Preston Kanak – Filmmaker, Educator & Adventurer. Blog
Building a business is a learning experience and in my short time as a filmmaker, I have learned a lot of lessons and made a lot of mistakes. The goal of this website is to help you avoid some of the mistakes I have made along the way by giving you a behind-the-scenes look into some of our productions.
Preston Kanak – Filmmaker, Educator & Adventurer.
1y ago
When I started in film, it was about creating. It was about having a vision and following through with it. The ideas were not grand and the execution was not flawless. For me, it was an outlet and was how I was able to make sense about my current mindset.
Looking back, I can see how well that process worked for me. I needed that outlet and I needed that more than I even knew. After having stepped away from producing passion projects, the industry became a means to an end and that end was not fulfilling. It was a job and for me, that was it. I did not enjoy this work and began to not enjoy the ..read more
Preston Kanak – Filmmaker, Educator & Adventurer.
4y ago
I oftentimes wonder, what is it truly triggers the sense of contentment. What is it that pulls at the right strings inside you that gives you that sense of euphoria from simply living? My happiest days are the days that have moments with loved ones, moments for myself, moments that give me the opportunity to completely take in my surroundings and finally, and moments of learning. These small opportunities where I am able to take in all five senses draw me closer to true fulfillment. But what truly is it that keeps that streak of fulfillment alive?
The idea of futu ..read more
Preston Kanak – Filmmaker, Educator & Adventurer.
4y ago
Let’s face it, life is crazy short and unpredictable. You could be crossing the street to your 9-5er and the unthinkable could happen. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard of people who have worked their whole lives for that moment to retire from the job they hate to pass away unexpectedly once they retire – never really being able to enjoy the retirement they had worked so tirelessly for. With the way in which you are able to make a living these days, there is NO excuse to stop what you hate doing and start doing what you love. Whether you are just starting your career or nearing ..read more
Preston Kanak – Filmmaker, Educator & Adventurer.
4y ago
Over the past few months, I have been focused on growing myself personally and professionally. One huge theme that keeps coming forward as I try hone in on my quest to live a fulfilled life is the idea of accountability. Accountability is without question my most valuable asset as I am able to grow personally and professionally, experience fulfillment everyday, and get one step closer to live the life I want.
In the traditional definition, accountability is when you are required to explain actions or decisions to someone else or where you are required to be responsible for ..read more
Preston Kanak – Filmmaker, Educator & Adventurer.
4y ago
Okay, so you have a script. What the heck do you do next to ensure you film this in the best way possible? It can be done in so many different ways with completely different results. To set you up for success, here are some basics to help you make the best decisions for your given story. Think of this post as a primer to get your feet wet. It’s just a start but a start nonetheless!
1. Shot Sizing
When choosing the type of shot to capture for your scene, there are a few different types to consider. They include the establishing shot, wide shot, medium shot, close up and in some cases ..read more
Preston Kanak – Filmmaker, Educator & Adventurer. Blog
4y ago
Call sheets are an imperative part of the pre-production process. It provides all the details to your cast and crew to ensure everyone is on the same page for the day. It makes sure they show up on time (early) with everything they need to be successful on the day. Like all aspects of the production process, although there are industry standards for how these are done, find a process and template that works for you and your cast / crew and roll with that. Call sheets are there to set you up for success – not create un-needed work.
Below I have broken down some essentials for all call sheets. A ..read more
Preston Kanak – Filmmaker, Educator & Adventurer.
4y ago
We’ve all had clients ask to have elements removed from a scene. The four options are:
Say no (not really a good idea).
Greek it before the shoot (looks like crap).
Pay for someone to do it (can be expensive).
Do it yourself.
Now, for most people, the last option isn’t an option unless you have experience in After Effects. What I hope to do with this post is show one option that might allow you do to it in house. Keep in mind it is the quick and dirty option and may not work for your given application. However, it has worked for me time and time again.
The process
1. Import Video Foota ..read more
Preston Kanak – Filmmaker, Educator & Adventurer. Blog
4y ago
Preface Note: Because of the nature of asset structure with timelapses, the process outlined below is ONLY used for timelapse media management. My process for managing all other assets is different. I will do a follow up post showcasing that method soon.
Media management to me, is a lot like accounting. It isn’t the most fun thing to do but is fundamental to the success of your business. Having a well established system and way of doing things is critical. Because of the large file sizes of RAW images, you will want to have a solid workflow to ensure that you keep your clips org ..read more
Preston Kanak – Filmmaker, Educator & Adventurer.
4y ago
Filmmaking is very powerful thing. We are given the opportunity and ability to share our vision and experiences with others. For me, the key with this is making sure that what I put into the world is helping it be a better place – however small in impact that may be. Because of this, finding an instant connection to a project is a constant battle with almost all productions I work on. To stand out, these projects I instantly connect with need the following:
It needs to be a story worth sharing.
It needs to include a team of like-minded individuals with similar goals and desires.
It ..read more
Preston Kanak – Filmmaker, Educator & Adventurer.
5y ago
I have battled with perfectionism my whole life. Whether in the my personal or professional life, I would consistently be disappointed with what I was working on because it was never perfect. I would set the perfection bar so high that no matter what I did, it would never be good enough. At the height of this perfectionism, I saw it bleeding into my interactions with others.
Not only did it show up in the moment, it also manifested itself in the trajectory of my career. This perfectionism is what I’ve come to realize now as my creative roadblock – what some people call analysis paralysis (or ..read more