Some finance recommendations for activists
Critical Education | Public Interest Higher Education Journalism with a focus on finance
by andrewmcgettigan
2y ago
I have seen some confusions recently on twitter regarding university finances. Here are four recommendations: Avoid using sector aggregate figures to make your arguments The sector is very uneven both in terms of size of institutions and in financial performance, make sure you are familiar with your institution and how it fits into the sector. Avoid using figures for “reserves” when you mean cashIn accounting terms, “reserves” does not mean cash. Cash is included in reserves but that is because reserves names the excess of assets over liabilities: that the institution owns more than it owes more
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Article for History UK on what’s next for English HE
Critical Education | Public Interest Higher Education Journalism with a focus on finance
by andrewmcgettigan
2y ago
A short article for History UK on recent changes to student loan repayment terms and what happens as inflation continues to erode the value of the undergraduate tuition fee more
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Some thoughts on fairness and student loans
Critical Education | Public Interest Higher Education Journalism with a focus on finance
by andrewmcgettigan
3y ago
With the Comprehensive Spending Review due next Wednesday, I thought it might be worth making some general points about student loans (in anticipation of potential changes to repayment thresholds and other parameters). I do not think student loans are a good vehicle for redistributive measures. As I told a couple of parliamentary committees in 2017, the current redistributive aspects are an accidental function of the decision to lower the financial reporting discount rate for student loans from RPI plus 2.2 percent to RPI plus 0.7. Such a downwards revision elevates the value of future cash re more
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The misleadingly named Student Loans Company
Critical Education | Public Interest Higher Education Journalism with a focus on finance
by andrewmcgettigan
3y ago
Why that title? Well, the name seems to mislead people into thinking that the provider of student finance is a private institution, potentially making profit out of students, when it is in fact publicly owned. There are 20 shares in the SLC: 17 are owned by the Department for Education (which has responsibility for English-domiciled students) and another three, each of those owned by one of the devolved administrations. When you want to see what’s going on with student loans you look at government accounts: national, departmental or those of devolved administrations. OK. So what’s the point of more
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Markets and Suppliers: HE and Energy
Critical Education | Public Interest Higher Education Journalism with a focus on finance
by andrewmcgettigan
3y ago
David Watson once wrote that the answer to the question as to whether universities were in the private or the public sector was “yes”. He suggested that universities most resembled BAE Systems: a private company with a host of public contracts. Back in 2011, the Coalition white paper on HE opened by trumpeting “Higher education is a successful public-private partnership: Government funding and institutional autonomy.” It was always the aim of second round of public sector reform (“Privatisation 2.0”) to create an education market that could be regulated like public utilities in the UK. And so more
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Student loans: what counts as expenditure in national accounts
Critical Education | Public Interest Higher Education Journalism with a focus on finance
by andrewmcgettigan
3y ago
Economic & Fiscal Outlook, Office for Budgetary Responsibility (March 2021), adapted from Tables 3.14 & 3.26 I have constructed the table above from forecasts for Total Managed Expenditure and Financial Transactions taken from the Office for Budgetary Responsibility’s latest publication (it accompanied Wednesday’s Budget). It shows how newly issued student loans are now split into two components for the purposes of presentation in the National Accounts. The portion of loans that are expected to be repaid are classed as “financial transactions”, while the portion expected to be written more
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New contingent liability recorded against student loan sales
Critical Education | Public Interest Higher Education Journalism with a focus on finance
by andrewmcgettigan
3y ago
Last week’s Supplementary Estimates contained another note of interest for student loans. Under “Note K: Contingent Liabilities” (p. 90) we find that a fifth contingent liability has been added to those associated with the now abandoned sale of student loans. The sale of student loans necessitated warranties and indemnities to secure interest and obtain value for money from investors. These contingent liabilities are in respect of: … e) New EU Securitisation Regulations (Possible CL [contingent liability] in due course). UKGI [UK Government and Investment] are seeking legal counsel to review more
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DfE gets over £13.5billion extra for 2020/21 loan impairments
Critical Education | Public Interest Higher Education Journalism with a focus on finance
by andrewmcgettigan
3y ago
The UK government published its “supplementary estimates” for 2020/21 yesterday. These allocate additional budgetary resources to departments. Education has been given an extra £13.531 billion to cover the estimated losses on student loans issued in the year (April 2020-March 2021) and the likely downwards revisions to the value of already existing loans. The department had an original allowance of roughly £4billion, but was determined by the last comprehensive spending review and had not been revised since Theresa May’s decision to increase the loan repayment threshold in 2017. Last year, an more
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DfE committed to £200m of contracts for loan sale that’s not proceeding
Critical Education | Public Interest Higher Education Journalism with a focus on finance
by andrewmcgettigan
3y ago
Page 221 of the Department for Education’s 2019/20 financial statement contains the note reproduced above. The sale programme for “pre-2012” student loans was cancelled in March. But DfE looks like it will be paying out over £30million per year for the next few years to financiers anyway. Total liabilities are booked above at over £220million more
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£11 billion of “Supplements” used for loans
Critical Education | Public Interest Higher Education Journalism with a focus on finance
by andrewmcgettigan
3y ago
Given the relative absence of higher education from yesterday’s Autumn Statement, I turned my attention to the Department for Education’s 2019/20 annual accounts, which were published earlier this month. Regarding student loans, we have been in something of a hiatus since 2018, when Theresa May announced an review of post-18 funding and commissioned the Augar panel, which reported last summer. Although there were suggestions that we might get a long overdue response to the latter yesterday, we will probably have to wait now until the Budget next March, when the government will hope to have a b more
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