It's Not You, It's The System
Marisa Guthrie Coaching Blog
by marisa Guthrie
1w ago
If you’ve ever caught yourself thinking: “I’m just not cut out to be a successful solopreneur,” “Maybe I’m not good at business,” or “Why is this so much harder for me than everyone else?” Let me stop you right there. It’s not you. It’s the system. After 30 years of working with solopreneurs, I’ve seen a heartbreaking pattern: brilliant, creative, hardworking people gaslighting themselves into believing they’re “bad at business” because their efforts don’t translate into the kind of success that hustle culture promises. But here’s the truth: the system is stacked against you. Capitalism doesn more
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We Sort This Out So the Business Works
Marisa Guthrie Coaching Blog
by marisa Guthrie
1M ago
Running a business is so much more than strategy, execution, or sticking to a plan. It’s about you—how you show up, how you navigate the tough moments, and how you handle the inner challenges that inevitably spill over into your work. Recently, my coach shared a reminder that landed deeply: “We sort this out so the business works.” The truth is, the business can only thrive when we feel grounded enough to lead it. When I’m exhausted or anxious, I can’t show up fully for my clients, make clear decisions, or build with the focus and clarity needed. And that doesn’t change by just “working harder more
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How an Anti-Capitalist Business Coach Helps You Make Money and Drive Social Justice
Marisa Guthrie Coaching Blog
by marisa Guthrie
2M ago
Let’s get this out of the way: yes, I’m a business coach, and yes, I’m anti-capitalist. At first glance, that might seem like a contradiction, but it’s not. Capitalism is a system that relies on some form of exploitation either of natural resources or of people and their labour. It’s been this way for 100’s of years, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. This is a system that has never worked for the majority (trickle-down economics doesn’t work people. We’ve been waiting like 300 years!), has only ever benefited the minority, and has extracted from people and planet to feed its insatiable more
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Price Like You Mean It: Ethical, Aligned, and Unapologetic Pricing
Marisa Guthrie Coaching
by marisa Guthrie
3M ago
How did you arrive at the prices you offer for your products and services? Often there is a lot of shame attached to pricing which goes something like this: “I want to charge X (high price), but I am worried that people will think I am grasping/greedy/ruthless/a sell-out capitalist.” (All words I have actually heard clients use) “I want to charge X (low price) because that would feel good to me and I could help a lot of people, but it would mean I am not making much money.” What both examples have in common is shame. Shame for charging a higher amount and worrying what people think, shame for more
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Thrive without compromise
Marisa Guthrie Coaching
by marisa Guthrie
3M ago
All the clients I have ever worked with have one thing in common; they all want to help people/planet/make the world a better place. And while this is a noble and worthy aspiration and is what sets these wonderful entrepreneurs apart from the “profit at any cost” capitalists, using “I just want to do good” as a starting point can create all kinds of problems later down the line. You see the desire to do good, is wrapped up with an ambivalence about making money, and being able to fundamentally meet your own needs. Here’s how the thinking goes; whether you come from money, had money growing up more
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Understanding your billable hours (and your real capacity...)
Marisa Guthrie Coaching
by marisa Guthrie
4M ago
As a business owner and entrepreneur, every minute counts, and understanding your billable hours can significantly impact your bottom line.  But what are billable hours?  Specifically, they are the hours spent on activities that can be charged to the client. The definition of billable work might vary depending on your industry, but it usually includes client meetings, documentation and research, client-related traveling, and all specific tasks that contribute to delivery. If you are a product business, they are the hours you spend specifically making your product. Whereas your actual more
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The Money Is In The Mailing List So Show Yours Some Love
Marisa Guthrie Coaching Blog
by marisa Guthrie
4M ago
I recently worked with a client who has a mailing list of 1000+ subscribers that they hardly ever publish on, and they wondered why their marketing was not bringing in sales!  Your mailing list is not just a repository of email addresses; it's a powerful asset (arguably the most valuable asset you own) that holds the key to building your community, driving sales, and fostering long-term growth for your business, because: It directly connects you with your audience Unlike social media algorithms or search engine rankings, your email list puts you directly in touch with your audience. It's more
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What you really need to know to make money
Marisa Guthrie Coaching
by marisa Guthrie
4M ago
Here’s the hard truth about being an entrepreneur; you think that you are in business to be good at what you do, because you think that excelling in your field of expertise will enable you to earn more money. So, you focus on being the ‘best’ at what you do. Being the best coach, expert, maker, artist, practitioner, and assume that that will bring in more money. And to be the ‘best’ you do another training, another course, you sign up to another mastermind that will unlock the secret to you earning more.  And when that doesn’t happen, you think “I’m just no good at business” or “I’m not t more
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How to invest in your business
Marisa Guthrie Coaching
by marisa Guthrie
8M ago
There is no doubt about it, starting and running a micro business is a rollercoaster ride of opportunities, challenges, and rewards. And like anything in life, as the old adage goes, "You have to put something in to get something out."   This couldn't be truer than in the world of business as investment paves the way for growth and sustainability.   But too often I see businesses stagnating because the owners are either too afraid to invest, or (and this is pretty common) they have no idea what they should be investing in, so they get overwhelmed by choice and do nothing.   Let more
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The Mighty Power of Micro Businesses
Marisa Guthrie Coaching Blog
by marisa Guthrie
1y ago
I was recently invited onto the fantastic Lucky Biz podcast from Naomi and Louise at Lucky Night Studio. These ladies are the best in the business when it comes to web design, SEO and all things branding related. Not only that, but they are wonderful human beings who are passionate about doing great work in the world. Totally up my street! We talked about the mighty power of micro businesses so enjoy! Listen here more
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