Green Thumb Landscaping Blog
Here you will find Gardening tips and tales. Building and maintaining beautiful gardens since 1971. Concierge service for your garden
Green Thumb Landscaping Blog
2y ago
Benefits of Fertilizing your Lawn
It’s the time of year again when you may see Green Thumb’s fertilizing team come to fertilize your lawns and gardens! Not sure about fertilizer just yet? Here’s a few reasons to consider adding fertilizer to your Lawn Care schedule;
Weed Reduction:
Fertilizer helps with preventing the growth of weeds by providing essential nutrients to the plants and soil. This causes the turf to grow stronger and thicker, making it harder for weeds to grow through.
Fight Disease:
Just like we need vitamins to help us with growt ..read more
Green Thumb Landscaping Blog
3y ago
50 Years of Excellence
The age of retirement seems to be stretching further and further out to our later years.
Even though Kathy looks and acts like a 45 year old, she has put in more than her fair share of hours past the age of 65.
She has finally made the decision to step back from Green Thumb as our permanent guiding light.
She will always be available to offer assistance and wisdom whenever we need it as Green Thumb is and will always be her family. Kathy is very proud of her community and is a steward in raising funds for various charities close to her heart. It is a perfect time to all ..read more
Green Thumb Landscaping Blog
4y ago
Finally… An early start to our spring clean ups. Good thing!
The grass is already starting to grow (along with dandelions and other wonderful unwanted weeds and insects). We are here to help you keep your property in the best shape with some tips on how to achieve a beautiful property.
Dandelions and Lawn Weeds –
Given the restrictions on pest control products, we have to use what methods we can. May is a good time to apply the first round of Fiesta providing the temperature is around 15 degrees. At least one other application will be needed to get some control.
Fiesta is a ..read more
Green Thumb Landscaping Blog
4y ago
Green Thumb Landscaping is currently taking the necessary precautions to keep our employees and clients safe during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
We want you to know that we are closely monitoring the situation and will update you as things change.
As of right now, our office is open from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. and we are only conducting property cleanups and consultations.
At this time of year, our business activities do not involve making regular contact with others.
All upcoming consultations and quotations include an initial phone conversation in advance of a visit. All visits will be held ..read more
Green Thumb Landscaping Blog
4y ago
Happy Valentine’s Day and happy Family Day too! There are some good things about February. Try to remember all the good and don’t succumb to the February blahs. Predictions are for an early spring, so don’t worry. We’re all ready and waiting!
While you’re waiting for the snow to disappear…
Look past all the snow piles. What do you see?
Do you still have any colour in your garden?
If not, we recommend that you do some research. Find which plants might suit your space and which would bring colour in the winter.
Look beyond the evergreens. They are fabulous, but there are so many more choices th ..read more
Green Thumb Landscaping Blog
4y ago
If you like a hot summer, you must be pleased with the weather we’ve been getting! I love the heat, so I am not complaining but it may be a bit too hot — even for me.
Because of the sunshine and lack of rain, lawns are drying out quite severely.
The good news is that grass is truly resilient. Although it looks crisp as toast, it will come back once it gets hydrated.
(Your annuals and perennials are another story.)
Even though grass is resilient, it’s so important to remember to water it regularly; especially after any fertilizing applications.
The granules won’t fertilize your lawn if they can ..read more
Green Thumb Landscaping Blog
4y ago
It’s pretty amazing how our society has changed. It’s also pretty amazing how much can be accomplished from home. Thank you for helping stop the spread of COVID-19. We are all doing our part to keep everyone healthy. Let’s keep up the positive pace.
Being Mindful of Work/Life Balance
One thing about being home all the time is the importance of being mindful of your balance. While some people find it difficult to motivate themselves to work, it is also very easy to never stop working. Don’t forget about making time for yourself and your family.
Therapeutic Gardening
Your garden and personal bac ..read more
Green Thumb Landscaping Blog
4y ago
Green Thumb Landscaping is currently taking the necessary precautions to keep our employees and clients safe during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
We want you to know that we are closely monitoring the situation and will update you as things change.
As of right now, our office is open from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. and we are only conducting property cleanups and consultations.
At this time of year, our business activities do not involve making regular contact with others.
All upcoming consultations and quotations include an initial phone conversation in advance of a visit. All visits will be held ..read more
Green Thumb Landscaping Blog
4y ago
Happy Valentine’s Day and happy Family Day too! There are some good things about February. Try to remember all the good and don’t succumb to the February blahs. Predictions are for an early spring, so don’t worry. We’re all ready and waiting!
While you’re waiting for the snow to disappear…
Look past all the snow piles. What do you see?
Do you still have any colour in your garden?
If not, we recommend that you do some research. Find which plants might suit your space and which would bring colour in the winter.
Look beyond the evergreens. They are fabulous, but there are so many more choices th ..read more
Green Thumb Landscaping Blog
4y ago
Be ready when the snow melts for your Spring Cleanup.
Here’s a list of to-dos:
Remove winter wrap and holiday lights.
Check the lawns for “treasures” if you have four-legged friends.
Rake lawns. Clean up winter debris, twigs, leaves etc.. Be sure to get into shrubs to remove leaves from base of plants. Clean the window wells and behind sheds and decks. Cut back perennial skeletons and grasses. Remove any annuals and weeds.
Prune shrubs to remove broken/damaged branches. Now is a great time to see if there is damage from bunnies and other critters. Don’t be too quick to prune too m ..read more