Brother Design Agency | Brand and packaging designers
We offer brand design, specialist packaging design, and the communications your brand needs to win in a competitive market. Our approach is based in the real world your brand lives in. It’s the combination of consumer & market insights, aligned with creative excellence and a pragmatic approach to cost effective & speedy execution that sets us apart.
Brother Design Agency | Brand and packaging designers
9M ago
New Zealand has never lacked innovative producers and entrepreneurs, said Jenny McMillan, business development director at Brother Design. McMillan continued that what the country’s not quite so good at, however, is seeing those artisanal producers through to enjoying wider success, which is a shame, not just for the brand owners but the public. “Who wouldn’t want to enjoy the best of New Zealand’s artisanal produce?”
Brother Design has more experience than most at taking small, artisanal brands and giving them the design strength they need to thrive. But it’s not easy, not least because resou ..read more
Brother Design Agency | Brand and packaging designers
1y ago
Have you heard of DesignRush?
Neither had we until they offered us a coveted spot to feature in their Best Packaging Designs for our Living Green work. DesignRush present awards to design agencies from all around the globe to recognise expertise in their field.
If you’re looking for inspiration or to admire some fabulous work, check out their Best Packaging Designs for 2023 here: https://www.designrush.com/best-designs/packaging
See our soon-to-feature Living Green case study here: https://www.brotherdesign.co.nz/work/living-green/
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Brother Design Agency | Brand and packaging designers
2y ago
This year’s Inspire+ NZ Artisan Awards was the biggest yet, with over 1,000 entires, making it the largest food award show in the country.
And we’re delighted to say our client Chantal Organics was awarded a silver in the Ambient category for their Probiotic Cacao & Coconut Keto Granola, part of the range we recently redesigned.
A great show and a great result!
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Brother Design Agency | Brand and packaging designers
2y ago
The judges at the recent TVNZ Marketing Awards were clearly impressed by the Ingham’s Lets Eat: Joining The Pea Protein Revolution campaign, selecting at as winner of the FMCG Category. Citing Brother Design, Quantum Jump and PHD alongside Ingham’s, the judges remarked that, with Vegetarian, Vegan and Flexitarian diets on the rise, the launch of Let’s Eat secured a strong position in an emerging market. One that looks well placed for a sustainable future. We are officially stoked!
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Brother Design Agency | Brand and packaging designers
2y ago
our challenge
Chantal Organics has quietly worked in harmony with nature for over 40 years, producing an authentically organic range.
At a time when organic is becoming more mainstream, the brand had to appeal to a broader range of consumers, in a broader range of categories, then ever. And without eroding its all-important authenticity.
our solution
Moving away from the previous packaging’s earnest, dowdy look, our aim was to radiate youthful energy, positivity and deliciousness.
Bold colours with a colour palette with a two- tone split gives a distinctive look for the Chantal brand.
The post ..read more
Brother Design Agency | Brand and packaging designers
2y ago
It’s that time of year when all eyes are on what’s coming. High season for trend-watchers and the soothsayers of marketing, their words clung onto for sign of what’s hot–or at least likely to be in the year ahead. In case you missed it, here’s the condensed version of what’s predicted for FMCG packaging…
Sustainability, obviously, but in an overt way. Bright colours as an antidote to Covid-induced gloom. Latching on to topical political and social trends like identity and mental health. And the importance of presenting well online as sales move that way.
There are a few other riffs on those ma ..read more
Brother Design Agency | Brand and packaging designers
2y ago
The judges at the recent TVNZ Marketing Awards were clearly impressed by the Ingham’s Lets Eat: Joining The Pea Protein Revolution campaign, selecting at as winner of the FMCG Category. Citing Brother Design, Quantum Jump and PHD alongside Ingham’s, the judges remarked that, with Vegetarian, Vegan and Flexitarian diets on the rise, the launch of Let’s Eat secured a strong position in an emerging market. One that looks well placed for a sustainable future. We are officially stoked!
The post It’s a win! Let’s East scoops FMCG Category in TVNZ Marketing Awards. first appeared on Brother De ..read more
Brother Design Agency | Brand and packaging designers
2y ago
Waitoa has been a pioneer and leader in free-range chicken since 2007. Owned by Inghams, a giant in the poultry industry, Waitoa is very much the product of its community of local farmers in the Waikato, with a huge commitment to sustainability and animal welfare.
We helped them better define and articulate their brand, including a complete website refresh. Redesigning the wide range of packs was also part of the remit.
The end result is something Waitoa is delighted with and the new website is now live.
The post Brand-building for NZ’s finest free-range chicken first app ..read more
Brother Design Agency | Brand and packaging designers
2y ago
New Zealand’s first experience of lockdown was characterised by uncertainty. There was a fear of the unknown, giving rise to some wild speculation about what life on the other side would look like. This time round we know the drill: it’s highly unlikely human behaviours will be changed forever.
Being confident about knowable outcomes is the product of experience. And when it comes to design, we at Brother have a fair bit of it. Our challenge is convincing clients, some of whom have not seen so many successful redesigns rolled out, to spend money on doing it.
It’s easy to look at the budget for ..read more
Brother Design Agency | Brand and packaging designers
2y ago
It’s easy to think of packaging design as being about presentation rather than anything more fundamental: that it’s the ‘wrapping’ that lets a brand present a pretty face to the world.
The reality is, design can and does make all the difference to a brand’s appeal. In fact, it can be its foundation. And for FMCG products more than many others.
One way to appreciate the potential is to simply think about a commodity product. Plenty of them populate the grocery category, frequently in the guise of an own-label (or two) plus a handful of brands vying for attention. Rarely are the margins so big t ..read more