Quiet as a feather
Vanessa Loder – Empowering Women thru Life Coaching, Workshops, & Retreats
by Vanessa Loder
7M ago
This time of year there’s a collective hustle and bustle. An urgent need to wrap up year-end projects, wrap up presents for family, friends and neighbors.  We’re wrapping up things for everyone else… and yet we neglect to wrap ourselves in the stillness and bone deep rest that our nervous systems need. As Mary Oliver says; ***** “Today I’m flying low and I’m not saying a word. I’m letting all the voodoos of ambition sleep. The world goes on as it must, the bees in the garden rumbling a little, the fish leaping, the gnats getting eaten. And so forth. But I’m taking the day off. Quiet as ..read more
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Top 3 lessons from launching a book (quick favor)
Vanessa Loder – Empowering Women thru Life Coaching, Workshops, & Retreats
by Vanessa Loder
10M ago
Wowza – it’s been exactly one year TODAY that The Soul Solution book was launched!! Thank you for being part of this book’s journey into the world. I’m so grateful to you, and to this community for all your support and encouragement.  If you haven’t yet bought the book – please do!!(here’s a link to all the places it’s sold) I’d also *really* appreciate an Amazon review, it makes a big difference!(here’s a starter guide with sample reviews to make it easy) If you’re interested in a bulk book order, I’d be happy to speak at your company, event, team offsite, book club, or wherev ..read more
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Uncomfortable? Discomfort is a sign that you’ve outgrown an old way of living
Vanessa Loder – Empowering Women thru Life Coaching, Workshops, & Retreats
by Vanessa Loder
10M ago
A woman in our Soul Circle recently went back to work after a sabbatical. She set up clear boundaries with her time, including no more than 20 hours of scheduled meetings per week (to which another woman said – 20 hours?! That’s more than I ever do) and other parameters to make space for what brings her joy.  Still, work has felt like a slog.  Meetings and conversations that used to interest her feel heavy.  Why? Because she’s outgrown who she used to be. We’re outgrowing our old selves constantly. And yet we pretend this isn’t happening. Imagine if you were in high school and ..read more
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Trying to make a decision? Here’s a quick tool to access your body wisdom
Vanessa Loder – Empowering Women thru Life Coaching, Workshops, & Retreats
by Vanessa Loder
11M ago
Energy is moving fast these days.  New solutions are being born. New consciousness is emerging rapidly. People are less willing to put up with old, outdated situations + suffering.  It’s all very exciting…and sometimes so vast, it’s overwhelming!  How do you move forward in a world that feels like shifting sand under your feet? Struggling to make a decision – try this. If you’re trying to figure out your next step or decide between various options, here’s one of my favorite, quick tools to access your body wisdom. Stand Your Ground: Step 1. Write each option on a separate p ..read more
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How to be more productive by optimizing your energy, not your time
Vanessa Loder – Empowering Women thru Life Coaching, Workshops, & Retreats
by Vanessa Loder
1y ago
Welcome to all our new community members from Quility and beyond! It was such a joy to keynote at the Women’s + and mainstage events last week at the Bellco theater in Denver, CO.  Here are a couple of behind the scenes pics from the event: (It was fun being in the greenroom, knowing all these famous comedians like Tina Fey, Jerry Seinfield and Amy Poehler were in the same dressing room!) For those of you who haven’t had a chance to sign up, don’t forget to register for tomorrow’s (Wednesday) Visioning Workshop 9-11am PST.  I’ll be leading a longer future self guided visu ..read more
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One of the best, quick tools to get clarity on literally *anything*
Vanessa Loder – Empowering Women thru Life Coaching, Workshops, & Retreats
by Vanessa Loder
1y ago
Today we’re sharing a video from our 21 Day Abundance Challenge… This “Chair Technique” is one of my all time favorite tools to get clarity on literally *anything* and it takes less than 4 minutes: While the example I use in this video is based on your relationship with money, you can use this technique for anything you want. Simply put whatever you want to heal, transform or get clarity on in Chair #2 and follow the same instructions. For example, I’ve done this exercise with clients where we put the Divine Feminine in Chair #2. The result was profound healing and deep insights. Give it ..read more
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This girl ran with flailing arms…and has something important to teach us
Vanessa Loder – Empowering Women thru Life Coaching, Workshops, & Retreats
by Vanessa Loder
1y ago
When I was in undergrad, there was a small indoor gym with an even smaller track. You’d have to run in circles about 837 times to complete one mile. And there was this girl who’d run laps over and over again…with her arms flailing. She just let her arms loose at her sides. “Boneless” like a rag doll. Here’s the full story… It was quite a sight. I still think about it 23 years later. Why has this image stuck in my brain?  Because this girl owned her weird.  She had a way of running that was so unique to her. And she just did it.  This made her unforgettable to me.  We a ..read more
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Here’s how to use self-disclosure to create authenticity and trust with others
Vanessa Loder – Empowering Women thru Life Coaching, Workshops, & Retreats
by Vanessa Loder
1y ago
We often make up stories about people. Like, she must be so confident. Or he thinks his ideas are so superior. But we don’t look under the hood to 1) really get to know the person or 2) check out if our assumptions are true or 3) tell other people how their behavior impacts us. If you want to learn how to figure out what other people think about you (and have been too nervous to tell you) and deepen into self-discovery and building more authentic, trusting relationships, watch this video: Today’s video teaches a simple yet potent framework for improving self-awareness and communication sk ..read more
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Let go of your old story and step into a new one (vomit noises help!)
Vanessa Loder – Empowering Women thru Life Coaching, Workshops, & Retreats
by Vanessa Loder
1y ago
When you describe your life to others, or even in your own mind, what are you saying? What story are you telling about yourself? Our narratives become our reality.  Learn to let go of your old story and step into a new one – vomit noises help! A super quick, fun exercise to shift something in your life is to write or speak out loud the “Old Story” of your situation (ex: my job sucks, no one appreciates me, I have to work really hard to get what I want, my romantic relationship doesn’t really feed me, I have no friends….you get the gist).  Then make a blah noise out loud (I prefe ..read more
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Want to carry a backpack full of rocks or find a precious jewel?
Vanessa Loder – Empowering Women thru Life Coaching, Workshops, & Retreats
by Vanessa Loder
1y ago
In the last few weeks, we talked about how to create identity level change, and how to live from the inside out by allowing your core self to lead the way. Quick recap: The autobiographical self is the ego-based identity that consists of the stories we tell about ourselves or who we think we are. “I’m always on time.” “I’m an overachiever.” “I’m a good mom.”  Our actions often stem from this set of beliefs; “A good mom organizes her kids’ playdates, so I’ll schedule my kids’ playdates.” “A hard worker would finish this proposal, so even though I’m exhausted, I’ll work until 11:30pm to fi ..read more
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