#66 Joel Comm
Joel Capperella Blog
by Joel
4y ago
This conversation with Joel Comm, best selling author, keynote speaker and host of one of the world’s most popular Cryptocurrency podcasts, is fascinating. A fearless practitioner of the new, Comm takes on new projects and executes on new ideas more frequently than most people change their bed sheets. The results have been impressive; from early bestselling books on Adwords and Twitter, the aforementioned Cryptocurrency podcast, and one of the leading influencers on applying live streaming, Comm’s relentless pursuit of innovation and relevance have helped thousands. I was very thankful to have ..read more
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Creating More Sales Opportunities Without Mortgaging the Future
Joel Capperella Blog
by Joel
4y ago
Creating more sales opportunities is always critical, it is especially critical for publicly traded companies.  But a funny thing happens when we get so zeroed in on the immediate demand of generating more sales and more revenue, out future gets lost.  Or at least it could get lost if we are not careful. This is the topic on this ride of Cap’s Car Cast (#letsdrive) – how to generate more sales opportunities without mortgaging the future What drives this exchange of long term strategy for short term gain? Fear. What are we afraid of?  Well mostly we are worried that we will not ..read more
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How Hoping for Others’ Success Paves the Way for Yours
Joel Capperella Blog
by Joel
4y ago
Recently I wrote a piece that examined why humility is the one character trait that will transform your marketing, and how that same trait will do more to positively assist your career development than any other. The post was received well, gaining some attention on my social feeds and sparking some good discussion here and there. One thing that surprised me was that the last paragraph of that piece sparked some created some debate. You can read the entire post for yourself to see what you think when you have a moment but the nature of the last paragraph was to program ourselves to hope for ot ..read more
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Know Your Customers Better By Asking 8 Questions
Joel Capperella Blog
by Joel
4y ago
How well do you know your customers?  Chances are there is room for improvement.  Consider that any business to business sales cycle that is longer than eight weeks is likely to have multiple buyers that are involved in the decision-making process, and it is critical that your marketing and sales process account for each. Many organizations struggle with the idea of consciously aligning their execution first and foremost to the structure of their deal cycles. A failure to understand not only who is involved in a deal but also the inability to grasp what motivates each specific player ..read more
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This One Character Trait Will Transform Your Marketing
Joel Capperella Blog
by Joel
4y ago
There is one character trait will transform your content marketing and social media execution. Correctly applied this character trait will help you to understand your customer and marketplace better than you ever have before. The investment made in habitually developing and exercise this single are of personal development will have a sweeping positive impact across your entire organization. The challenge is that this specific character trait is undervalued today and incredibly hard to refine. Humility. The dictionary definition of humility is the quality of having a modest or low view of one’s ..read more
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Marketing Must Own Strategy (not just funnel management)
Joel Capperella Blog
by Joel
4y ago
Once upon a time, the strategic element of marketing resided within the marketing department, but today the discipline is often absent from the marketing team and sadly may not have found a new home. One of the biggest reasons for this is that the onslaught of marketing automation tools and the drive to content marketing has pushed more marketing teams to become quasi-creative agencies focused mostly on the conversion metrics of early demand. When we dig deeper into the drive to improve early demand what we often find is there is no genuine go to market strategy fueling the content strategy no ..read more
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Joel Capperella Blog
by Joel
4y ago
Wisdom is a currency that is substantially undervalued today. Not surprising when you consider the current media climate of instant reaction and immediate satisfaction, and wisdom has much more to do with patience and time. The much-maligned millennial generation is not that different than generations before them; they have just been weened on immediate satisfaction of curiosity and want. Somewhere along the line, the idea of valuing experience has lost its luster. When Ursula Ringham was on episode #64 of Leading Matters what was clear that her ability to rapidly advance upon re-entering the ..read more
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#64 Ursula Ringham
Joel Capperella Blog
by Joel
4y ago
Social media experts, especially the self-proclaimed, are a dime a dozen. But what about those practitioners that are tirelessly and relentlessly experimenting, improving, and practically applying today’s latest and greatest advancements in media technology? Surely there is much to learn from them. Find out today by getting to know our guest for episode 64 of Leading Matters Ursula Ringham, Digital Marketing Director at SAP. This episode should be a must listen for every leader of any company of any size. It should be offered every time there are questions over whether or not the company has ..read more
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Leading Matters FRAMED #63: Tapping Into Power of Emotion
Joel Capperella Blog
by Joel
4y ago
Introducing the first episode of Leading Matters FRAMED.  I think you will find the premise both interesting and engaging; take the most recent full interview episode of Leading Matters and pull out one specific powerful topic to pay attention to. Today we frame up episode 62 which was my interview with Craig Ballantyne, and you are going to absolutely love this closer look at how Craig communicated during our conversation.  You’ll hear how Craig comes out of the gate with a more general and scripted description of what he does and who he does it for.  And hear how he quickly s ..read more
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Do Every Single Thing Gary Vaynerchuk Tells You to Do
Joel Capperella Blog
by Joel
4y ago
Every single thing that Gary Vaynerchuk does and says you should be putting into practice. That should be the full extent of this post; listen to Gary Vaynerchuk and do what he says to do. What motivates this seemingly thousandth iteration of telling you to listen to GaryVee? I tuned in to this half hour conversation between Hubspot CEO Brian Halligan and Gary Vaynerchuk as part of Hubspot’s Four Days of Facebook promotion. And about five minutes into it I’m was blown away yet again for the wisdom that the man continuously shares, and amazed anew at how well he executes on his vision. If you ..read more
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