Stephen Follows - Film industry data and education
Research, data analysis education around the film industry and filmmaking by writer & producer Stephen Follows.
Stephen Follows - Film industry data and education
5d ago
Romance is playing an ever-smaller role in storytelling in movies, raising the question of whether audiences are losing interest or simply finding love elsewhere ..read more
Stephen Follows - Film industry data and education
1w ago
An analysis of 17,752 films reveals which time periods movies are set in, and why some decades appear far more often than others ..read more
Stephen Follows - Film industry data and education
2w ago
Tracking the rise and fall of horror movie production across different countries over the decades ..read more
Stephen Follows - Film industry data and education
2w ago
By comparing the stories of the 1,521 films shortlisted at the Berlin Film Festival to 17,000+ movies released in US cinemas, we can see what makes a 'festival film' different to a mainstream movie ..read more
Stephen Follows - Film industry data and education
3w ago
Exploring the age demographics of horror audiences ..read more
Stephen Follows - Film industry data and education
3w ago
After crunching a million+ datapoints on 10,000+ film festivals, I have found which best for horror filmmakers. Plus get the data and adjust the weightings to create your own rankings and action plan ..read more
Stephen Follows - Film industry data and education
1M ago
During the 20th century, the average age of leading movie actors was fairly static. But in the past few decades, it's risen considerably - why ..read more
Stephen Follows - Film industry data and education
2M ago
Daniel Parris' great data dive into who's the greatest movie actor of all time and why ..read more
Stephen Follows - Film industry data and education
3M ago
The percentage of movie screenwriters who are also producers on movies has been growing steadily over the past century but has started to wane in the past decade ..read more
Stephen Follows - Film industry data and education
3M ago
How has the genre of horror movies changed over the past 120 years ..read more