Our Home Is Not Broken
Single Mom Unschooling – Living and learning as a solo parent
by Melissa
4y ago
Since this topic is back in the news again, I thought I’d weigh in. When things go awry, people tend to point fingers somewhere. Often times families like mine get pointed at. My son lives with one parent (me) and hasn’t seen his other parent in seven years. Society would have me believe that this somehow means that our home is broken, and worse yet, that my son is “at risk.” Luckily I don’t believe this. One of the arguments is that because single parents have to work full-time outside the home to support their family, that they have less time to devote to parenting. I suppose I’ve circumvent ..read more
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Are You a Boy or a Girl?
Single Mom Unschooling – Living and learning as a solo parent
by Melissa
4y ago
B used to get asked that question a lot when he was younger. He watched the movie Tangled, when it came out, and decided to grow his hair out. It was long for years and he loved it. Other people always had lots to say about it though. It finally became so uncomfortable, that it informed his decision to cut it. I just finished reading a book about gender and why it’s not terribly helpful that every piece of paper we fill out, forces us to check a male or female box. We’ve mostly been conditioned to believe that there’s some sort of necessity to clear gender binaries. To be fair, back when p ..read more
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Why Don’t You?
Single Mom Unschooling – Living and learning as a solo parent
by Melissa
4y ago
Two years ago, when I started my blog, I thought up a name for it that simply stated who I was and what I was doing. Seemed easy enough. It’s still true and it’s still the name I’m using. Because I thought I had things to say and a unique perspective, I made social media pages to go along with it. Same name. Easy peasy. I would’ve never guessed that something so simple would get some of the “attention” that it has. It’s become painfully obvious to me now that men (mostly) around the world type in single moms and go internet fishing. Some want sexual partners, some want wives, and some want an ..read more
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You Are Fabulous
Single Mom Unschooling – Living and learning as a solo parent
by Melissa
4y ago
Dear checker, Thank you for boldly being your unique self. My son needs to see as many people like you as he can. I chose your line on purpose. It wasn’t because you had less people waiting. It was because you were you. You were a handsome young man wearing a stunning amount of makeup. See, I have a son who asked for 50 pounds of makeup for Christmas. He’s already bought some and hesitantly worn it at times. But I see his face light up as he strolls past the makeup section in the stores. Society, in it’s subtle and not-so-subtle ways, tells him everyday that makeup isn’t for him. That he shoul ..read more
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Get Qurious
Single Mom Unschooling – Living and learning as a solo parent
by Melissa
4y ago
We were very fortunate to be asked to do a review for this new product and were happy to oblige. Get Qurious sent us the Explorer Box , which is one of two boxes currently available. The box comes with materials that will be used with the free augmented reality app available for devices with ios v10 and above. It’s geared for ages 4-8. B tore into the box when it arrived!He was eager to try on a silly mask before we ever got the app.  We brought the box to a friend’s house since our devices wouldn’t support the app. It was super easy for the kids to access the app as soon as it was d ..read more
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Graphic Photos of Unschooling Home
Single Mom Unschooling – Living and learning as a solo parent
by Melissa
4y ago
You may be shocked by what you’re about to see. Or, if you unschool, as we do, then this may all be very familiar to you. There is some amount of ‘mess’ that you’ll need to be comfortable with (or try to be) in order to allow your child the time and space to fully delve into an interest. As someone who needs order and neatness to have peace of mind, I understand how difficult this can be. Bear with me. This mess demonstrates a new found affinity for art and body building. Many bags of various drawings, art supplies, projects, dumbbells and hockey gloves filling in as boxing gloves. On the floo ..read more
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I Won’t Discipline My Child
Single Mom Unschooling – Living and learning as a solo parent
by Melissa
4y ago
Not the way most people mean that anyway. This past weekend I had an irate parent show up at my door. The outcome was that she forbade her son from playing with mine and screamed at me to “discipline your f@#%ing kid!” I felt all of the emotions at once; doubt, sadness, anger, embarrassment, hurt, and heartbreak. It was hard to take in the situation without becoming reactive. I did my best. I talked with my son, I cried, I fumed and I called a friend whose parenting style is most like mine. Once I was calmer, my brain could begin to break down the situation. I questioned my own parenting becau ..read more
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When Everything Falls Apart
Single Mom Unschooling – Living and learning as a solo parent
by Melissa
4y ago
I almost had to enroll my son in school. To most people, that’s not a big deal, it’s the norm. For us it would’ve been devastating. B has never been to school and thrives with an unschooling environment. He’s free to choose how he spends his time and what he wants to learn. That freedom is something I always want for him. This summer was beyond challenging for me. My nanny job ended when the family moved, I tried to launch an Etsy shop, worked a couple of part-time babysitting jobs, but nothing was coming together the way I needed it to, financially. I applied for full-time nanny position ..read more
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Last Camping Trip of the Season
Single Mom Unschooling – Living and learning as a solo parent
by Melissa
4y ago
We have a standing yearly camping trip every Labor Day weekend with friends. They’re so close, we feel like family. Their children consider B a cousin. It’s a lovely tradition. Watching our children, their three and my one, grow and change every year is my favorite part. We’ve done this several years and it becomes less labor intensive and more relaxing each time. The children have matured and have more freedom/ autonomy. B has always enjoyed fishing at this campground. I don’t fish. Never did enjoy it, even as a child. My father and brother did but I preferred playing in the river. I don’t ha ..read more
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He Knows
Single Mom Unschooling – Living and learning as a solo parent
by Melissa
4y ago
Santa Claus and the tooth fairy have recently died. Who knows who’s next. My son and I are okay with this. He asks honest questions and I give honest answers. He knows this. So, I know he was ready when he asked. Funny thing about our society. I never told him these things exist. Yes, there were presents under the tree on Christmas morning. Yes, there was a shiny coin under his pillow after a lost tooth. I played along with what he already believed. He’s getting older and questioning things even more. I think as adults (not just parents,) we tend to hold onto these magical childhood concepts b ..read more
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