Melissa Ingram Beadwork
Melissa Ingram is a nationally and internationally awarded and published Beadwork and Mixed Media Jewellery Artist and Tutor based in Brisbane, Australia.
Melissa Ingram Beadwork
3y ago
2013 for me will be remembered as a year that was not particular eventful in terms of my beading.
Unlike 2012 I was spectacularly silent in terms of beading.
Ok .. so having said that I was a finalist with both Arabesque Armour and The Jewelled Net of Indra at the 2013 Bead Dreams contest. Then my bead embroidered neck piece, 'Drama Queen' came 2nd in the British Bead Awards. I was delighted with those achievements.
Drama Queen
2nd Place. 2012 British Bead Awards
Beaded Jewelry Category
Marcia DeCoster's 2nd book 'B ..read more
Melissa Ingram Beadwork
3y ago
Pinterest was launched March, 2010, but oddly I did not discover Pinterest until early 2013. Pinterest is a wonderful tool for collecting and storing digital images, Blogs and links on a 'Board' you create within an account, online. For non-business Pinners like me, it's Free.
My current count of boards is a total of 70 with more than 11,000 Pins. I know this will increase as I discover new ideas and interests. I am a serial Pinner. What is that you ask? Well, I pin everyday. If I'm waiting for my coffee to ..read more
Melissa Ingram Beadwork
3y ago
Bead Dream Winners 2013
This year I was delighted to be a finalist in both the Seed Bead and Crystal Jewelry Categories in the prestigous Bead Dreams, Bead Artistry Contest (Milwaukee, USA).
No wins this year, but a finalist for two years running is an achievement I not ever imagined possible.
Congratulations to each and every winner and finalist at this years Bead Dreams contest.
Crystal Jewelry Cateogory Finalist 2013. The Jewelled Net of Indra
The Jewelled Net of Indra
The Jewelled Net of Indra
Seed Bead Jewelry Category Finalist & Top 5 Ba ..read more
Melissa Ingram Beadwork
3y ago
I am sharing my experience with you, concerning a particular type of Miyuki Delica bead that has failed (ie broken under tension) more than three times whilst being woven into beadwork. My experience would suggest that matte coloured Miyuki Delica's do not cope well under tight tension and will ultimately break.
Pic 02. Broken Delicas - Brooch
Pic 01. Broken Delicas - Brooch
I used Miyuki Delicas to bead the two beadwork pieces shared within this blog. I have re-beaded them both twice.
Collectively that is three times!
The beadwork pieces ret ..read more
Melissa Ingram Beadwork
3y ago
Chrissy in her signature 'school girl uniform' performing live.
Apri 21, 2013 Australia lost a music icon .. the divine forever rock chick, Chrissy Amplett, lead vocalist of the Divinyls, dead at 53.
She died in New York, surrounded by people she loved which is what any of us could ever hope for when we depart the mortal coil.
Chrissy suffered for some years with both MS and breast cancer, but it was the breast cancer that claimed her life.
The Divinyls performing Pleasure & Pain 1983
The Divinyls were a band that for me defined Australian music ..read more
Melissa Ingram Beadwork
3y ago
P to the Power of 7 .. What's that you say? It is a term born on a mining site during the very difficult commissioning phase of the Murrin Murrin Cobalt and Nickel mine, Western Australia. A place that had epic problems due to design faults, which eventually resulted in legal action.
Prior, Planning & Preparation Prevent a Piss Poor Performance ... is the long version of P7.
Crude in some respects, but remember this term was created on an isolated mine site which was a male dominated work place.
I designed the 'Painted Daisy' ring prior to Christmas 20 ..read more
Melissa Ingram Beadwork
3y ago
Hepzibahs Pendulum .. you say? What's that you say? Hepzibah was the name given to my maternal great, grandmother we just called her Dais or Daisy Belle. She lived until she was 92.
I named this piece in honour of her.
My beading bud (bbbf), who lives in Sydney, Patrick Duggan was invited by Marcia DeCoster to submit designs for a new book Beads in Motion. I was very excited for Patrick and this opportunity, it got me thinking tho ... hmmm could I design something that actually moved using only beads. I quickly slipped into Melly World (an annoy ..read more
Melissa Ingram Beadwork
3y ago
Whilst working with Soutache (my second love behind beadwork) I discovered a neat way of finishing the back area of your Soutache piece's. I like the back to look tidy and professional. I've called it the MI Method!
Step 1
Remove as much excess Soutache tails as possible, the less bulk the better. Pin on a piece of tracing paper or baking paper, over the area to be concealed, ensure you press down and capture the folds of the Soutache. Using a marker, draw the out the area to be concealed. See Step 1.
Note: The surface area is increased by the folds ..read more
Melissa Ingram Beadwork
3y ago
An original pencil design from my design journal of how I envisaged my then unamed Battle of the Beadsmith entry.
How was I inspired to create Arabesque Armour? This question was asked of me and in all honesty I do not really know. I do not always understand this about any of the artisan jewellery pieces that I create. Sometimes I get just an image in my mind, then process this sometimes for weeks. Visualising thread paths and possiblitilies. I will make samples using Nymo (rather than expensive Fireline) to get a feel for what my mind sees. I can be inspired by many things clo ..read more
Melissa Ingram Beadwork
3y ago
The lovely Lauren Butler who is the Gold Medal First prize winner of the 2011 Swarovski Elements Fire Mountain Beads & Gems (FMG) Contest, enlightened me earlier this week that my design 'Lashed Lily' had in fact won the Gold Medal Prize Winner - Presidents Award for the 2011 Swarovski Elements Design Contest held annually by Fire Mountain Beads & Gems.
It was a very nice surprise. My Aussie beading buddy, Noel Wyres scored bronze with her design 'Bouquet' so collectively the Australian's did very well in this contest.
Comments taken from the Fire Mountain Beads ..read more