August Book List – Read 100 Books Goal 2024
Big Vision Life Coach
by Paul Simos
3d ago
August Book List – Read 100 Books Goal 2024   August Book List—100 Books Goal 2024. One of my goals for 2024 is to read 100 business-related books. I want to read 100 books in 2024 and apply certain principles from each book. Knowledge is excellent, but how can it produce results if not applied daily? We live in a world of cause and effect, so we must act. The following is a list of the books I completed in July 2024 as part of my goal. I read an average of 9 books per month until December 2024. July Book List Metabolical – Dr Robert Lustig – Completed Tiny Habits – BJ Fogg – Completed more
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The Role of Humor in Leadership: Why Laughing Matters.
Big Vision Life Coach
by Paul Simos
3d ago
The Role of Humor in Leadership: Why Laughing Matters. The Role of Humor in Leadership: Why Laughing Matters. “A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower.   Imagine entering a high-stakes meeting where tensions rise, and your leader cracks a light-hearted joke that sends laughter across the room. Instantly, the atmosphere shifts, and what seemed like an insurmountable problem now feels more manageable. This is the subtle power of humor in leadership. In the high-pressure world of executive leadership more
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Mastering Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for Executives
Big Vision Life Coach
by Paul Simos
1w ago
Mastering Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for Executives. Mastering Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for Executives. “Communication is the most important skill any leader can possess”. – Richard Branson. Introduction: Effective public speaking and presentation skills are vital for executives looking to lead with impact and influence. These skills enable leaders to articulate their vision, inspire their teams, and persuade stakeholders, fostering trust and confidence in their leadership. In a competitive business landscape, the ability to deliver clear, compelling, and engaging more
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Decision-Making Mastery for Executives
Big Vision Life Coach
by Paul Simos
2w ago
Decision-Making Mastery for Executives Introduction: Decision-Making Mastery for Executives. In the fast-paced and ever-evolving business world, executives are constantly faced with decisions that can significantly impact their organizations and careers. From strategic planning to daily operations, making informed, timely, and effective decisions is a crucial skill that separates successful leaders. However, decision-making is only sometimes straightforward. It involves navigating complexities, balancing various factors, and sometimes making tough calls under pressure. Understanding and mast more
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Mastering Self-Communication
Big Vision Life Coach
by Paul Simos
3w ago
Mastering Self-Communication: The First Step to Effective Leadership. “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.” – Peter Drucker Mastering Self-Communication: The First Step To Effective Leadership. To be influential leaders and communicators and lead others, we must first know how to lead and communicate to ourselves. Can you lead and follow your instructions to yourself? I will arrive at the meeting before 9 a.m. I will go to the gym at 6 a.m. When I hear something that upsets me, I take five deep breaths before responding! If we don’t listen to ourselves and more
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The Reboot – A Business Executive’s Journey
Big Vision Life Coach
by Paul Simos
1M ago
The Reboot – A Business Executive’s Journey The Reboot—A Business Executive’s Journey. John Williams sat in his corner office, the city skyline stretching. Once a symbol of his success, it now felt like a prison. At 48, John was the CEO of a thriving tech firm, but the price of his success was steep. Chronic fatigue had become his constant companion, and despite the prestigious title and hefty paycheck, he felt a persistent sense of lethargy and low energy. John dragged himself out of bed every morning, dreading the day ahead. Meetings blended, and decisions that once came quickly now felt mo more
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Lifelong Learning
Big Vision Life Coach
by Paul Simos
1M ago
Lifelong Learning Lifelong Learning. Why do we want to adopt the mindset or habit of being lifelong learners? Here are three people you may know who have an opinion on the subject. Warren Buffett: “The more you learn, the more you earn.” Albert Einstein: “Once you stop learning, you start dying.” Henry Ford: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” These three well-known and famous contributors to the world see lifelong learning from different perspectives, but they all value it highly. Depending on what you learn, it will impac more
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NLP For Modern Leaders & Communicators
Big Vision Life Coach
by Paul Simos
1M ago
NLP For Modern Leaders & Communicators. Join us for an enriching six-day training on NLP for Modern Leaders and Communicators. It is designed for those looking to enhance their leadership and communication skills. This International Certification Training (ABNLP) from the American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming offers practical insights into the power of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and its real-life applications. Learn how to connect, inspire, and lead with confidence effectively. An NLP Practitioner course is a voyage of personal and professional discovery. It is one of the more
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July Book List – Read 100 Books Goal 2024
Big Vision Life Coach
by Paul Simos
1M ago
July Book List – Read 100 Books Goal 2024 July Book List—100 Books Goal 2024. One of my goals for 2024 is to read 100 business-related books. I want to read 100 books in 2024 and apply certain principles from each book. Knowledge is excellent, but how can it produce results if not applied daily? We live in a world of cause and effect, so we must act. The following is a list of the books I completed in June 2024 as part of my goal. I read an average of 9 books per month until December 2024. June Book List Who Not How – Dr Benjamin Hardy – Completed Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself – Dr Jo more
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Executive Self-Care: Prioritizing Health in the Fast Lane.
Big Vision Life Coach
by Paul Simos
1M ago
  Executive Self-Care: Prioritizing Health in the Fast Lane. “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Richard Branson. Executive Self-Care. In today’s fast-paced corporate world, executives and professionals are under immense pressure to perform at peak levels. Unfortunately, this relentless drive often comes at a steep cost—our health. Recent trends have highlighted a concerning pattern among high-level executives and business professionals: sudden and unexpected health crises. Despite maintaining busy schedules and often engaging in regular exercise, many execu more
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