Bird Watching HQ
Bird Watching HQ is a fun blog and resource for anyone interested in watching birds. New information and content is being added constantly! If you like what you see, please add your email at the top to get notified of new posts and updates. Happy Birding! Scott
Bird Watching HQ
8M ago
There are hundreds of ant species that live in North America!
Trying to list them all would be impossible. ?
Below are the most common and abundant types of ants, which are part of the insect family Formicidae.
28 ANT SPECIES in North America: #1. Eastern Black Carpenter Ant
Camponotus pennsylvanicus
Adults are dull black and have distinctive white or yellowish hairs on their abdomens.
The largest workers are 0.2-0.6 inches (0.5-1.6 cm) long.
Non-worker reproductive males and females have wings.
Black Carpenter Ants are the most common ants in eastern and central North America.
You ..read more
Bird Watching HQ
10M ago
Tons of grasshopper species live in North America!
Trying to list them all would be impossible. So below, you will find the most common and abundant jumping insects in North America. I did my best to find various types, such as grasshoppers, crickets, and Katydids.
Also, this article ONLY lists INSECTS. If you’re looking for Jumping Spiders, check out this ID Guide: SPIDERS
27 Grasshoppers in North America: #1. Green-striped Grasshopper
Chortophaga viridifasciata
Identifying Characteristics:
Adults are bright, grassy green with some pinkish brown on the legs and head.
They ran ..read more
Bird Watching HQ
10M ago
“Where did all my flowers go?!”
I’ve asked myself this question more than once, and usually, the answer can be summed up with one word -> rabbits!
These creatures are adorable but voracious, and some of their favorite foods are the flowers we work so hard on in our gardens. If you want to plant flowers that rabbits don’t love eating, keep reading!
40 rabbit-resistant plants:
Please keep in mind that it’s possible that rabbits will much on these plants to try them. But, in our experience, they don’t go crazy with the plants listed below.
#1. Allium
Allium spp.
If you’re a plant enthusias ..read more
Bird Watching HQ
10M ago
Do you want to learn about the birds in Hawaii?
This can be an immense challenge because of the sheer number of species. Did you know over 200 species have been recorded here?
As you can imagine, there was no way to include this many birds in the article below. Instead, I focused on the birds most regularly seen and observed on the islands.
COMMON types of birds in Hawaii!
Unfortunately, many of the most numerous birds in Hawaii are not native. I’ve marked each species, whether it’s invasive or native.
#1. Red-crested Cardinal
Paroaria coronata
Invasive to Hawaii.
Red head, crest feathers ..read more
Bird Watching HQ
10M ago
What kinds of water birds can you find in Hawaii?
Due to its proximity to the ocean, you are almost certain to see some type of bird near the water. From ducks to herons to gulls, you will learn the most common water birds you might see in Hawaii below.
In addition to the common name of each bird below, you will also find the Hawaiian name in parentheses. ?
water birds in Hawaii: #1. Laysan Albatross (Moli)
Phoebastria immutabilis
Species is native but not endemic to Hawaii
Huge white seabirds with wingspans of approximately 78 inches (2m).
They have dark patches in front of each eye.&nbs ..read more
Bird Watching HQ
10M ago
There are DOZENS of endemic birds in Hawaii!
Because there are so many, I tried to feature some of the most common below. You will also see which islands you can find them.
Unfortunately, many of the endemic birds in Hawaii are VERY endangered or threatened, mostly due to invasive species and deforestation.
In case you didn’t know, “endemic” means it ONLY lives in that location. So, the birds below are only found in Hawaii. ?
Endemic Birds in Hawaii: #1. ‘Apapane
Himatione sanguine
Found on Maui, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, and the Big Island.
They are most populous on Maui, Kauai, and Hawaii Isla ..read more
Bird Watching HQ
10M ago
There are DOZENS of endemic birds in Hawaii!
Because there are so many, I tried to feature some of the most common below. You will also see which islands you can find them.
Unfortunately, many of the endemic birds in Hawaii are VERY endangered or threatened, mostly due to invasive species and deforestation.
In case you didn’t know, “endemic” means it ONLY lives in that location. So, the birds below are only found in Hawaii. ?
Endemic Birds in Hawaii: #1. ‘Apapane
Himatione sanguine
Found on Maui, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, and the Big Island.
They are most populous on Maui, Kauai, and Hawaii Isla ..read more
Bird Watching HQ
10M ago
What birds of prey can you find in Hawaii?
This question is common, both for birders and non-birders alike. Raptors are popular animals that tend to catch people’s interest more than most other species. While there are not many birds of prey in Hawaii, the ones that do live here are fascinating.
There is even one species that ONLY lives on the Hawaiian Islands. ?
bIRDS OF pREY in Hawaii: #1. Hawaiian Short-eared Owl
Asio flammeus sandwichensis
Subspecies endemic to Hawaii
Found on Maui, Kauai, Oahu, Lanai, Molokai, and the Big Island.
Has large eyes ringed with black, set in a round face ..read more
Bird Watching HQ
1y ago
Finding the best binoculars for your kids is a different process than buying ones for yourself.
That’s because our children have unique needs, and let’s be honest, most parents don’t want to spend an enormous amount of money on their kid’s binoculars because of the fear they are going to get lost or broke.
To help point you in the right direction, this list is organized into three categories. From there, I tried to find the top-rated and best-reviewed binoculars for each price range.
Kid’s Birding Binoculars Over $100: (3 options)
If you are willing to invest over $100, th ..read more
Bird Watching HQ
1y ago
What kinds of ducks can you find in Massachusetts?
Who doesn’t love ducks? Head to almost any water habitat, and you are likely to see at least a few swimming around.
I think you’ll be amazed at how many duck species are found in Massachusetts!
For people who are only ever used to seeing the common Mallard, this list should be incredibly eye-opening! The ducks featured below are most common and most likely to be observed. In reality, the complete list of ducks that may be seen in Massachusetts is even larger!
Here is how the rest of this article is organized: (Click the link to jump to t ..read more