gettingthru.org - Holistic Life Coach with EFT Blog
Change Your Life with EFT, Holistic Life Coaching and Healing, and More. Phillip and Jane Mountrose helps people to awaken to their best possible lives and enlist their full potential through Certification Programs, private consultations, publications, and more.
gettingthru.org - Holistic Life Coach with EFT Blog
1w ago
To improve and grow, what do you need? A greater perspective. This leads to greater thinking and feeling, better actions and more resilience. Let’s connect the dots to help put us on solid ground. We’ll draw on scientific findings to show how shifts in thinking, feeling, and acting occur. Specifically, we’ll examine three branches of ...
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The post Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life: Compelling Evidence appeared first on Holistic Life Coach with EFT ..read more
gettingthru.org - Holistic Life Coach with EFT Blog
1M ago
What’s a key indicator of how you experience your life? It’s your emotional and spiritual set point. Your emotional set point is the range of your daily emotions, from high to low, and where you tend to hang out. Learning about your different set points can be revealing and awakening. What’s more, your emotional life ...
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The post Raising Your Emotional-Spiritual Set Point appeared first on Holistic Life Coach with EFT ..read more
gettingthru.org - Holistic Life Coach with EFT Blog
5M ago
Many holistic-minded people feel the pressures of living in a male-dominated society. So how then do we find our own power and our voice? This is a crucial challenge to face. By summoning the courage to do so, you will not only greatly help yourself. You will be able to support others so they too ...
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The post Three Secrets to Claiming Your Power, Finding Your Voice appeared first on Holistic Life Coach with EFT ..read more
gettingthru.org - Holistic Life Coach with EFT Blog
9M ago
Developing Your Spiritual Intelligence
To grow spiritually, what do you need? To develop your spiritual intelligence.
But what actually is spiritual intelligence and how do you develop it? To start, recognize that there are four basic kinds of intelligence: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Also there are some variations and offshoots of different ways to categorize intelligences.
Most people think of IQ as just mental ability, the kind of thinking taught in school. It focuses on memorizing and analyzing. However important this function, it is just one kind of intelligence that ..read more
gettingthru.org - Holistic Life Coach with EFT Blog
10M ago
Many holistic people tell us they have always been a person who others come to for advice. This may be free or professional advice. This begs the question: how do you give good [soulful] advice?
Of course, people don’t want others to tell them how to live their life. Instead, it’s good to be able to authentically support others, whether they are a friend or client. In other words, you want to be in a heart-centered place to truly help them.
Here then are three ways to take a soulful approach.
1. Be the best listener you can be.
Before offering advice (we’ll suggest how to do that in a moment ..read more
gettingthru.org - Holistic Life Coach with EFT Blog
1y ago
Have you ever wondered this: Why am I living on earth now?
Yes, your soul has a plan for you (more details in a moment). And once you connect with this custom-made plan, then how do you get the most out of it?
Awakening to Your Soul’s Plan
As we awaken, we have a growing understanding that life has more meaning and direction than we had previously realized.
Since childhood, we continue to be greatly influenced by society’s norms and dictates. This stage includes still being under the programming we received from parents and authority figures. For example, “act like a man” and “a woman’s place ..read more
gettingthru.org - Holistic Life Coach with EFT Blog
1y ago
How do you create your best life and fulfill your purpose? For success, you need three main ingredients to make things come together and be in the flow of your best life.
So here are the three essentials: knowledge, tools and support. This potent, alchemical mixture fuels your purpose, which comes from a dream of a greater, fulfilling life.
With the above elements, you create not only a wonderful life for yourself. Your life links to creating a better world. You then play your unique part in raising the world’s consciousness and connectedness.
As you may know, to realize your dream ..read more
gettingthru.org - Holistic Life Coach with EFT Blog
1y ago
[Note: This is an updated article originally posted in March 2015]
Many people are much closer to living their life purpose than they think. Yet there’s a myth that can blind us to our deeper purpose …
The faulty thinking goes something like this: “I just need to know exactly what I’m here to do. Then when it’s clear to me, I can successfully live my life purpose and fulfill my mission.” Here’s the problem. Your purpose isn’t an exact thing to do. It’s not one narrow, fixed task you are meant to accomplish.
Let’s explore this myth about life purpose a bit more so we can be free from its spell ..read more
gettingthru.org - Holistic Life Coach with EFT Blog
1y ago
Your life purpose lets you live deeply, breathe deeply and you can turn your life into a work of art.
It creates a a life rich with meaning and connection, for yourself and others’ benefit.
As you are guided by a deeper purpose, you live as a meaningful specific, rather than a wandering generality, as Zig Ziglar noted. You are motivated from within, not following the dictates of others.
In short, your purpose is precious and invaluable. Let’s examine five crucial parts of being on purpose and the wonderful life it will create for you.
1. Feeling good about yourself.
Life is a mixed bag, with s ..read more
gettingthru.org - Holistic Life Coach with EFT Blog
1y ago
How blissful are you? And for that matter, what is “bliss”?
Like happiness, bliss can be a feeling (“I’m feeling blissful”) as well as a state of awareness (“I am in bliss”).
Joseph Campbell, renown scholar and author, famously gave the advice to “follow your bliss.” He connected this intention to the hero’s journey and following your deeper passion.
To put things in perspective, a blissful journey sometimes is fun and spontaneous. It can also involve challenges, with no easy fixes or instant gratification.
In this context, following your bliss means engaging your body-mind-spirit with g ..read more