Lime Sulphur – A Miracle Solution
Kaizen Bonsai Blog
by KaizenBonsai
1w ago
Most people involved in bonsai for any period of time will likely be familiar with Lime Sulphur. It’s that grubby little bottle of stinky red stuff in the bottom of your tool bag that’s used to preserve and colour deadwood and dissolve little paintbrushes. Doing that particular chore is on nobody’s wish list. BUT did […] The post Lime Sulphur – A Miracle Solution appeared first on Graham Potter | Kaizen Bonsai Blog more
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2024 Milestones & Bonsai Videos
Kaizen Bonsai Blog
by KaizenBonsai
2M ago
2024 Milestones & Bonsai Videos With Christmas madness about to descend upon us all I guess it’s that time of year when tossers like me who conceitedly write blogs have to take stock of the year all but passed. 2024 was a year of milestones and some bonsai videos too. Growing up my family weren’t […] The post 2024 Milestones & Bonsai Videos appeared first on Graham Potter | Kaizen Bonsai Blog more
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Stop ‘Doing’ Bonsai!
Kaizen Bonsai Blog
by KaizenBonsai
3M ago
Stop ‘Doing‘ Bonsai! Not a phrase I bet you were expecting to hear from me right? My mum always called me Tommy Opposite because I was such a belligerent and awkward little bastard incapable of doing what I was told. Every school report had words scrawled across it that amounted to “Graham can do this […] The post Stop ‘Doing’ Bonsai! appeared first on Graham Potter | Kaizen Bonsai Blog more
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The Summer That Was (not) & Upcoming Bonsai Projects
Kaizen Bonsai Blog
by KaizenBonsai
3M ago
The Summer That Was (not) & Upcoming Bonsai Projects It NEVER ceases to amaze me how you lovely folk are (generally) so impressed with with my silly little blog. I was humbled during my recent visit to Peter Chan’s to receive so many comments on how my dear readers just love to peruse my ranting […] The post The Summer That Was (not) & Upcoming Bonsai Projects appeared first on Graham Potter | Kaizen Bonsai Blog more
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Getting Out and About
Kaizen Bonsai Blog
by KaizenBonsai
5M ago
I have to thank Peter, Kevin and all the crew at Herons for all their hard work. Also my fellow exhibitors who turned out some beautiful bonsai trees and a fine display. The post Getting Out and About appeared first on Graham Potter | Kaizen Bonsai Blog more
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Graham Potter’s Big Weekend.
Kaizen Bonsai Blog
by KaizenBonsai
5M ago
Graham Potter’s Big Weekend. First up let me apologise for the lack of posts recently. Summer’s a funny time here for many reasons and this one has been unusually funny (not) for all the wrong reasons. My trees started off the year raring to go and by end of February buds were breaking left and […] The post Graham Potter’s Big Weekend. appeared first on Graham Potter | Kaizen Bonsai Blog more
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It’s Time To Relax a Little
Kaizen Bonsai Blog
by KaizenBonsai
7M ago
It’s Time To Relax a Little Bonsai takes time and lots of it. A great deal of water has passed under the bridge of life since I purchased my first bonsai, a serissa, to stand on the side of my little koi pond. On occasions I ruminate over all that time passed, about thirty five years I guess. The trees that came and went, the stupid ideas I grew out of, the bonsai I made, the trees I killed, the people I have met, journeys undertaken, the friends I made and some I have sadly lost. I have reached an age where I have more to look back upon than I have going forward. I have aged parents, grand-ba more
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Great British Bonsai
Kaizen Bonsai Blog
by KaizenBonsai
7M ago
Great British Bonsai Over the last few years I have been buying up a lot of bonsai collections. As a result I have obtained some previously unknown or unseen Great British Bonsai. Typically when that happens I buy everything, we buy live trees, a few dead ones, the benches, old pots, tools, books lock stock the f***** lot. This makes folk very happy to know that what is often decades of their hard work is assured a good future. I don’t sell these trees to just anyone, in fact I mostly don’t sell them at all. It’s sad when we have to part with our trees but that’s life, in the end we leave it a more
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Open Your Eyes!
Kaizen Bonsai Blog
by KaizenBonsai
7M ago
Open Your Eyes! My job has, over the years, developed into something more of a lifestyle than just being what I do to pay the bills. Part of that job these days entails putting myself into the public domain. For a socially retarded carrot cruncher from deepest Norfolk with a bit of an attitude and an old school opinion on everything that’s definitely not a comfortable place to be. I get a lot of emails and telephone calls asking for advice on the cultivation of bonsai and many of those leave me dazed, confused, baffled and even angry. The level of ignorance often leaves me shouting at my scree more
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Two Half Heads are Better Than One!
Kaizen Bonsai Blog
by KaizenBonsai
7M ago
Two Half Heads are Better Than One! Creating bonsai takes a really long time. It also takes a long time to figure out exactly how to do it so if you are starting out TODAY assume it will take twenty years to figure out the basics, and that assumes you are busy and not applying yourself in a ‘working from home‘, civil service, tired hands kind of a way. Having been hammering away at bonsai now for the better part of forty years I might be so bold as to say I figured this all out a while back. I often say it takes ten years to figure out which end goes into the soil. Now that’s not strictly true more
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