Video Chat Before A First Date Is A Must
Alexis Meads - Dating Coaching For Women | Dating Coach and Dating Expert
by My One Amor
3y ago
Video Chat Before A First Date Is A Must We all Facetime with friends and family. Video chat became the only way to date or meet during the lockdowns. But to video chat before a first date is a must. Although many people use the term Facetime, that is unique to those who own an iPhone. The most popular video chat app is WhatsApp. It is owned by Facebook and has over 5 billion users. That makes it the most used app of its kind in the world by far. If you don’t want to give out their phone number, dating apps like Match and Bumble have video chat functions. As we have talked about before, it’s more
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How To Meet The Right Man When Dating
Alexis Meads - Dating Coaching For Women | Dating Coach and Dating Expert
by My One Amor
5y ago
How To Meet The Right Man When Dating After our article about the issues with women trying to meet quality men, we wanted to publish a little help. Here are some ways how to avoid making mistakes with dating apps and online dating. This will help with how to meet the right man when dating. If you’re a woman new to a dating app then have an open mind and be positive. After you create your profile be prepared for an initial group of not so nice messages from men looking for hookups. It always happens because the apps let everyone know you’re new so you’re low hanging fruit for the creeps. Wha more
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The Pivotal Point in Moving On
Alexis Meads - Dating Coaching For Women | Dating Coach and Dating Expert
by Alexis Meads
5y ago
It’s a tale as old as time. You just broke up with a boyfriend, husband, or long-term partner. Whether you thought he was The One, or the one for the year or month, it never feels good. Breakups are difficult because they represent the loss of a shared promise. Even breakups that make logical sense are still emotionally painful. Moving on can be hard, but there are pivotal roles for self-care to getting past your breakup that can ensure it takes less time to get from breakdown to breakthrough! Here is the Dating with Dignity “Break Over” 4-Step Program to get past your breakup today! Step 1 more
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One of the Most Common Dating Complaints I Hear From Men
Alexis Meads - Dating Coaching For Women | Dating Coach and Dating Expert
by Alexis Meads
5y ago
On my Instagram page I posed the question, “What is your biggest frustration with dating?” Wow, did I get a lot of comments. One of the most interesting replies came from a man’s perspective. Here is what he said: I’ve noticed dating through my 30’s that women tend to not be completely upfront with their true agenda. This is the biggest issue for me as a man. I meet a woman, we decide to date which to me means, let’s get to really know each other and see if we can make this work. Women seem to go into dating with the mindset of we’re about to get married. Hmm…to be fair I don’t know if you l more
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How To Love Yourself Through Dating Disappointments and Heartbreak
Alexis Meads - Dating Coaching For Women | Dating Coach and Dating Expert
by Alexis Meads
5y ago
Dating is risky. It can lead to heartbreak, anger, sadness, and bring up all kinds of feelings of rejection. Feelings that run deep in our subconscious from childhood wounds. It can trigger us in ways that leave us wondering why we even bother looking for love in the first place when it just seems so freaking hard at times. The most serious risk: what if it doesn’t work. But that’s not the only risk. There’s another risk: the risk of not trying. How is not trying a risk? You risk settling and continuing in the same direction in the same way, wondering about other paths and possibilities, beli more
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Why the Idea of “Having It All” Is Damaging Us
Alexis Meads - Dating Coaching For Women | Dating Coach and Dating Expert
by Alexis Meads
5y ago
As I scroll through my Instagram feed I see beautiful glossy images. Images of a gorgeous woman and her boyfriend traveling to exotic places. Wearing clothes I wish I had. Images of moms who seem more organic than me. More “together” than me. Images of homes that are freshly cleaned and styled just right. Images of entrepreneurs who have their side hustle going strong. I follow these people because these are areas of life that interest me. They are meant to be images of inspiration. If that is the case, why do I find myself feeling anxious, guilty, even isolated when I look at them? Why do I more
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10 Helpful Things To Remember When You’re Healing Post Breakup
Alexis Meads - Dating Coaching For Women | Dating Coach and Dating Expert
by Alexis Meads
5y ago
I know how it feels to be crying my eyes out, yet again, over someone that I’ve tried to get over but still loved. Breakups are not only hard, the loss of a relationship can often be just as painful as actually losing a loved one. It makes sense – this person that you loved so deeply, that was such a huge part of your life, is suddenly gone, unreachable, untouchable. The loss is real. Don’t let anyone tell you to just get over it. It’s a loss of the future that you had pictured with him. A loss of the future family that you imagined. A loss of all of those wonderful moments that you believed more
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10 Different First Date Ideas That Don’t Involve Happy Hour
Alexis Meads - Dating Coaching For Women | Dating Coach and Dating Expert
by Alexis Meads
5y ago
Whenever I was asked out on a first date, it always seemed to be an endless array of happy hour drinks at bars I’d been to multiple times before. Don’t get me wrong, this can be a lot of fun, but it’s nice to mix it up and not feel like you’re gaining the freshman 15 by eating and drinking all week. People often ask me for first date suggestions that don’t involve too much commitment. And I get it, if you’re just not feeling it, you want to be able to quickly get out of dodge. However, by thinking this way it means that you’re anticipating a date going poorly…first. Why not anticipate a date more
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You Can Just Peel The Potatoes.
Alexis Meads - Dating Coaching For Women | Dating Coach and Dating Expert
by Alexis Meads
5y ago
“You can pray to God while peeling the potatoes. Or, you can just peel the potatoes.” My sister said this to me over the phone, as we were busy catching up from her trip to Nepal. She lived in Nepal for five months, and was telling me the lessons she learned from the people she described as the happiest people in the world. Of course, I wanted to know ‘the secret’. I told my sister how much I enjoyed the philosophies behind Buddhism, but wasn’t sure how to practice on my own. I figured it was easier for the Nepalese, as they’re immersed in such a spiritual culture. This was an excuse. I could more
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25 Tiny But Valuable Ways To Practice the Art of Self-Care
Alexis Meads - Dating Coaching For Women | Dating Coach and Dating Expert
by Alexis Meads
5y ago
I’ve gotten requests from a lot of women who have said, okay, I’m working on thinking more positively, but I’d love to have more tangible ways to practice self-love and self-care. I get that. Self-love is not just a concept in our heads. Yes, I talk a lot about releasing negative thoughts and criticism towards yourself and embracing more loving thoughts. I also talk about how our thoughts create our actions and therefore our lives. But, self-love is also a very concrete, realistic thing. The problem is, that we’ve been taught for a long time that if we’re not constantly working hard or taking more
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