The RavensPerch
The RavensPerch is an independent literary magazine published every two months. Our mission is to promote emerging voices, and support established writers from around the world. We publish the best submissions of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and visual art.
The RavensPerch
11h ago
Dusk. Her favorite time of day. Anne poured a glass of wine, and walked out onto the balcony. The view of Central Park was always breathtaking. She never tired of it. Wrapped her favorite shawl around her shoulders. The air was delightfully cool. Her last night alone. Hank was returning from Antarctica tomorrow. She shivered […]
The post COLD AS ICE BY ROSANNE TROST first appeared on The RavensPerch.
The post COLD AS ICE BY ROSANNE TROST appeared first on The RavensPerch ..read more
The RavensPerch
11h ago
I take her hand and walk with her through the darkest forest she has ever encountered; darkest, even, than those forests of her childhood’s dreams which, I am sure, fascinated her, but also frightened her. Although we are over a thousand miles away from each other, neither time nor distance will ever be able to […]
The post GIVE HER THE GIFT OF REMEMBRANCE BY SUZANNA VIERHELLER appeared first on The RavensPerch ..read more
The RavensPerch
15h ago
Alaina Hammond is a poet, playwright, fiction writer, and visual artist. Her poems, short stories, and paintings have been published both online and in print. Publications include Littoral Magazine, Third Wednesday Magazine, Paddler Press, Verse-Virtual, Macrame Literary Journal, Sublunary Review, Quail Bell Magazine, and Assignment Literary Magazine. @alainaheidelberger on Instagram.
The post OWL BY ALAINA HAMMOND first appeared on The RavensPerch.
The post OWL BY ALAINA HAMMOND appeared first on The RavensPerch ..read more
The RavensPerch
15h ago
The post CARDINALS BY ALAINA HAMMOND appeared first on The RavensPerch ..read more
The RavensPerch
15h ago
The post GOLDFISH BY ALAINA HAMMOND appeared first on The RavensPerch ..read more
The RavensPerch
15h ago
The post TREE AND BIRD BY ALAINA HAMMOND appeared first on The RavensPerch ..read more
The RavensPerch
5d ago
The post BLACK & WHITE #5 BY JENNIFER GURNEY appeared first on The RavensPerch ..read more
The RavensPerch
5d ago
wings folded or spread sculpted stone marble bronze crystal eyes closed gazing up or down hands in prayer playing a lyre standing kneeling churches graveyards idolized in murals actually they live and walk in our midst plainly dressed maybe fancied up speaking many tongues called to deliver messages once twice sometimes more warnings or promises […]
The post AUTHENTICITY OF ANGELS BY RICHARD ERIC JOHNSON first appeared on The RavensPerch.
The post AUTHENTICITY OF ANGELS BY RICHARD ERIC JOHNSON appeared first on The RavensPerch ..read more
The RavensPerch
5d ago
Forgot my shopping list. I stroll up and down the aisles looking right and left for hints of items scrawled on yellow paper sitting on my oak dining table. In my mind appear the rose vase the ochre cloth chair covers the blue silk scarf carefully laid over a chair back—no note. I’m sure my […]
The post LIMITS BY DIANA MORLEY first appeared on The RavensPerch.
The post LIMITS BY DIANA MORLEY appeared first on The RavensPerch ..read more
The RavensPerch
5d ago
Redbud trees spread their scarlet riot in back of the house, volcanic bursts of pea-sized blooms smother the limbs that reach for our second-floor window. They sing a rowdy gospel peer inside the bedroom exchange the stale sleep and cast-off dreams, desires so grand they spin the ceiling with silver strands of dust, dog hair, […]
The post DOG HAIR AND DEMENTIA BY TIM LOUIS MACALUSO first appeared on The RavensPerch.
The post DOG HAIR AND DEMENTIA BY TIM LOUIS MACALUSO appeared first on The RavensPerch ..read more