Pb Review
Pb Review is dedicated to helping you find the best paintball gear possible. We review all the latest markers, masks, loaders, accessories and more!
Pb Review
2y ago
The PepperBall TCP personal defense launcher is a non-lethal weapon that is popular amongst law enforcement, government, military, and private security personnel.
While the TCP (Tactical Compact Pistol) may look similar to an actual firearm (minus the yellow paint), it effectively shoots 68 caliber paintballs filled with pepper spray instead of your typical paint-like substance.
But does the PepperBall TCP actually work well or is it simply just another gimmick?
You can find out everything you need to know about this “personal defense launcher” by reading my PepperBall TCP review below ..read more
Pb Review
2y ago
Knowing how to properly clean the lens on your paintball mask is one of the most important skills you can have as a beginner player.
By having a clean lens you’ll be able to see clearly on the paintball field. However, if your lens is all scratched up or blurry, then you’re not going to be able to see as good as you need to. And in a game where you need to be able to see a barrel poking out of a bush at 30 yards, you need to have perfect vision at all times. Otherwise, you’re simply giving your opponent the advantage.
Continue reading to make sure that doesn’t happen.
How to Clean a Pain ..read more
Pb Review
2y ago
Knowing how to properly clean the lens on your paintball mask is one of the most important skills you can have as a beginner player.
By having a clean lens you’ll be able to see clearly on the paintball field. However, if your lens is all scratched up or blurry, then you’re not going to be able to see as good as you need to. And in a game where you need to be able to see a barrel poking out of a bush at 30 yards, you need to have perfect vision at all times. Otherwise, you’re simply giving your opponent the advantage.
Continue reading to make sure that doesn’t happen.
How to Clean a Pain ..read more
Pb Review
3y ago
Do you want to play the sport of speedball, but aren’t sure which paintball gun to purchase?
Don’t worry, I can help you there.
Out of the twenty-five companies that currently manufacture paintball guns, only eight produce speedball markers (marker = paintball gun) that I would actually recommend. However, from those eight companies, only four of them make the best paintball guns that money can buy.
Who are those four companies?
Let’s find out below.
Best Speedball Guns for the Money
The best paintball brands that manufacture speedball guns are SP, Dye, Empire, and Planet Eclipse.  ..read more
Pb Review
3y ago
Paintball has everything a child could ask for. It’s fun, it’s messy, and it gives them a reason to go outside!
But is playing paintball safe?
Yes, paintball is one of the safest sports in the world. In fact, it’s less likely for your kid to be injured playing paintball than it is playing an outdoor sport such as football, soccer, or baseball.
Here’s a table below showing you how safe paintball is compared to other outdoor sports.
Yes, you read that right, Out of every 100,000 people that play paintball, only 0.2 persons get injured. That’s only 20% of a person!
All jokes aside… Wh ..read more
Pb Review
3y ago
It’s a common practice to fill up your air tank before leaving the paintball field at the end of the day. This way you can practice with your marker at home and maybe run a few drills to improve your game. You can also use the air to participate in a little backyard target practice for the sole sake of having fun.
After all, if you’re going to spend a bunch of money on a paintball gun, you shouldn’t limit yourself to only using it at the paintball field. But how long should you allow the air to remain in the air tank before you think about having it depressurized? Or is it not dangerous to lea ..read more
Pb Review
3y ago
Cleaning a paintball gun is kind of like brushing your teeth. Failure to do it often enough will eventually result in bad things happening.
Over time the lubricant inside your paintball gun will slowly dry itself out and the marker’s internals will become covered in layers of oil, paint, dirt, and grime. The problem with having a lack of lubricant and an excess of crud inside your marker is that it will eventually lead to bad performance (or no performance) and expensive repairs.
Thankfully all of these problems can be avoided by simply cleaning your paintball gun on a regular basis.
To ..read more
Pb Review
3y ago
The V-Force Grill is considered to be an OG (Original Goggle) in the world of paintball masks and has forever earned its spot in the paintball community.
Besides being one of the coolest-looking paintball masks ever made, the V-Force Grill is also one of the better performing paintball masks under $100 (although some cost up to $179). However, this doesn’t mean the Grill doesn’t come without its flaws.
In this review of the V-Force Grill I’m going to list all of the pros and cons of this mean-looking paintball mask so you can decide for yourself if the Grill is right for you. Or maybe yo ..read more
Pb Review
3y ago
There’s no doubt that the best weapon for self-defense is a firearm.
However, if you can’t (or don’t want to) own a firearm, then you’ll have to find another form of weapon to defend yourself and your family.
Unfortunately, most non-lethal weapons aren’t very practical in a self-defense situation. Pepper spray and tasers can certainly help if used correctly, but other weapons (such as a knife or bat) require you to get up close and personal to the attacker, without providing the same incapacitating effect that pepper spray and tasers can.
Paintball guns, on the other hand, ca ..read more
Pb Review
3y ago
Cleaning a paintball gun is kind of like brushing your teeth. Failure to do it often enough will eventually result in bad things happening.
Over time the lubricant inside your paintball gun will slowly dry itself out and the marker’s internals will become covered in layers of oil, paint, dirt, and grime. The problem with having a lack of lubricant and an excess of crud inside your marker is that it will eventually lead to bad performance (or no performance) and expensive repairs.
Thankfully all of these problems can be avoided by simply cleaning your paintball gun on a regular basis.
To ..read more