Hurlbut Academy Blog
Hurlbut Academy is the ultimate online film education that helps you realize your dreams. We provide personalized, immersive film training and mentoring.
Hurlbut Academy Blog
3y ago
I am so excited to debut our new series Fearless Filmmakers that showcases the remarkable work of filmmakers who are setting the tone for the future of the industry as it continues to grow in the world today. We are taking a first look with this series on Women in Film with Katie Fellion of Light Iron. We’re going to take a deep dive into the unique character traits of fearlessness and resiliency that helped on their path to success. Women must excel and prove themselves in a way that is both unconventional and extraordinary. Currently, they are significantly underrepresented in all areas of t ..read more
Hurlbut Academy Blog
3y ago
Yes, I’m 104 lbs. 5’4” tall. That’s petite. Somehow, I’m working in Los Angeles for Shane Hurlbut, ASC, climbing up and down a 15 foot ladder, taking down Lekos rigged on the ceiling. I’ve always been afraid of heights but somehow I’m up there and finally realize that I’m getting better at stepping out of my comfort zone. This pretty much describes my Female Cinematographer Mentorship.
By Megan Pham
I’m from a small city called Albuquerque, New Mexico, where there’s a total of two highways. I grew up in a little house with English as my second language. Spending my whole life in Albuquerque ..read more
Hurlbut Academy Blog
3y ago
What is Infrared Pollution? How do you combat it? We have the answers for you. Here’s a look at IR pollution on the Blackmagic URSA demonstrated by using Straight WWND. (We will divefurther into this later on in the article.) For now we’ll focus on the Red Dragon IR Filtration. Read on!
For beginners shooting without ND filtration, you wouldn’t have encountered this. For those shooting Sony, Canon DSLRs or Cinema cameras you might not have either, because those cameras include an internal Optical Low Pass Filter or “OLPF” with an IR-Cut filter.
Here is RED’s Skin Tone-Highlight ..read more
Hurlbut Academy Blog
3y ago
Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure to spend time with Ron Dawson of the Solo Creative Podcast on Dare Dreamer FM. I first met Ron when we launched our Master Cinema Series line of gear in 2011 at the launch party. Ron and I were seated near one another at dinner and had a great conversation about family and filmmaking.
Ron Dawson
By Lydia Hurlbut
It is always a joy to spend time with Ron. He is a passionate independent filmmaker and making his mark in the world of business. Ron is constantly raising the bar through his authenticity and wisdom. The content and design behind the Solo Creative Pod ..read more
Hurlbut Academy Blog
3y ago
Today we’re taking a look at Filmsupply’s wonderful stock footage library, and how they’ve revolutionized this important tool for filmmaking.
By David Weldon
I remember when I was in college working on my first creative project with a team and we were to build a story from beginning to end. Concept, creation, execution, all designed around what we had learned in this filmmaking course. One of my first thoughts was, “It must be incredibly expensive to do any level of video content creation that is any good.” As we started the project, I could see how we were going to need music, lots of footag ..read more
Hurlbut Academy Blog
3y ago
Putting BlueShape batteries to the test in the extreme elements of New Orleans swamps
Into the Badlands was the testing ground for many pieces of new gear. Pushing equipment to its breaking point is what we do on features. The intense heat and humidity of New Orleans provided the perfect testing ground. One of the tools that we took with us was BlueShape batteries.
BlueShape on our Studio Rig with RED Dragon and Cartoni Maxima Head
For many years, I have used Anton Bauer. They have been the industry standard. Talking with the engineers at BlueShape and understanding the extreme conditions we ..read more
Hurlbut Academy Blog
3y ago
Chimera is one of my favorite lighting modifiers, and we are going to go into building one of my favorites, called the pancake. It has amazing control, and you’re able to do a lot of unique applications with this tool. In Fathers and Daughters, I had Russell Crowe’s on set apartment loaded with them for all the hallways, living room, over the dining room table. You name it, there was a pancake there. They are such a smart efficient light.
You know I love soft light. I like to take light, modify it, diffuse it, waterfall it, and bounce it. I’m not the biggest fan of taking a bare Fresnel and ..read more
Hurlbut Academy Blog
3y ago
We introduced Sherri Kauk to you with the first three videos of her presentation on “The Shooter’s Playbook.” We are continuing with the next three parts of her presentation.
Sherri is an accomplished Director of Photography, Camera Operator and Gaffer. We are incredibly thrilled to showcase Sherri’s work as a talented female Director of Photography as a part of Hurlbut Visuals’ commitment to supporting Women in Film. In 2013, Sherri won at the Madrid International and Tenerife Festivals for Painstaking (2013). She was awarded a finalist at Carmel for Greed (2012). Her work can be found on her ..read more
Hurlbut Academy Blog
3y ago
Back on May 9th of 2015, Revolution Cinema Rentals hosted the Hurlbut Visuals Speaker Series with Michael Cioni and Sherri Kauk. Michael’s presentation was broken up into ten parts and released over the course of a few weeks and we felt that this style would be good for presenting Sherri’s presentation as well.
Sherri is an accomplished Director of Photography, Camera Operator and Gaffer. We are incredibly thrilled to showcase Sherri’s work as a talented female Director of Photography as a part of Hurlbut Visuals’ commitment to supporting Women in Film. In 2013, Sherri won at the Madrid Inter ..read more
Lighting Techniques: Using a theatrical light to save time, decrease crew size and save on grip gear
Hurlbut Academy Blog
3y ago
I wanted to continue my instruction on shaping light techniques with using specific theatrical lights. Hold on, how does a light shape itself? Well, the ETC Source 4 Leko light is like having a grip and flag package inside your light.
Tungsten 500 Watt ETC SOURCE 4 LekoTungsten 750 Watt ETC SOURCE 4 Leko
I am not talking about barn doors that control a little, but more like having a whole flag arsenal at your fingertips. Not many people understand the power of these lights. They are not movie lights; they are meant for theater and stage plays, right?!
Hard Light
As ..read more