out that it’s ..read more
Brown Girl Reading
11M ago
If you’d like to pick up a copy of any of my recommendations or just shop for yourself please consider clicking my affiliate links for Blackwell’s. It would be much appreciated. It will help fund my incessant book buying, reading, and reviewing. Thank you!
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Brown Girls Booking Podcast
https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/brown-girls-booking-podcast/id1608592200 ..read more
Brown Girl Reading
1y ago
We’re already 16 days into the new new year and I’m already anticipating the new book releases of 2024. I don’t usually search them out so early. I prefer waiting to hear about them as the year unfolds. I’ve chosen a mix of books that I genuinely find interesting and that I would love to read. These are not all of the new book releases that I’ll be interested in. I’m quite sure there will be plenty others. However, we should always choose new releases wisely. As you should all know by now, they are sometimes overrated and disappointing. So purchase early at your own risk. Hopefully ..read more
Brown Girl Reading
1y ago
The thirteenth novel in Émile Zola’s great Rougon-Macquart sequence, Germinal expresses outrage at the exploitation of the many by the few, but also shows humanity’s capacity for compassion and hope.
Etienne Lantier, an unemployed railway worker, is a clever but uneducated young man with a dangerous temper. Forced to take a back-breaking job at Le Voreux mine when he cannot get other work, he discovers that his fellow miners are ill, hungry, in debt, and unable to feed and clothe their families. When conditions in the mining community deteriorate even further, Lantier finds himself leading a ..read more
Brown Girl Reading
1y ago
I have loved reading for so long that it isn’t a surprise that I’m now running 2 book clubs – one here in Normandy where I live (It’s been going now for over 15 years) and the second one is called the Read Soul Lit Book Club and it’s on its third year over on Patreon. Choosing what to read in a book club is always challenging. This year the Normandy Book Club went back to our previous way of choosing books which occurs in the following manner. Each member suggests 2 books for our longlist. We are 15 members strong but sadly have lost two members who have moved away. So our longlis ..read more
Brown Girl Reading
1y ago
I’ll be trying to participate in the Runwright Reads Summer Reading Challenge which is June 21 – September 23, 2023. Now I’m already participating in a few more reading challenges but if I could read at least 5 books to tick off five of these 14 prompts I’ll be thrilled. What I’m looking forward to is reading a few backlist books from my TBR. So far I’ve read two of the five prompts I’m considering reading for. For the prompt SET: Read a book that is set in the Caribbean I read The God of Good Looks by Breanne Mc Ivor and it was fantastic! I highly recommend it if you’re looking for an e ..read more
Brown Girl Reading
1y ago
“An irresistible comic novel from the master storyteller Percival Everett, and an irreverent take on race, class, and identity in America
I was, in life, to be a gambler, a risk-taker, a swashbuckler, a knight. I accepted, then and there, my place in the world. I was a fighter of windmills. I was a chaser of whales. I was Not Sidney Poitier.
Not Sidney Poitier is an amiable young man in an absurd country. The sudden death of his mother orphans him at age eleven, leaving him with an unfortunate name, an uncanny resemblance to the famous actor, and, perhaps more fortunate, a staggering n ..read more
Brown Girl Reading
1y ago
“So begins Imbolo Mbue’s powerful second novel, How Beautiful We Were. Set in the fictional African village of Kosawa, it tells
the story of a people living in fear amidst environmental degradation wrought by an American oil company.
Pipeline spills have rendered farmlands infertile. Children are dying from drinking toxic water. Promises of clean-up and financial reparations to the villagers are made—and ignored. The country’s government, led by a brazen dictator, exists to serve its own interest. Left with few choices, the people of Kosawa decide to fight back. Their struggle would la ..read more
Brown Girl Reading
1y ago
June is Caribbean Heritage Month! I always get so excited about reading a huge stack of books by Caribbean authors but somehow about a week or two before I get anxious and torn over which books to put in my TBR stack of the month. As a habit I always put my planned reading for my book clubs and buddy reading on the stack first. That seems to be setting the tone for what gets put on top next. We are currently 9 days into June and I have only finished 2 books. Neither are Caribbean themed but both are nonfiction. That’s a first. I’ve decided to join the #CaribAthon group read of The God of ..read more
Brown Girl Reading
2y ago
The Classics Club announced #18 yesterday for its 33rd Classics Club Spin! That means I’ll be reading Un Coeur Simple by Gustave Flaubert from my classics list. I’m really excited about that. Love that I’ll be reading another book in French and it’s only 69 pages! If you haven’t heard of this French classic originally published in 1877, rest assured it has been translated into English under the title A Simple Heart. I’ll be back with a review by April 30th. Hope it’s a good one.
“In A Simple Heart, the poignant story that inspired Julian Barnes’s Flaubert’s Parrot ..read more