Packaging World - Packaging news, trends & innovations
Packaging World is the most trusted source of packaging information in the world. Covering the business of packaging through applications, news, trends & more! Find the latest packaging news, trends and innovations. Packaging World Magazine covers packaging designs, machinery & suppliers. Learn about the latest news in the packaging industry. Extensive video library on machinery & package design.
Packaging World - Packaging news, trends & innovations
2h ago
The Energizer Bunny rolled out a new paper blister-style pack that's 100% curbside recyclable, with bold new look for shelf presence and consumer experience in Walmart other retailers. Duracell made a similar move at the end of 2025, also with Walmart ..read more
Packaging World - Packaging news, trends & innovations
2h ago
Packaging and processing professionals provide insight into practices to address workforce limitations and barriers of potential solutions ..read more
Packaging World - Packaging news, trends & innovations
2h ago
Packaging industry companies are finding challenges in finding, keeping, and training workers to handle increasingly advanced machinery ..read more
Packaging World - Packaging news, trends & innovations
2d ago
Mayorga Organics, a family-owned coffee company built on strong relationships with family-owned coffee growers in Latin America, relies on automation to optimize efficiency ..read more
Packaging World - Packaging news, trends & innovations
2d ago
The newest PACK EXPO show heads to Atlanta arming attendees with tools and resources to solve sustainability challenges ..read more
Packaging World - Packaging news, trends & innovations
2d ago
According to a Packaging World Survey, CPGs are paradoxically either adding or not adding automation and robotics for very similar predictable reasons ..read more
Packaging World - Packaging news, trends & innovations
3d ago
With over 50 years of industry expertise, Paxton Products is the preferred solution for drying, blow off, and air rinsing solutions. Paxton systems maximize performance by coupling Paxton's PX-series blowers with custom engineered air delivery devices ..read more
Packaging World - Packaging news, trends & innovations
3d ago
At Universal Robot’s Collaborate 2025 event, A3’s Alex Shikany reviewed the current state of the automation market and provided a glimpse of what to expect in the coming year, and beyond ..read more
Packaging World - Packaging news, trends & innovations
5d ago
As beliefs around what constitutes a ‘premium’ product evolve in the pet food and beverage industries, so too must packaging change to communicate the value of these products ..read more
Packaging World - Packaging news, trends & innovations
5d ago
Driven by consumer demand for more sustainable packaging, CPGs turn to new materials such as paper and bio-based/compostable plastic, but higher costs, material complexity, and other limitations may slow adoption ..read more