LeatherCareUSA - Leather Pro Tips and Blog
LeatherCareUSA.com provides leather cleaning services for garments, handbags, footwear, furs and more. Here you will find professional tips for leather garments that are frequently asked by our customers.
LeatherCareUSA - Leather Pro Tips and Blog
8M ago
The MOB Wife Era
Beige bodysuits and clean makeup routines are making way! 2024 brings a throwback to the hit mob shows. That trend is, the MOB Wife. Not, mother of the bride, but rather the wife of a gangster as seen in movies such as The Godfather, or the hit TV show, The Sopranos.
Embracing fur coats, sports black attire, goes heavy on the gold jewelry, spiked heels, makeup routines far from ‘clean’, and the hair is sure to make a statement. If a MOB Wife and a Clean Girl were to be in the same room, the difference would be Elle from Legally Blonde vs. Peg Bundy from M ..read more
LeatherCareUSA - Leather Pro Tips and Blog
1y ago
History of Leather & Why it is Still the Environmentally Friendly Option
Leather’s durability and practicality has stood the test of time for over 7,000 years. This innovation allowed for every part of the hunted animal to be reused. The meat for food, the bones for tools, and now the skin for clothes and other products. Our ancestors were far from wasteful, unlike humans in the past century. Leather wasn’t created as a fashion piece, but rather as means to protect oneself from the harsh elements.
“What has it me ..read more
LeatherCareUSA - Leather Pro Tips and Blog
1y ago
The Moto-Style Jacket
Here at LeathercareUSA.com the most common jacket that comes into the shop for cleaning and refinishing services, is the Moto jacket. Fashionable, practical, and a classic staple that has persisted through the decades, never going out of style.
“A simple leather jacket…has gotten me through cocktail parties in New York and cold nights in Afghanistan.” - Ronan Farrow (AZQuotes)
The Story of the Jacket
One thing always draws me to these jackets: their stories. I have never seen one that looks identical to the other. They say you can tell a lot ab ..read more
LeatherCareUSA - Leather Pro Tips and Blog
2y ago
Just as there are many subcategories for cars, the same applies to the leather jacket! When someone asks, “Which car did you get?” the normal response isn’t usually, “Oh, I got the new metal car.” I mean, yes, that is accurate. Your car is indeed made of metals. However it sounds overbearingly simple and odd.
While it isn’t expected of anyone to know every single detail about leather jackets (unless you are a fashion designer), it would be nice to know what style you are wearing. Let's familiarize ourselves with the most common types of leather jackets, so that when someon ..read more
LeatherCareUSA - Leather Pro Tips and Blog
2y ago
Our Cleaning Systems
LeatherCareUSA maintains a variety of cleaning systems in order to provide customers with the best cleaning options for their goods. We use GreenEarth™ cleaning, which offers our customers the safest and most environmentally friendly option for dry cleaning.
Dry Cleaning
The Science Behind Our Difference
To understand why GreenEarth™ is a better way to dry clean, you should understand what it's not. GreenEarth™ is not a harsh chemical like perc. Perc is a bit of a clothes bully. It is heavy and aggressive; it cleans by dissolving things it shouldn ..read more
LeatherCareUSA - Leather Pro Tips and Blog
4y ago
What to Expect
When you have your leather jacket cleaned for the first time there are some thing that you should expect. Our company has cleaned leather goods for more than 30 years. Here are a few things that we find is common.
There is likely to be slight shrinkage of the leather or suede jacket. This is common. Leather is a natural product and is capable of stretching and shrinking. Just like a great pair of jeans, a little wear and it will go back to normal. We use pressing and blocking equipment to minimize this and in most cases a customer will never know.
Suede garments are likely to l ..read more
LeatherCareUSA - Leather Pro Tips and Blog
5y ago
LCUSA shortens sleeves on suede and leather garments
Leathercareusa.com offers sleeve shortening for your suede and leather jackets. The most common question we receive is about retaining the detail of the sleeves. When we shorten the sleeves we do our best to preserve the original design of the sleeve. There are various methods we can use to shorten sleeves, and we will select the method that will best preserve that look. Our service pricing includes everything we need to do to shorten your sleeves. The following things can be done to retain the look:
move zippers
move vents
move buttons
s ..read more
LeatherCareUSA - Leather Pro Tips and Blog
5y ago
Leather cleaning and removing mold and mildew.
Our cleaning processes use full immersion. This means that the leather garment is cleaned inside and out by being fully saturated in the dry cleaning solvent or in water. We choose the best and safest method for each leather type. Some leather cleans better in water, some cleans better in solvent. Once the mold or mildew has been cleaned from the garment, we then have to address any remaining odors. We use active ingredient products to treat mold and mildew in the cleaning process. In most cases, this will remove the odor. We will clean multiple t ..read more