围甲季后赛第3轮首回合战况胶着 八队全部战平
Nenagh Triathlon Club
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1y ago
围甲季后赛第3轮首回合战况胶着 八队全部战平 2月14日,2022华为手机杯围棋甲级联赛季后赛第三轮第1场比赛继续在成都进行;结果争冠区与保级区共八队全部战平,争冠区苏泊尔杭州队、江苏神兽腓腓队在明日比赛中拥有主场,有微弱优势;保级区则是拉萨棋院队与龙元明城杭州队拥有主场。  深圳龙华队2-2江苏神兽腓腓队  一台:朴廷桓 负 赵晨宇  二台:陶欣然 胜 黄云嵩  三台:柯洁 胜 陈贤(快)  四台:时越 负 芈昱廷  本轮深圳龙华队对战常规赛第2名江苏神兽腓腓队。今日的比赛中,深圳龙华队时越不敌江苏神兽腓腓队芈昱廷,陶欣然与柯洁则先后战胜黄云嵩、陈贤。深圳队外援朴廷桓与江苏队赵晨宇一局甚为胶着,胜率大开大合几度反转,最终错进错出间赵晨宇抓住机会在最后关头拿下胜局。这样深圳龙华队首回合2-2江苏神兽腓腓队,将可能性尽数留与明日。明日常规赛排名更高的江苏神兽腓腓队将拥有主场。  浙江浙商证券队2-2苏泊尔杭州队  一台:张涛 胜 谢科(快)  二台:许嘉阳 负 申真谞  三台:童梦成 负 李钦诚  四台:檀啸 胜 连笑  本轮接连晋级的浙江浙商证券队迎战劲敌常规赛魁首苏泊尔杭州队。苏泊尔杭州队强力外援申真谞本轮出战,对战浙江浙商证券队许嘉阳。此局许嘉阳前半盘胜率一路走高,甚至超90 ..read more
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WTT安曼站国乒又进两项决赛 林诗栋蒯曼新年5连冠
Nenagh Triathlon Club
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1y ago
WTT安曼站国乒又进两项决赛 林诗栋蒯曼新年5连冠 林诗栋/蒯曼  北京时间2月12日消息,2023年WTT常规挑战赛安曼站正赛结束第三天角逐,中国队赢得一项冠军。林诗栋/蒯曼横扫夺得混双冠军,实现新年5连冠。中国队还在男单和男双各得到一张决赛门票。  混双决赛里,林诗栋/蒯曼牢牢控制局势,他们在第三局顶住对手冲击,以11比3、11比7、11比8直落三局横扫罗马尼亚的伊奥内斯库/斯佐茨夺冠。在2023年,林诗栋/蒯曼连续5项赛事夺冠。  男单进行两轮较量,中国队拿到一个决赛席位。四分之一决赛,徐瑛彬以3比1(11比8、11比7、9比11、11比6)淘汰瑞典的卡尔森。林诗栋在德比战先丢两局后连扳三局,以3比2险胜徐海东。德国名将奥恰洛夫以3比1(11比6、13比11、10比12、11比4)战胜葡萄牙的格拉尔多,这是奥恰洛夫生涯的第500胜。  随后的半决赛里,林诗栋在德比战以3比0(11比9、11比8、11比5)击败队友徐瑛彬。奥恰洛夫以3比1(11比5、6比11、11比5、11比7)战胜西班牙的罗贝斯,林诗栋将与奥恰洛夫争夺男单冠军。  男双半决赛,刘夜泊/徐瑛彬以3比0(11比6、11比7、11比4)轻取法国的勒贝松/勒布伦,他们将与日本的户上隼辅/宇田幸矢争冠。  (Chimera ..read more
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Nenagh Triathlon Club
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1y ago
有道纵横线上赛假期阶段线上颁奖典礼回顾 有道纵横赛事直播课第2期线上颁奖典礼如期进行啦!  在2月6日的赛事直播课上,冠军班导师范蔚菁受邀出席,并为在寒假和春节期间有道纵横少儿棋王赛上表现出色的小棋手们进行了线上颁奖。冠军导师范蔚菁与昊昊老师为优秀小学员颁奖  让我们一起来回顾一下有道小学员们的风采吧~  刘桐睿小朋友在有道纵横学习期间,勤学苦练,努力拼搏,棋力水平进步巨大,达到有道纵横棋院1d水平,在有道纵横内部积分赛中取得28盘26 ..read more
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Heave-HO…Here We Go
Nenagh Triathlon Club
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4y ago
Heave-HO…Here We Go. Saturday 8th August 2020 My First Cycle Around Lough Derg by Abigail Grant Ryan Nenagh-Ballina-Killaloe-Two Mile Gate-Ogonnelloe-Tuamgraney-Scarriff-Mountshannon-Whitegate-Connagh-Gorteeny-Portumna. Lunch Portumna-Carrigahorig-Borrisokane-Ardcroney-Nenagh          Bursting with Excitement Last Saturday I took part in the Lough Derg Lake cycle. As this would be the furthest, I’d ever cycled I checked was it ok to set off 7.20am instead of the 7.30am start of 1st group. I initially was going in group 3 thinking that was slower gro ..read more
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December Dues!
Nenagh Triathlon Club
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4y ago
Given we are 3 months into our winter training schedule I presume everyone has saved their €10 a month for their club membership! We are taking the membership straight this year so I will post the club account details in our viber group. If you are not on this group let me know and I can send you the details. You need to text me (Mary) as soon as you transfer as I need to track who has paid. Also, please add your name in the comments section when you are doing the transfer. The costs are: €30 per adult and €50 per couple. Juniors are free. You still need to purchase your TI membership separate ..read more
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Ironman……Its an addiction
Nenagh Triathlon Club
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4y ago
Thanks to Ciara for her great race report for Ironman Maryland. Massive congrats to you. Report: They say Ironman is all about the journey getting to the start line. Well that journey almost didn’t happen thanks to US Immigration!!! We (Jeremy, Charlie and I) were hauled aside by them in Dublin Airport after Jeremy’s passport/prints flagged something. Long story short, Charlie and I made a last second dash to the plane and left him behind! In the end he flew out the following day but it meant a 300 dollar taxi to Cambridge, Maryland on Wednesday for Charlie and I.  Anyway, checked in Thursday ..read more
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Week 1 Day 1
Nenagh Triathlon Club
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4y ago
We are officially back this evening starting with Berties circuits at 7pm in the GAA complex in Nenagh. Get your week off to a good start! Keep an eye on the phones for the turbo text to book your bike! It’s not the end of the world if you don’t get one, you can always BYO and a turbo! Membership! Yes it’s that time again where we come begging with the poor mans hat but…. its your funds that keep the training sessions going. Once we receive the memberships and associated email addresses we can start emailing out the sets like last year from Darren. The post Week 1 Day 1 appeared first on ..read more
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Hibernation Is Over!
Nenagh Triathlon Club
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5y ago
Not a great day to say get ready to run and cycle the roads given there is a hurricane off the coast and it looks like the roads are rivers with todays rain! But….. we are made of hard stuff and have had a month off to create a good lagan jacket! Official training schedule is now agreed and starts on Monday October 7th with Berties Circuits in the Nenagh GAA complex at 7pm. Keep an eye on viber as some people will do a run before this. Its great to have this class back as its a conditioning class that will really help during next years race season. Below is the schedule. Regarding the turbo bi ..read more
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End Of Year Swim & AGM
Nenagh Triathlon Club
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5y ago
Another triathlon season has come to an end and we are marking it as we usually do, with the end of year swim, followed by food, drink and fights over who wants to run the club because I know people are queuing at the gate for this job!! The swim will start at 5pm sharp from Youghal to make the most of the day light. The water will be piping hot with the weather forecasted this week! We will have cars there to ferry people around and collect bags. We would greatly appreciate any help from kayakers to ensure we don’t lose anyone or if someone decides they are too hungry to last the whole swim ..read more
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Nenagh Triathlon Club
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5y ago
Thanks to Carmel for her report, another great read: The road to an Ironman is a tough and lonesome journey. Throw in broken bones, battering and bruising after being knocked off the bike, terror getting back on it, bike suffering its own injuries and requiring surgery 4 weeks out (go Bob Murray and Peter Moynihan). Then on the home straight, breaking an elbow 2 weeks before the event (thanks Paul Scully for sound advice) so the day itself surely couldn’t get any harder?? Wrong! The very first Ironman 140.6 in Ireland arrived on a day when the weather conditions were so brutal that competitor ..read more
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