Wisdom & The Single Mom: What Do I Do Now, Lord? by Anna Meade Harris
The Life of a Single Mom - Where No Single Mom Walks Alone
3d ago
One of the hardest things about losing my husband was losing the other person who loves my children as much as I do. After he died, I missed having him as a sounding board. When it came to making hard decisions (or even small, everyday ones), I felt like everything depended on me making the right choices on my kids' behalf. What’s the best way to respond to a toddler’s tantrums? How do I discipline a child who breaks curfew? Talks back to me? Gets in trouble for sassing the teacher? Do I give my child a phone? At what age? When should she get social media? Like many other single moms, I did n ..read more
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Single Mom, Stay on the Wall by Jennifer Maggio
The Life of a Single Mom - Where No Single Mom Walks Alone
1w ago
"Now it happened when Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab, and the rest of our enemies heard that I had rebuilt the wall, and that there were no breaks left in it (though at that time I had not hung the doors in the gates), that Sanballat and Geshem sent to me, saying, “Come, let us meet together among the villages in the plain of Ono.” But they thought to do me harm. So I sent messengers to them, saying, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?” Nehemiah 6:1-3 Many of you will know the story of Nehemiah rebuildin ..read more
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Am I Really Saved? by Jennifer Maggio
The Life of a Single Mom - Where No Single Mom Walks Alone
3w ago
I began serving women in my living room almost two decades ago. I started a small Bible study and three single moms attended that very first meeting. Over time, that group grew and grew and grew. Three women turned into ten women, then twenty-five, then seventy-five. It was exciting to see more and more women coming into the Bible study. About two years into the ministry, I got a phone call at 11 o’clock one night from a sweet mom who had regularly been attending our meetings. We talked about a number of life issues, and she asked many questions. I could tell she was upset and needed a listen ..read more
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5 Benefits of Decreeing and Declaring God’s Word for Single Moms by Collette Conner
The Life of a Single Mom - Where No Single Mom Walks Alone
1M ago
"Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon they ways.” Job 22:28 You may ask, “What is the significance of decreeing and declaring the word of God over your children as a single mom?” I am glad you asked. There is no true power in our words alone, but when we decree and declare in the earth what God has already spoken to be the will for our lives it brings forth much fruit. I am the mother of three amazing young men who are all grown and making their own path in life. As a newly single mom though, I knew I was taking on a da ..read more
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When It’s Monday Again by Amber Rhodes
The Life of a Single Mom - Where No Single Mom Walks Alone
2M ago
Alarm chimes at 5 am. "OK, take the dog out for the bathroom," I silently encourage myself as I make my way out of bed and down the steps. Half asleep, I open the door to the backyard. After Penny, the petite, fluffy, white Shih Tzu and Maltese mix breed, ventures into nature to relieve herself, I place her back in the cage and I head back upstairs to get another 45 minutes of sleep - or not. Alarm chimes again at 6 am. "OK, let's drag her out of bed, and let's hope it's a good morning." I, again, encourage myself as I press towards my sleeping 6 year old's room. Reality sets in as I wake up ..read more
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6 Tips to Raising Difficult Children by Jennifer Maggio
The Life of a Single Mom - Where No Single Mom Walks Alone
2M ago
Okay, full disclosure here... I struggled with the title of this article. Our children, young or older, are gifts from God. They are precious and called with a purpose. God has a plan for them, filled with purpose and hope. And we love them with every fiber of our being, so let’s just get all that out of the way first. But I also wanted struggling mommas to be able to find the words on this page, as they sojourn through what may be some of the hardest days of their lives. I wanted them to know they came to the right place – that this sisterhood of mothers are locking arms with them in spirit ..read more
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The Life of a Single Mom Releases 2023 Annual Report
The Life of a Single Mom - Where No Single Mom Walks Alone
3M ago
2023 came quickly to a close and The Life of a Single Mom® team sat awestruck, once again, by a God who continues to do exceedingly, abundantly more. While there is no denying that the slowing economy greatly impacted nonprofits across the U.S., with ours being no exception, we continued to some how, some way, serve more women, both locally and nationally, than in any other year of our history. Below, you will find a link to our 2023 Annual Report and will read about the growth of our single mom support group network, increased enrollment in Single Mom University, momentous events that inspi ..read more
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The Calling: Leadership & Trenches by Sheree Cain-Jones
The Life of a Single Mom - Where No Single Mom Walks Alone
3M ago
Leadership may seem glamorous, fascinating, and full of prestige. However, that picture could not be further from the truth. The truth is leadership is messy! Whether you are leading a single moms' support group or are a leader on your job, there is no cookie-cutter manual to get you through every situation you may encounter. The glamor of the title often overshadows the purpose of leadership and the heart behind it which is to serve. It is easy to forget that leadership is not about the titles, but it’s about trenches. Are you willing to get in the trenches with those that you are called to ..read more
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The Calling: Leadership & Burnout by Sheree Cain-Jones
The Life of a Single Mom - Where No Single Mom Walks Alone
3M ago
When it comes to leadership, there is no doubt that there is a huge weight that is associated with it. You are constantly pulled on from every direction and on top of that, you are still juggling and balancing your own personal life and rarely do you hear the words “thank you”. It takes its toll. It’s easy to throw in the towel. The pure exhaustion starts speaking louder than the call you heard in the first place. Leader, I’m here today to encourage you to keep running the race. Stay the course. Although, burnout is on the horizon, there are a few key things I want to leave you with to help ..read more
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Who is discipling you – God or the World? by Stacey Christy Jeannett
The Life of a Single Mom - Where No Single Mom Walks Alone
3M ago
“You’ll find someone before you know it.” A well-meaning friend thought he was encouraging me. However, these words set the course of my early journey as a single mom. They became my marching orders. Deep inside, I heard, “You are on your own. You have to find a husband. You are no one without someone.” What I didn’t realize then was that I was being set up to be discipled by the world.  Proverbs 14:12-13 (ESV) tells us, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” The Message version says it in extremely straightforward language, “There’s a way of life ..read more
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