Why Climate Tech Needs More PMs
Daniel Elizalde | Training for IoT Product Managers
by Daniel Elizalde
2M ago
In this World Product Day, I want to shine a light on one of the biggest opportunities for the PM profession: applying technology to fight the Climate crisis. I know the PM profession has an echo chamber that aims to be like FAANG companies. Don’t get me wrong, those are great companies, but I believe we could apply our expertise ..read more
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In a B2B Company, Sales is King. Deal With It.
Daniel Elizalde | Training for IoT Product Managers
by Daniel Elizalde
2M ago
As Product Managers, we like to think that our product will succeed if we listen to our users and build features to address the pain of a large market. That is correct in principle, but unfortunately, it’s a very B2C view of the PM profession. In B2C, you have a large number of customers who contribute a tiny portion of ..read more
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How to Reach Scale by Avoiding One-Off Products
Daniel Elizalde | Training for IoT Product Managers
by Daniel Elizalde
2M ago
To close the deal or satisfy an important customer, Product Teams often agree to develop one-off features for that particular customer. That’s a slippery slope and, in the long run, an innovation killer for B2B product teams. Overall, the Product Team has the right intentions since their goal is to make the customer successful. But in practice, they are digging ..read more
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Opening the B2B Product Innovation Black Box
Daniel Elizalde | Training for IoT Product Managers
by Daniel Elizalde
2M ago
For most companies, B2B product innovation is a black box, resulting in frustrated Product teams and millions of dollars wasted on products nobody needs. But it doesn’t have to be like this. In this webinar hosted by Product People, I explain why companies fall into the black box tra. I’ll walk you through the B2B Innovator’s Map, an actionable, step-by-step ..read more
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The Hero’s Path: Rethinking B2B Product Management Through the Lens of Your Customer
Daniel Elizalde | Training for IoT Product Managers
by Daniel Elizalde
7M ago
As a B2B Product Manager or Innovator, you’ve probably heard a million times about the importance of “understanding your users.” But what does it really mean to understand your users? And how can you use that information to build better products and get more buy-in from your stakeholders? There are many valuable frameworks like Personas and Jobs-To-Be-Done to articulate the ..read more
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B2B Innovation in Energy and Climate
Daniel Elizalde | Training for IoT Product Managers
by Daniel Elizalde
8M ago
I had a great time as a guest on the Innovation Talks podcast by Sopheon. In this episode, Paul Heller, the host, and I discuss the complexities of innovation in a B2B context, and we dive deeper into examples of what it takes to innovate in hot areas like Energy and Climate. We also discussed critical topics of my book ..read more
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Customers Don’t Buy AI. They Buy a Solution to a Problem
Daniel Elizalde | Training for IoT Product Managers
by Daniel Elizalde
9M ago
Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way. The technology advancements have been impressive, and they come at lightning speed these days. Today, Generative AI is taking the world by storm, with applications (and risks) appearing to be endless. There is a lot of fantastic technology and also a lot of hype. Unfortunately, many companies latch onto the hype, and […] The post Customers Don’t Buy AI. They Buy a Solution to a Problem first appeared on Daniel Elizalde. The post Customers Don’t Buy AI. They Buy a Solution to a Problem appeared first on Daniel Elizalde ..read more
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How Artificial Intelligence is Powering the Internet of Things
Daniel Elizalde | Training for IoT Product Managers
by Daniel Elizalde
9M ago
In this episode of the IoT Product Leadership podcast, we discuss how artificial intelligence is powering the Internet of Things. My guest is Keith Strier, Global Leader of Artificial Intelligence at EY. This is the second time I have a guest from EY in my show. In episode 16, I interviewed Aleksander Poniewierski, Global Head of IoT for EY, so I’m very excited to have this conversation with Keith to […] The post How Artificial Intelligence is Powering the Internet of Things first appeared on Daniel Elizalde. The post How Artificial Intelligenc ..read more
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Cracking the Code: How to Access Elusive B2B Users for Product Discovery
Daniel Elizalde | Training for IoT Product Managers
by Daniel Elizalde
9M ago
The post Cracking the Code: How to Access Elusive B2B Users for Product Discovery appeared first on Daniel Elizalde ..read more
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Demystifying the B2B Innovation Journey – A Map for Product Managers
Daniel Elizalde | Training for IoT Product Managers
by Daniel Elizalde
9M ago
B2B product innovation is the process of creating new products that generate increased value for your customers and your company. This means that for products to succeed, they need to solve a pain that customers are willing to pay for. While at the same time generating a significant return on investment for their company. Product innovation is not a destination. […] The post Demystifying the B2B Innovation Journey – A Map for Product Managers first appeared on Daniel Elizalde. The post Demystifying the B2B Innovation Journey – A Map for Product Managers appeared first on Daniel Elizalde ..read more
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