Fab Fashion Over 40 – The FABulous Journey
This website explores fashion, fitness and fulfillment for women over 40. Fabulous knows no age, so let's enjoy the fabulous journey!
Fab Fashion Over 40 – The FABulous Journey
4y ago
The FAB Journey
It’s the age old question, What came first, the chicken or the egg, or in this case, the nice dress or the truck? I must admit it was the truck. There it was just beckoning me to admire it. This great truck had a story to tell and I was wearing a nice dress, so this blogger did what she does and I’ve got a nice little post to share.
This truck was low on pretense and high on style. Yes, it had obviously weathered some years, but glimpses of it’s colorful beginnings were still evident. Even better, the signs of age only enhanced its charm.
As the years pass, one after the other ..read more
Fab Fashion Over 40 – The FABulous Journey
4y ago
The FAB Journey
We all have our go-to outfit when it comes to casual dress. It’s that outfit that looks put together and feels really comfortable at the same time. A striped button-down shirt with jeans and loafers fits the bill perfectly for me.
My daughter says I’m the queen of smart casual. This means a look that’s more put together than a t-shirt and jeans, but feels just as comfortable as athletic wear. The smart casual look is never fussy and comfort is always the key. I guess I would say that the “smart” part is pulled off with jewelry and an attention to accessories.
Striped Button-Do ..read more
Fab Fashion Over 40 – The FABulous Journey
4y ago
The FAB Journey
Yay, we’ve officially entered the Christmas season!! I love it all…the carols, the festive decorations and the endless supply of awesome holiday recipes. The only thing I’m not crazy about is cold weather…nope, I just can’t take it! Once the needle dips below 70 degrees, I’m a goner. Yes, I know some of my northern friends must be rolling their eyes by now. I guess I’ll blame my “cream puff” intolerance to cold on living in the tropics for the past 25 years.
So, how do I cope with colder temps when most of my wardrobe is geared for a warmer climate? I layer!
Layered Bl ..read more
Fab Fashion Over 40 – The FABulous Journey
4y ago
The FAB Journey
It has been a while since I shared a post on what I really wore. So today, I thought I would focus on an outfit with gaucho pants. I have ended up with several pair of gaucho pants because they are easy, cool, and figure-flattering.
I don’t think I am alone when I say that I am over the skinny craze. Who wants to actually “feel” every square inch of their pants when they are wearing them? Yes, I like to look put together and stylish, but there has to be a better way to do it!
Gaucho pants can balance your proportions well. The gradual widening of the leg balance ..read more
Fab Fashion Over 40 – The FABulous Journey
4y ago
The FAB Journey
This year has undoubtedly been the most casual one of my entire life. In fact, I would go so far as to say this little black casual dress is one of the dressiest things I’ve worn since March. Good thing I am the queen of smart casual!
I must admit that the little black casual dress plays a prominent role in my wardrobe…yep, I just counted seven in my closet. And yes, I’m always on the lookout for one more.
Why? Because they never go out of style and they’re oh-so-figure-flattering. I also love that I can change the mood of a casual LBD with a few accessories.
Yesterday, I w ..read more
Fab Fashion Over 40 – The FABulous Journey
4y ago
The FAB Journey
The events of 2020 have altered our lives in a host of ways; including our jobs and our entertainment. I’ve noticed a huge shift in my wardrobe to flow with these changes. The vibe is just A LOT more casual.
Of course, it’s not too hard to put two and two together…we just don’t have many events to dress up for right now. So, it’s not the least bit surprising that we are all falling back to our favorite, go-to fabric – denim.
Denim has made its way into just about every corner of the world. And, I must admit that I share the world’s fascination with this fabric; however, I seldo ..read more
Fab Fashion Over 40 – The FABulous Journey
4y ago
The FAB Journey
As I sit here typing this post on my new-to-me coach I can finally say I feel settled-in after two months of limbo life. My husband and I have been busy whipping our little place into shape…our “American” home for the next twelve months in Florida. So, it seems only fitting to put together a fashion post on my first morning without a list of set-up tasks looming on the horizon.
Today, I’m all about this casual black jumper dress. This dress is comfortable and it comes in the “right” color, but it speaks more to me in this season. I definitely lost my fashion oomph over the last ..read more
Fab Fashion Over 40 – The FABulous Journey
5y ago
The FAB Journey
If there’s one thing I know well; it’s how to dress for international travel! I have literally circled the globe countless times in the past twenty-five years. And, I must admit I’ve honed the perfect airplane outfit.
I can hardly wrap my head around it…I’m leaving Manila in a few days. It’s time to embark on yet another pan-Pacific journey back to America. In fact, I may even be in the air now if you are reading this post fresh off the press. If so, could you send up a prayer for God’s protection?
It’s not lost on me that I’ll experience something firsthand that few other peop ..read more
Fab Fashion Over 40 – The FABulous Journey
5y ago
The FAB Journey
I am focusing on one of my favorite aspects of “normal,” everyday life…fashion. Honestly, this post reflects more hope than practice as I am sitting here in a t-shirt and shorts without one event on my immediate schedule. Still, I realize this is the perfect opportunity to shop my own closet for outfits to wear when I am finally unleashed on the world. It’s time cruise my closet to find new outfit combinations.
Yesterday, I actually caught a wave of optimism and I am riding on it! I was struck with the hopeful revelation that we’ve made it this far and yes; God will take us to ..read more
Fab Fashion Over 40 – The FABulous Journey
5y ago
The FAB Journey
I like the standard all-black outfit as much as the next girl. But, every now and then I like to step out with some bold styling. This Indian floral appliqued coat drew me in the minute I saw it.
Of course, it’s made with the two colors I love the most…black and red …I knew I couldn’t go wrong! This appliqued coat holds its own, so I kept the rest of the outfit really minimal; even with my jewelry choices.
This elaborate design could easily add bulk, so I pulled things together with a simple belt. When wearing a strong statement piece, it’s important to accentuate the vertica ..read more