Film Inquiry
Film Inquiry is a progressive, independent film magazine that aims to redefine film journalism. We publish in-depth, high quality articles written by a diverse group of people; without falsely baiting your attention, we offer genuine, passionate insight into the world of film.
Film Inquiry
4d ago
A Knight’s War blends classic fantasy motifs and adding a dark, unique edge that’s visually gripping ..read more
Film Inquiry
5d ago
Rewatching Singin’ in the Rain, arguably the greatest Hollywood musical ever made, my wife and I talked about how we wish Hollywood made more big-budget movie musicals. And the flying monkey’s paw curled, and Jon M. Chu and Universal Pictures gave us Wicked, one of the most garish, overproduced, overlong, and expensive movies ever made ..read more
Film Inquiry
1w ago
At its best River uses the broad ensemble comedy of Japan in ways that evoke the best ensemble pieces like Noises Off or Christopher Guest's work ..read more
Film Inquiry
1w ago
In DC, where superheroes feel like gods among men, Gunn brings Superman back down to Earth with his superbly humanistic directing style ..read more
Film Inquiry
1w ago
From sharp satire to raw emotion and meta-commentary, these three films take wildly different approaches to storytelling in this Sundance Film Festival ..read more
Film Inquiry
1w ago
Criterion has prepared a 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray edition of Jean Eustache's The Mother and the Whore, marking the first release of the film on the format ..read more
Film Inquiry
1w ago
With uninspired performances, bland writing, and half-baked plot twists, Flight Risk found its wings clipped before it ever had a chance to take off ..read more
Film Inquiry
1w ago
While quirky and strange are always welcoming qualities, they can also be quite risky. Wilson Kwong reviews Bubble & Squeak and By Design ..read more
Film Inquiry
1w ago
A Woman is a Woman has never looked or sounded better—but Karina’s effervescent charm remains the film’s most valuable asset ..read more
Film Inquiry
1w ago
While these three Sundance movies are narratively different, their female focus leaves this trio, all by female directors, a fantastic assembly of our talent in today's industry ..read more